THE GREEN 15 10-DAY GSC CHALLENGE ENTRY PART 1: On August 14th, - TopicsExpress


THE GREEN 15 10-DAY GSC CHALLENGE ENTRY PART 1: On August 14th, little did I know when I walked in Barnes & Noble that I would lay eyes on a little book that would change my life forever. Fast forward - After completing my initial 10-day cleanse with amazing results, I convinced a few of my friends and family to enter the GSC challenge with me. Our challenge was centered on meditating on Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” daily. This transformation story is told from the eyes of the team leader. The Green 15 lost a total of 131.6 pounds and 50 plus inches overall. First up is “Agile” Anita: When I first told Anita I wanted her to do this challenge with me she did not hesitate one bit. She really didn’t have any weight to lose, but she wanted to support me and the others on the team because that’s want awesome friends do. She didn’t waste any time reading her book, getting mentally prepared and going shopping for her ingredients. She even went out and bought a new blender after Day 2 when her old one started acting up. Her biggest transformation came in the form of ENDING HER CRAVINGS and desire for sweets every day. She could not believe how her taste buds changed in just 10 days. She plans to continue with a smoothie a day. Up next is “Determined” Dorable: Dorable knew she had to make a change so she jumped on board quickly. She was becoming addicted to caffeine. She also wanted to end her cravings for sweets and work towards getting off blood pressure medicine. Her first four days were the toughest and she probably had the worst detox symptoms out of the group but she was determined and pressed through it. Her transformation came in the form of HEIGHTENED ENERGY. Yes, she lost quite a bit of weight and her pressure came down but she is running around like a little energizer bunny with the drive to do more with her family and most importantly more for herself. And then we have “Capable” Katrina: She drives a little over 100 miles ONE WAY to work each day. During the cleanse, she was capable of drinking over 60 ounces of liquids (smoothies and water) and stopping only once to use the restroom before she got to work. She probably had the greatest challenges because of her long commute to and from work but she hung in there. When she first started out, she loved the smoothies so much she had drank both of them before she made it to work. She had to learn discipline fairly quick though, because when that hunger kicked in, it was no joke. She loved the results she got on the scales so she is continuing with the modified cleanse to continue her transformation of WEIGHT LOSS. “Gentle” Gerri: Gerri is very thoughtful and kind. She will help you in any way she can. This GSC journey was an adjustment for her but she was not going to be defeated because it’s not a part of her nature. “King” Kolin is her husband so he was right there by her side. She had ups and downs but she kept things moving and stayed focused. At the end of this journey, she felt awesome, she lost weight and inches and her clothes are looser. Her transformation brought about a renewed spirit of PERSEVERANCE. Next up is “Gracious” Glenda: I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Glenda in person since she’s all the way in Lafayette, but I have communicated with her through texts and emails. She is the sister of one of our team members. I call her “Gracious” because she always lets me know she was thankful for the motivational messages I sent out daily. She saw noteworthy weight loss with inches gone; however, her greatest transformation is STAYING HYDRATED with her ability to drink over a 100 ozs of water each day. She did that! “Jazzy” Joan: I call her “Jazzy” because she looks good in anything she wears. She has a body that most women would kill for, but she works very hard to keep it that way. She didn’t think twice when I asked her to join us. She works out faithfully at the local gym and she eats healthy majority of the time. Although, she was under the weather going into the cleanse, she stayed committed. Her greatest transformation is IMPROVED SKIN. She said her complexion is clearer and she can go without makeup more often. She’s already receiving compliments and questions on what she’s doing to lose weight, but like I alluded to earlier she already looks good. What can I say, he’s “King” Kolin: I gave him that name because out of all the team members who have husbands including myself, he was the only one who stepped up to the plate and joined us. Although he was skeptical in the beginning, he is now a believer in the GSC. Standing at about 6’6” tall, his transformation is large and in charge, in the form of BLOOD PRESSURE. When he started the cleanse, he was taking his blood pressure medication as usual but after a couple days, he felt different like he was getting sick so he checked his blood pressure. It was 100/69 which was too low for him. He immediately made the necessary adjustments and pressed on. He said to me, “If I remained on this “diet,” I’d have to stop taking those pills.” I wasn’t sure how to take that so I said “That would be a great thing, don’t you think?” He said “Absolutely!!” My friend, “Lovable” Lisa: You can’t help but love her because she is one of the hardest working ladies I know. She is a journalist, author, teacher, wife, mother and the list goes on. She doesn’t lie idle at all but everything she does is for someone else and not herself. It took her a minute to get on board because she was worried about everything she had to do for everyone else would be negatively impacted until the “light bulb went off.” She realized if she didn’t take care of herself, she might not be