THE GREAT SATAN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN WORLD TERROR AGENDA..!! They got more than 17 Trillion dollars loan from UN..! No data of repaying of interest also available in UN website..! ( UK too having 10 Trillion US dollars as UN debt...for such a small population...what for ? ) All that debt money being invested in creating conflicts around the non-christian world and pursuing their political agenda through a carefully organised brainwashing and subduing of gullible minds in the name of religion....making people bow to foreign face on the pretext of prayer..!! They find a dividing factor and always side with a minor group of that factor within a society..! They instigate the minor group through funding and arming...thus creating a power imbalance which lead to disharmony and conflicts..! In Srilanka, they found the divisive factor as language and from the days of colonial rule they were one sidedly empowering the Tamils neglecting the Singalese in every manner..! After independence too they pursued the agenda and resorted to arming them and encouraging them in armed conflict against the sinhalese Buddhist nation..! In Iraq, they found the sunni/shia factor among muslims and they favoured the sunnis and they have made the conflict within them by arming and funding the sunnis...and organising the ISIS..!! Between India and Pakistan they favoured the weaker country again by heavy funding and arming ...and forcing them to pursue an agenda against India by entrapping them in Kashmir issue..! Similarly, Within India, they are pursuing am agenda of dividing the Hindus and Muslims by funding and favouring Muslims..and also creating terror outfits..! They are dividing the Hindus on the lines of forward caste/ SC or ST and creating conflicts..! There is also an agenda to divide Hindus on the lines of Shivites and Vaishnavites..! Huge funds are being invested into India by US allegedly through Singapore/Mumbai route for pursuing all these agenda..! The tribals are being funded and armed and brainwashed as though the Nation originally only belongs to them...but, once they will be utilised to fight and sacrifice their lives, the foreigners will enjoy the fruits..! Targeting Hinduism is the only way to reinvade us and they are indulging in all the tactics..! The Congress which was formed by the British to pursue their agenda post-independence has fulfilled their desire in every total antiHindu agenda/ Hindu Muslim divide/creating minority ministry on religious lines and providing all type of incentives despite a secular constitution/ creating reservation based on religion etc., / compromising national security by neglecting defence updating/ encouraging christian terror in the psudoname of naxalism and maoism/ christianising all important public appointments / mismanaging all temples etc., With the active support of christian antinational congress, the western agencies have procured most of our Media, they indulge in selectivekilling of Hindu leaders/ they are publishing and spreading false Hindu literature, brainwashing and doing conversions etc., organising thousands of NGOs and most of them are utilised to stall any National development projects, giving international awards to western loyal antinational individuals etc., ..the list is endless..! EITHER AWAKE EARLY ...OR, SUCCUMB SLOWLY..! NO OTHER CHOICES..! JAI HIND..!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:50:03 +0000

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