THE GREAT OPOSUM SAGA It all started last Friday. About 5 am the - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT OPOSUM SAGA It all started last Friday. About 5 am the dogs and I went out, as usual, to feed the horses. After I finished and was walking into the house I noticed the dogs standing around staring at something in the driveway. So, I went to stare too. And, to my surprise, it was a fairly large, dead opossum. Just what I needed before work. I called the dogs into the house. Oddly, they parted with the opossum with no hesitation. Usually, they are reluctant to part with something they have hunted. As I went out to dispose of the body, I marveled at what large teeth it had. Then I noticed it looked as though it was breathing. Soon an eyelid fluttered. The little beast was playing opossum. No body disposal needed. I went into the house, and John and I peeked out the window to watch it slowly come alive, stand up, and walk away. Unfortunately, it walked away right onto the porch. I pushed at it with the door. Then it skittered under the porch. I had to finish getting ready for work. The dogs were in the front yard so I figured all was well. Shortly, John yelled for me to come look. Reese had escaped from the yard, caught the critter again and dragged it back to the driveway. It played dead, we called Reese in, and all was as before. I had to leave for work! When I got home from work I noticed Reese had what looked like a puncture wound on her leg. Of course I assumed it was a opossum bite, so to the vet we went. But, at least the opossum was gone. Turned out the wound was just coincidental and not a bite. Saturday night, as usual, the dogs barked periodically at bumps in the night. About 11:00pm I got off the couch to go to bed. Much to my surprise, Reese delivered a large furry gift laying it in the middle of the dining room. Yes, it was a opossum about 3/4 Reeses size -- playing dead in the middle of my house. John and I tried to pick it up with a snow shovel -- not wanting to be near the large teeth. Then it decided to get off the shovel and walk into the bathroom. Now what do we do? We were finally able to encourage it into a garbage can. After which we put the lid on, the three of us hopped into the truck and went for a moon light ride. So at 11pm we relocated Mr. Opossum. Hopefully this is the end of the opossum story.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:55:50 +0000

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