in a position to take care of everybody else. She was in shock when she saw results after three days – weight loss, inches gone and non-scale victories. Her most accomplished transformation is realizing she can actually put her HEALTH AND WELL-BEING first and still be able to do for others. Next up, “Motivated” Monica: When I told Monica about the cleanse, she didn’t waste any time ordering the book. She couldn’t wait to start. She loved all the smoothies and was pumped the whole time. Her transformation is definitely in WEIGHT LOSS. It was in the double digits for such a petite-framed lady and her waist was already small but now it’s even smaller. On to “Packing” Pam: Pam was a little hesitant about doing this thing called the Green Smoothie Cleanse. When I told her I needed to know her weight, she almost freaked out. She said “oh, I have to pray about this, because my husband doesn’t even know my weight.” I continued to work on her and finally she said, “I’m in” and when she said that she really meant it. She knew she had to make a change and she set out to do it. She was so committed that she packed her smoothies with her to board a plane all the way to DC for business travel hence the name “Packing” Pam. She probably used some unconventional methods to make it work while on travel but she stayed the course. She had the biggest WEIGHT transformation out of everyone because she lost 19lbs and now there’s no stopping her. “Revved Up” Raven: What can I say, she was game from day one. Her favorite line - “Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready.” She hosted a football party the day before we started and had lots of good food. It was kind of like our farewell party to those carbs, sweets, and other stuff that’s not necessarily good for you. Her transformation showed up in LOSS OF WEIGHT AND INCHES which allowed her to cross over into a new weight range. She thought this experience was a great jump start to her quest to get healthy. Introducing the youngest member of our team, “Rambunctious” Roxy: Although, I haven’t met her (she’s the daughter of “Gracious” Glenda), I can tell a lot about her from the way she texts. She uses expressions and punctuation marks that show she’s high-spirited and lively. She really enjoyed the smoothies, but she wasn’t a big fan of drinking water. After a couple of days, it became apparent of its importance in this process, so she made the adjustments. Roxy’s biggest transformation came in the form of CONFIDENCE. She proclaimed early on that she had this, but that little evil thing called doubt tried to creep in to her mind and she squashed it with vengeance! She said she feels so much better and she is now mindful of what she eats because of this 10-day journey. “Simply” Seimone: I say “Simply” because she is one of the most humble people I know and I’m not just saying that because she’s my cousin. She does so much for others but doesn’t do enough for herself. Although she’s 80 miles away from me, I reached out to her, because I knew she would benefit from this journey. Once I told her of my experience, she was all in and she was excited. She works shift work, so she had to do a lot of planning and prepping but she made it through with outstanding results. She called me about the third day and said “Karen, I can see my ankles.” She had been dealing with a lot of swelling which was becoming uncomfortable. Not only did she lose weight and inches, her transformation is BLOOD PRESSURE as well. She said with medicine her systolic pressure was sometimes above 160 and the diastolic was between 80 and 90. Since GSC, it has been around 137/77. She knows she has much work to do, but she is in it to win it. My line sister and long-time friend, “Timely” Tiffany: Being on time and organized, both mentally and physically are her greatest strengths. She had been doing green smoothies for a long time so when I asked her to join the team, it was a “no brainer” for her especially since she was starting to feel a little sluggish and she was working on lowering her cholesterol. Her greatest transformation is MENTAL CLARITY. She feels that after the 10 day cleanse she is back on top of her game. She also can see 2 smoothies and a healthy meal being a lifestyle change she can adopt. She has learned to love raw veggies and she is more conscious of her food choices. She hasn’t had her cholesterol checked yet, but she’s praying for an improvement there as well. Last but not least, “Crazy” Karen: I call myself crazy because what was I thinking when I decided to have a team of 15 people. Thank God for texting and emailing because I don’t know how I could have kept up, otherwise. Between work, family, and my own well-being, I somehow managed to keep it somewhat together. My GSC Journey started August 17th and has not stopped. I reported on the GSC FB page that my total cholesterol dropped 35 points after the first 10-day full cleanse. Well, I am happy to report since doing the 10-day modified cleanse with my team, my cholesterol has dropped an additional 20pts putting it at 173. I have also seen improvements in my blood pressure and I have dropped at least one dress size. My greatest transformation is being REALLY EXCITED about something. I usually don’t get this excited, but as I see and feel the changes in myself along with seeing and hearing my family and friends experience positive changes in their health as well, I can’t help but get excited. I have even had someone ask me what’s in it for me. I told them I just like seeing people take control of their health and well-being. I will not stop spreading the word about GSC. It’s a great journey!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:33:51 +0000

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