THE HAVES AND HAVE NOTS [EPISODE 3] But we are all as an - TopicsExpress


THE HAVES AND HAVE NOTS [EPISODE 3] But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. [Isaiah 64 vs6] Without The faith of Jesus Christ all that is done by humanity to please God is never enough. Every Good act or service rendered to others will never be enough to be warranted of any respect. Paul says anything done out of faith is sin. The Have Nots are in such a crisis where nothing they ever do is close enough to get the full accreditation of God. From the fall of Adam to the coming of Jesus Humanity was still coming too short of making any meaningful impression on God. Paul says all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, both the Jews and the gentiles. The Jews were saying they were Children of Abraham and they had the Law of Moses so they did not need any saviour. The great men of Old had also suffered the same fate until Jesus came. No one of them was able to do enough to be righteous before God. Ezekiel say about the old prophets and ,’ ohoo see how the mighty have fallen’’. From Adam until Jesus came Righteousness still remained a far off dream beyond the reach of all. All the mighty men of old were not pleasing enough including David of whom God said I have found a man after my own heart. Hebrews 11 vrs38-40 say all of them obtained a good report through faith, but they did not receive the promise. God had provided some thing better for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. You can think of all the Good that was done by the men of old it was all still as filthy rags. That’s the same fate that the Haves Nots suffer, they might do good works but still all human righteousness is as filthy rags. Some say I don’t do any bad thing, I have a good name, I give to the poor and I have never fought anyone so I’m clean. Hear this, not even the works of the Old Testament gurus was enough. You can never work your way to please God. He says all that is as filthy rags, which means there is nothing worth writing home about. You can copy all the drills done by the army and even privately master how to use guns and you can even be disciplined like all solders are expected to be. However if you have never been conscripted in the army you have no right to call yourself a solder. You can learn and master how to drive and even become the best formula 1 driver of the day but if you don’t have a driving license the authorities must arrest you if they see you drive, even if you are the best. In like manner the Have Notes can do all good things that are known, even giving their bodies to be burnt but as long as they don’t have Christ all that is as rags, not just rags but filthy rags. This is why Jesus came that man be justified, that the Righteousness of God which is from Faith to Faith In Christ be made of public consumption for all. That what you do might be worth recognizing and your efforts might be worthy writing Home about. To the Have Notes Righteousness is a far fetched idea a dream only real if they come to Christ. AFTER ALL HAS BEEN SAID AND DONE JESUS IS THE LORD OF OUR LIVES AND STARS NEVER STOP SHINING. D@s my story and I’m sticking to it. [email protected].
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:47:41 +0000

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