THE HANDSOME BEAST AND THE CULTURAL CONSPIRACY They all killed me... He was the kind of man Most girls would have died to call husband And didnt I die over him? Dont all love-struck girls do? He possessed most qualities A girl thought were reserved only for movie stars He moved, smiled and spoke so gracefully Youd swear he never sinned From the very early days Streaks of violent outbursts Were never far from his angelic face As he would cuss, swear and threaten Those who crossed his path And inwardly I would think I hope this never happens to me But no sooner had he sent a chill down my spine Than his gentle voice would soothe my troubled heart You are not violent, I suppose, Id ask Not at all! That guy deserved it for how he treated me, hed say So justified would that sound As I looked into those sleepy eyes And my fears would fade I will never forget When it really started to trouble me: We were out for drinks When the poor waiter became the object of my beaus wrath It all started with a snarl and grin As my beau grasped my wrist with such force And subtly quizzed, Youre not falling for him, huh? Looking back it really looked and sounded so cute Yet the feeling of fear echoed in my mind Because there was something about how he said it That reminded me Of how my own moms life was snatched from us all As dad went over the years from a slap to a kick And escalated to a punch and a strangle But my fears were soon gone As my dear mom would tell me, It is a sign he cares Without any warning It ultimately happened Though the details of the preceding discord remain fuzzy What is still clear in my mind Is the sound of the bang and the sting that followed - MY BEAU HAD SLAPPED ME SO HARD THE ROOM BEGAN TO SPIN AS I FLEW ACROSS THE ROOM I COULD CLEARLY REMEMBER THE FEELING OF DE JA VU BECAUSE THROUGH MY DEAR MOMs ORDEAL I HAD LIVED THROUGH THIS BEFORE No sooner had I landed on the other side of the room Than my beaus countenance changed into an innocent look As he gently said, Look at what you made me do LOOKING BACK I KNEW IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN OVER THAT DAY EXCEPT THAT WHEN I RECOUNTED IT TO MY SISTER WHO I DID NOT KNOW HAD ALSO BOUGHT INTO THE CULTURAL CONSPIRACY SHE DISMISSED IT WITH THE PROVERBIAL: ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT... IT SHOWS HE CARES... YOU MUST KNOW YOUR PLACE AS A WOMAN... I still do not know How we progressed from that day to our BIG DAY When my exhausted mom looked me in the eyes and said: You have made me the proudest of all women in this street As we both unwrapped my wedding gifts And put them neatly in my ready luggage As I headed to my matrimonial home To be with my beau, on our own, for the first time As I look back and reminisce I now wonder what first time really meant for me: Was it the first time we shared a bed? The first time we had a home cooked meal together? Or the first time I stood in the police station reception area To register my name on the endless list of abused wives? But then it dawned on me That the police were also part of the CULTURAL CONSPIRACY AS THE BURLY CAPTAIN SAID IN HIS HUSKY VOICE: YOU MUST MIND HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR MAN, BECAUSE THERE REALLY CANNOT BE TWO BULLS IN THE SAME KRAAL... Since then I came to realize that the CULTURAL CONSPIRACY IS FAR WIDER, OLDER AND DEEPLY ENTRENCHED THAN AN INDIVIDUAL WOMAN OR WIFE CAN WITHSTAND! AS I SOON DISCOVERED THE PASTOR IS ALSO PART OF IT WITH HIS CHARACTERISTIC DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN THE PASTORs WIFE WAS ALSO PART OF IT WITH HER PIOUS GOD HATES DIVORCE THE FELLOW CHRISTIAN WAS ALSO PART OF IT WITH HER INCESSANT FORGIVE AND FORGET THE GREATEST SHOCK WAS TO DISCOVER THAT EVEN MY LEARNED AND OTHERWISE ENLIGHTENED FRIENDS ARE PART OF IT AS THEY DAILY BOMBARDED ME WITH AGE-OLD CLICHES: DONT RUB HIM THE WRONG WAY DONT ALL MEN DO THAT? A BAD MAN IS BETTER THAN NO MAN IT IS YOUR CROSS, CARRY IT YOUR CHILDREN NEED A DAD HE IS OTHERWISE A GOOD DAD HE TAKES CARE OF YOUR NEEDS DO NOT HANG YOUR DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC As my body lies in the coffin this morning In this moving and overcrowded funeral service Speaker after speaker steps forward to echo their pain On a young life gone too soon Many bemoan the fact that my babies will grow without a mom And many more are calling for harsh sentencing of wife abusers I cannot stop thinking: HE IS NOT THE ONLY CULPRIT HERE IT IS A CULTURAL CONSPIRACY AND THEY ALL KILLED ME.... Maybe I should have left him after the first outburst Maybe I should have left him after the first clap Maybe I should have left him before we married Maybe I should have left him for good after our first visit to the Police Station Maybe I should have left him for the childrens sake Maybe I should have forgiven and forgotten him after all... EXCEPT THAT THE CULTURAL CONSPIRACY ALWAYS SPOKE FOR MY HANDSOME BEAST AND ENSURED THAT I REMAINED TRUE TO MY MARRIAGE VOW - TILL DEATH DO US PART; AND DID DEATH DO THAT!!! Todays Meditation Ephesians 5 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR HER 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, HUSBANDS OUGHT TO LOVE THEIR WIVES AS THEIR OWN BODIES. HE WHO LOVES HIS WIFE LOVES HIMSELF. 29 After all, NO ONE EVER HATED THEIR OWN BODY, BUT THEY FEED AND CARE FOR THEIR BODY JUST AS CHRIST DOES THE CHURCH — 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, EACH ONE OF YOU MUST LOVE HIS WIFE AS HE LOVES HIMSELF... AS I CLOSE, I ASK WITH TEARS IN MY EYES: 1. IS IT STILL MARRIAGE WHEN THE HUSBAND HATES HIS WIFE? 2. IS THERE STILL REASON FOR HER TO STAY IF HE HATES HIS OWN BODY? 3. IS THERE ANY PURPOSE IN HER ENDURING THE BEATINGS? 4. DOES OUR GOD WHO HATES DIVORCE LOVE WIFE ABUSE? YOU BE THE JUDGE AND TO DO THAT YOU MAY HAVE TO BREAK AWAY FROM THE CULTURAL CONSPIRACY THAT SPEAKS FOR AND ALWAYS DEFENDS THE HANDSOME BEAST!!! Our commitment remains: BY GODs GRACE - TOGETHER BUILDING, SAVING AND REVIVING ONE MORE FAMILY, ROMANCE AND MARRIAGE A DAY AT A TIME! PEACE
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 23:32:23 +0000

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