THE GREAT ORDINARY WAY :) These days everyone wants to get - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT ORDINARY WAY :) These days everyone wants to get noticed and stand out from the crowd.Everyone craves for his few seconds of fame and will go to any extent to achieve it.We all want to be different and extraordinary.Parents constantly urge their children to do something out of the ordinary; and in our own jobs and careers, we dont want to settle for the routine. Why this mad rush to be extraordinary? Is being ordinary really to be looked down upon? Can we imagine life without the ordinary joys like the lovely fragrance of the flowers, the sound of the gentle lapping of waves against the sea shore, the spontaneous gurgles of joy of toddlers, the warm hug of your loved ones.All these are ordinary gifts of daily life which makes living such an extraordinary and joyful process.And let none of us underestimate the incomparable power of an ordinary smile to a person in trouble or a simple, kind encouraging word to a person in despair.When we do ordinary things mindfully and with full sincerity, it becomes magical.Each one of us is unique and exceptional and should dance to our own rhythm, be it in the role of a housewife, doctor or sportsman.The main thing is not to strain to be different but allowing yourself to be, and your essential goodness to shine through.As Osho says, Everybody is after being extraordinary and incomparable.And the paradox is that the more u try to be exceptional, the more ordinary u look, because everybody is after extraordinariness. It is such an ordinary desire. Instead of evaluating and comparing ourselves against others and envying others good fortunes or talents and moaning our lack of it, we should be grateful for the umpteenth sources of joy in our daily life.We dont need to strive to be different or recognized.Nature does not strain but grows effortlessly and gracefully.So can we. :)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:45:43 +0000

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