THE GREAT HOAX. Suddenly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT HOAX. Suddenly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has become a threat worthy of American missiles. For almost two years President Obama completely ignored the biggest and most brutal terror group in the Middle East, allowing it to balloon into a regional power. No matter how many heads it severed or how much territory it conquered, ISIS just couldn’t draw Obama’s attention. As ISIS was conquering ever-expanding territories Obama was supposedly waging a “war on terror” around the globe, drone-bombing any would-be bogeyman in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. But when a real bogeyman emerged, Obama ignored it, and so did the U.S. media, which instead followed Obama’s warmongering gaze to Ukraine, while plagiarizing the president’s endless excuse-making for Israel’s genocidal conduct in Gaza. For well over two years ISIS and other al-Qaeda-style groups have been the main driving force in the Syrian war that has claimed over 170,000 lives, with millions made refugees. And now, suddenly, Obama wants to intervene for “humanitarian” reasons to fight ISIS. But the actual reason that ISIS attracted Obama’s missiles is that the terror group did something unforgivable: It has finally threatened “U.S. interests,” whereas before the interests of ISIS and Obama were perfectly aligne. (Shamus Cooke). The then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in December 2009 in a cable released by Wikileaks that Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, the Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan] and more recently the ISIS while it was still in Iraq and did left yet for Syria. The fact that Saudi Arabia was financing the ISIS was hidden only to the populations. In fact, Washington was so much after Bashir Al Assads scalp that financing the ISIS against him was not considered as something sooo criminal by Obamas administration. When the five miles long convoy composed of the SUVs of the 15.000 ISIS terrorists crossed the border and entered in Iraq, the US spy satellites remained blind and the NSA, PRISM and the ECHELON remained deaf, and technically this is just absolutely odd and even impossible. Why did the United States let Saudi Arabia finance the ISIS, why did it let this terrorist group get back to Iraq, why did it stay silent about it, and also why our free Media remained silent about all this ? Well never get any answer to these questions of course. We know that for at least a decade Saudi Arabia is engaged in a jihad against Tehrans Mullahs and broader against the Shiites whom the Wahabits consider as heretics. Indeed, Saudi Arabia is also repressing the Shiites in Bahrain and in Yemen where Riyadh launched Al Qaeda against the Shiite tribe of the Houthies. In 1994, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar the Shiite backed by Tehrans Pasdarans saw his power growing in Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia financed and armed 15.000 mercenaries in Pakistan, called them Talibans, and with Pakistani secret police (ISI) help and Washington blessing sent these guys in Afghanistan where they defeated Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and aborted Tehrans ambition. Yet, we know the rest of the story and how the Talibans became an enormous problem for Washington, just like Stanine became an enormous problem after having been used as a weapon against Hitler, right ? Later, when Obama became President, the US administration never stopped Saudi Arabia in its financing of the ISIS maybe because Washingtons target was also Tehrans Mullahs and their possible bomb ? The connivence between Washington and Riyadh in using Islamic terrorism as a weapon is not new anyway even though it was always hazardous and often backfired against its pyromaniac users. In intern notes, the US State Department has estimated that over the past three decades Riyadh has invested more than $10bn into Wahabit integrist charity organizations of which 15 to 20 per cent went directly to terrorist networks including Al Qaeda and more recently including the ISIS. The money the ISIS received from Saudi Arabia while in Syria is estimated by some Middle East experts as roughly reaching one billion dollar ! Also, the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, acknowledged that in a conversation with prince Bandar, this latter let him know Saudi Arabia was aiming at eradicating Shiites. Ron Paul, the twice candidate for Presidency, criticized Obamas administration for the action of the US National Endowment for Democracy in Syria and how this organization financed and engineered the revolt there. The evidence about Saudi Arabia financing ISIS and Washington closing its Lone Masonic Eye on this criminal action are just numerous and only the one who doesnt want to see remains blind upon them. So stop trying to indoctrinate and confuse us since the way the Western Media is brinwashing us today resembles a lot what the Pravda did under the Soviet Union reign. The big mistake of the Masons which are at the helm of the White House was to remove my regreted uncle, the late Shah of IRAN, through an awful plot. Washington spent 400 million dollar just to organize the street demonstrations, sent the US general Heiser to disconnect the army, BBC brodcasted on a daily basis and in live Khomeiny speech which one could listen to on any tiniest FM radio, and the Iranian Masons finished the job on the ground. My uncle warned us about how evil and dangerous were the Masons and today at the light of all that is happening I can see their evilness has practically no end. I call my fellow Iranians to abandon Islam and return to Zoroastrianism which is our spirituality given to us by Ahura Mazda. Islam is good for the Arabs who are fond cutting heads. BE KHÔD Â ! Ali Pahlavi (Zoroastrian first name: Yima).
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 08:40:00 +0000

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