THE HEART - MANY SAY: I WORSHIP GOD IN MY HEART AND NOT WITH MY BODY!!! (Part 1). This is one of the greatest lies told from the pits of hell - a very calculated deceptive statement; because the heart is the engine and the control center of our beings. It means, the heart powers and controls our body, spirit and soul, just as a car is powered and controlled by the power-train system of the vehicle. Therefore, it is the power-train system of a car that determine what the body of the car does. The more powerful the power-train system, the more load and passengers a body can accommodate. It the power-train system of a car that determines the speed and the direction of movement; not the body of the car. The body only holds the load; the size of which is determined by the power-train system of the car. In a similar manner; it is the heart that rules, controls and determines what is done to the body of a person. The body is helpless and lifeless without the heart. If you worship God with your heart; the body will automatically move in the same direction; just as the body of a car moves in the direction of the power-train system of the car. It is the heart of of a person that controls and powers every action of the body, spirit and soul. Many people professing to be Christians, especially women claim to worship God in their hearts and not with their bodies. Asked why such a notion and belief? They answer: because, God looks at the heart and not the body; and quoted 1 Samuel 16:7. These people are right; God sees the heart, but not only the heart; but everything including our bodies. The truth is that God sees everything whether in the heart or not: [7] But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the LORD sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). What the Scripture means in 1 Samuel 16:7; is not God cares only about the heart and nothing else. What it means is that As for humans we have not the ability to look beyond a persons outward appearance, which is deceitfulness and vainity; but God has the ability to look at a persons heart, where a persons character, intents, attitude and actions are located. The heart is where all human actions initiate and grow and become manifested through our actions and performances. The HEART of a man consists of these three; our EMOTIONS, WILL and INTELLECT according to the Bible. (To Be Continued).
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:02:47 +0000

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