THE GREATEST HUMAN SCIENTIST–BUDDHA. ==================================== (My (Chakradhar Hadke’s) article published in periodical -- PROBUDDHA JAGAT, Buddha Vihar, Mandir Marg, New Delhi 110 001, June 2000, P-28). An eminent fighter David Lloid George stated in his speech on March 29, 1915, “We are fighting with Germany, Austria and drink and as far as I can see the greatest of these deadly foes is drink. (Ref.: Boo: Quotation from the Great Masters). In view of the above, we can realize that how the Buddha is the Greatest ever by giving one of the doctrines of Pancha-Sheel, before 2500 years ago, i.e. refrain from drink or any kind of intoxication. All teachings of Buddha emphasized in killing the enemy within self without any external means i.e. god, soul and anything supernatural. Any individual who tread on path of Buddha becomes perfect human being. Therefore, Dr. Ambedkar stated in his speech at Khatmandu (countering Karl Marx’s philosophy),”If we all become as one-tenth enlightened as the Buddha was, we can bring about the change with Dhamma –happiness, peace, justice and goodwill.”(I, the author, has this Khatmandu Speech’s audio recorded CD in immortal voice of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar). I believe that there exists human science in the world for converting animal man into gentle man/virtuous man and those who follow and implement human science i.e. living philosophy tend to lead to happiness and peace. Thomas Alva Edison invented bulb, which nobody can deny the scientific invention on seeing bulb’s light. The scientific invention (in material science) is universal. Similarly, Buddha’s doctrines i.e. Trisaran, Four Noble truths, Pancha-Sheel, Noble Eight fold path, Ten fold path (Noble ten Parimitas) and other entire teachings of the Buddha, are nothing but inventions in the field of human science as the Buddha is the greatest Human Scientist ever lived on the earth by giving living philosophy to the world. Though there exists as many as around 300 religions in the world, but Buddha’s doctrines are incomparable because other than the Buddha gave more or less speculative philosophy. In long roll of time i.e. 2500 years, the Buddha’s doctrines still remain unchanged, despite man entered into Hi-Fi jet age, computer age and information age, scientific and technological advancement is at its pinnacle hight. “This is because Buddha’s Dhamma is convincingly honest as it embraces and welcomes scientific discoveries hitherto and also goes beyond i.e. towards Human Science. Dhamma is indeed the timeless i.e. no effect of time to the doctrines of Buddha.” Such are the golden words of the renowned scientist-cum-great humanist in the millennium - Sir Elbert Einstein, while paying tribute to the Buddha. Dhamma’s book of Research and Development (R&D) is open ever. Dhamma is a complete research of life by a man (The Buddha) for welfare of entire human beings on the earth. (Ref: Col. Henry Steel Olcott, Book: Buddhist Catechism, 1890): It must be borne in mind that the doctrine does not belong to Buddhism which do not adhere to logic, wisdom, science, timeless laws of nature and human science (humanity). No religion on the earth so confidently and adventurously embraced scientific discoveries except Buddhism. (Ref:Arnold Adwin, Book: Light of Asia -The Buddha): I would repeatedly and repeatedly say that modern science and the Buddhism have close intellectual bond in their middle. THE BUDDHA TO GREAT PHILOSOPHERS AND UNBIASED THINKER, HE IS A TEACHER WHO UNDERSTOOD WORLDLY CONDITIONS IN THEIR PROPER PERSPECTIVE. TO MORALISTS, HE HAS THE HIGHEST CODE OF DISCIPLINE AND HE SYMBOLIZES PERFECTION. TO RATIONALISTS, HE IS THE MOST LIBERAL MINDED RELIGIOUS TEACHER WHO UNDERSTOOD THE VEXED HUMAN PROBLEMS. TO FREE THINKERS, HE IS A RELIGIOUS TEACHER WHO ENCOURAGED PEOPLE TO THINK FREELY WITHOUT DEPENDING ON RELIGIOUS DOGMAS. TO AGNOSTICS, HE IS A VERY INTELLIGENT, KIND, UNDERSTANDING AND PEACE LOVING MAN. TO HINDUS, HE IS ONE OF THE INCARNATIONS OF THEIR GOD. TO SOCIALISTS, HE IS A SOCIAL REFORMER. TO RELIGIOUS DEVOTEES, HE IS A HOLY MAN. REF :- FLOWER OF MANKIND BY REV. K. DHAMMANANDA. ( MALAYSIA ). In view of this let us see the Buddha in eye of Human Scientist and make him universal rather than mere founder of Buddhism. Compiled by Chakradhar Hadke
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:09:04 +0000

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