THE GREATEST LIE... The greatest lie that you have ever - TopicsExpress


THE GREATEST LIE... The greatest lie that you have ever believed is that you are somehow not enough. That you are somehow not worthy of the greatest love ever known, or possibly of any love at. My friends, your beauty is indescribable! The task however is to remember how worthy you are! The flower does not question if it deserves sunlight, it gratefully accepts it and allows it to nourish it. Likewise, you should not question if you deserve the love of the Infinite Presence. The Light of a thousands suns burns in the heart of all men and women, it is the spark of the Divine innately yours and all others. You feel these words in the depths of your heart yet you question, How can this be possible? My friends, you are truly and wholly worthy of Divine Love, of love from your parent, of love from your crush, but mostly of love from yourself. Worth is a funny thing because along the way as you compared yourself to others and saw traits in others that you felt you did not possess, you began to question how wonderful you were. You began to think you werent as pretty as Shelby, or as athletic as John, or as smart as Rachel, or as funny as Ryan or whatever. And as you perpetuated these comparisons you continually began to think less and less of yourself until you began to see your self as not only mediocre, but unworthy. And now you are reading this, agreeing with each word upon this letter and wondering how do I get out? How do I get back to that place where I fell I deserve love? Where I feel the joy and stillness in my heart. The answer is you must find silence and stillness within your heart. You must quiet the noise in your head, the doubt in your mind, the callous of unbelief and find that always-gleaming inner diamond, the spark of your soul. You must contemplate why you ARE worthy of love. You must overcome all the rocks in your path that you had placed and realized that they were pebbles of ignorance, of self-hate, and recognize that only you can remove them. They will require dexterity and skill but trust that you have all the support of the world at your disposal. Ask for guidance, and allow the answers to move through you. You are beauty, you are peace, you are Love. I wish you the joy of release and faith on your journey!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:38:20 +0000

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