THE GROANING (Part 1 of 3) So God heard their groaning; and God - TopicsExpress


THE GROANING (Part 1 of 3) So God heard their groaning; and God remembered His covenant with them. (Exodus 2:24) GROANING: neâqâh (neh-aw-kaw)=From H5008; a groan: - groaning. H5OO8: nâaq (naw-ak)=A primitive root; to groan: - groan. Have you groaned lately? This sound that we make comes from an internal source manifested in our external being. I hear groaning around my house quite often. Whenever I tell one of my fantabulous puns/jokes, either my son or his girlfriend, and yes even the lovely Brenda will roll their eyes, grimace, and let a groan. Under the heavy weight of my wit and wisdom the cause and effect at times is groaning. As a Speech Pathologist this groaning is an outward verbal expression of an inward cognitive thought escaping. In the Fat Part of the Book (aka the Old Testament) we see people who are enslaved under the authority of the Pharaoh and the taskmasters. The people had once been a free people when Joseph was alive, The sons of Israel were fruitful, and increased,greatly, and multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty so that the land was filled with them. (Exodus 1:7) Every thing was fine until, a new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. (Exodus 1:8) They pressures ensued but the more affliction they experienced, the more they multiplied and spread out to the point that the captors became the captive with fear and they continued to compel the sons of Israel to labor rigorously and they made their lives bitter with hard labor... (Exodus 1:13-14) The weight of the enslavement took its toll on the people to where the people CRIED and GROANED. The outward PRESSURE pushed the buttons on their inward being as the physical took toll on their souls and the cause and effect of the depressed mind, will and emotions (aka souls) was release of emotions over their lips. Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel SIGHED because of the bondage, and they CRIED OUT and their CRY FOR HELP because of the bondage ROSE UP TO GOD. (Exodus 2:23) I am sure that in all their years of bondage, that they had moaned, groaned, whined, complained about the situation that they were in because they remembered days of freedom through either personal experience of stories about the good old days when Joseph was alive. But now there is something in the sound of their crying and groaning that caused So God HEARD THEIR GROANING; and God REMEMBERED HIS COVENANT with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And God SAW THE SONS of Israel, and God TOOK NOTICE OF THEM. (Exodus 2:24-25) I am sure that in all their years of bondage, that they had moaned, groaned, whined, complained about the situation that they were in because they remembered days of freedom through either personal experience of stories about the good old days when Joseph was alive. But now there is something in the sound of their crying and groaning that caused God to hear them and REMEMBER HIS COVENANT and for God to TAKE NOTICE OF THEM. (Exodus 2:24-25) NOTE: God is not blind and God is not insensitive to sufferings and God does not have Alzheimers Disease or selective memory. He knew the people, He knew their struggle and their anxieties, worries, and pressures of this life, and for sure He knew His COVENANT PROMISES to them via their descendants. Exodus 3:1 starts of with the answer to their cries and groaning, Now Moses... The answer to their DELIVERANCE had been set into motion many, many years earlier with the BIRTH OF A BABY (hmmmm....this sound familiar). Many years earlier their was a man from the house of Levi and there was a daughter of Levi of got married. Well as the story goes, first comes love, then comes marriage, here comes Moses in a basket floating down the Nile river. You can read the story, but the point that I want to make is that long before the people came to the point of GROANING, God had already prepared the means of deliverance in the man called Moses. The same thing applies to us. Before we ever knew we needed a Savor, way before we groaned under the weight of sins and the d-evil taskmaster, God had a plan. He had sent His Son Jesus to DELIVER us from sins via a baby in a manger much like a baby in a floating basket. Whatever pressures that you are experienced, either because you live in a cursed and fallen world, or the demonic schemes against you or you simply have brought it upon yourselves, know that God can take it all and turn it into a trial/test to see if you trust Him. FINAL THOUGHTS...FINALLY Dont give never know when someone will walk into your situation (actually He already has and gave you the authority to speak) and say, Let my people go. Realize that there was a struggle between the point of deliverance and the point of release, and even an attempt to recapture the people...and so it is with you. NEXT TIME: We will look at the aspects of TRUE BELIEVERS who walk by faith and not by sight who GROAN in this OLD EARTHLY TENT (aka our bodies) as we long to be clothed in our BUIDLING FROM GOD. Love and Delivered Kisses Rodney Let My People Go Boyd
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 13:09:14 +0000

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