THE GREAT SATAN AMERICAN ANTI-HINDHU TERROR EXPOSE..!! ( see RSS in Threat Groups under Group Profiles of the website terrorism pz ) Is working in favour of Hindhus a Terror activity ? It is clear American Chrishitians are Anti-Hindu..! Why America is Anti-Hindu ? Because, destroying Hindhuism means destroying and capturing India...As the convertees will automatically tow their line..! Is this the basis of funding and Forcing pakistan/ Taliban, Naxals, NDFB(S), etc., to indulge in terror activities, including the recent thwarted boat Attack, border firing, assam killings, bomb blasts, air craft abduction plans, etc., against India ......despite Nawaz Sherif/ Pakis willing for friendship with Indian Modi Govt ? Is it not the reason for putting pressure against Nawaz Sherif through funding and organising protests against him utilising Imran Khan..!? The Americans talking of violence against Chrishitian community during BJP regimes..! Who are they ? They were all Indians..! And, now they have become their Chrishitian community !!? Have they become their people !!? Does western chrishitians get the rights on the innocent Indian Hindhus once they are tacitly brainwashed to bow down before a western face on pretext of religion ? The real motive of their heavy funding for conversions is now clearly exposed..! They want to take Indians into their control through Chrishitianity and they want to become their masters and their spokespersons..! Now, the RSS is definitely a big hindrance for them as it strengthens Hindhuism and no wonder seems to be a terror outfit for them...! They want a weakened Hindhu community for easy conversions..! Waw...anti-Hindu terrorists are good Taliban for them..! And those who are not favouring conversion to chrishitianity are terrorists..!? The website typically is biased against Hindhus and is instigative of Hindu-Muslim conflict which is the tactic of chrishitians to achieve their agenda through Muslims ultimately blaming Islam too..! Killing Two birds in one shot..! Now, RSS should file defamation case against the website..! Why not we enlist the Evangelists/ Missioneries as Terror outfits working against Indians ? Why not we ban the Churches which are getting heavily funded and spreading hatred against Hindus/Indians..! HOW DARE RSS IS BRANDED A TERROR OUTFIT, WHILE MISSIONERIES ARE THE REAL TERROR OUTFITS..! terrorism/2014/04/26/rashtriya-swayamsevak-sangh-rss/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:37:14 +0000

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