THE HEART IS TREACHEROUS THAN ANYTHING ELSE CHAPTER 0NE ( THE CHALLENGE ) John was one of Jehovahs Witnesses. A good looking young man of seventeen who schooled at one of the senior high schools in Takoradi, a city in Ghana. He was in his second year as a General Science student. At school, he was loved and respected by most of his teachers and colleagues if not all as a result of his decent behaviour and hardwork. In class, he was among the best. Briefly put, John Blankson was a good kid. Did you copy the assignment, Johnny? . John lifted up his head from under the desk. His mate Sam was heading towards him with an exercise book in hand. Yeah.......i think so, he answered, flipping his book to verify, Yep, i did! Sam sat on a nearby desk, as he took the book from him. I will copy it and bring it back to you by 6:00..... Sorry, I wont be in the house by then. We have a meeting at 5:30 Oh......... But you can bring it around 8. I will be home by then Ah! Medase. So kind of you, John., Sam said as he closed the book. But dont forget o. Ahhh, if you repeat what you did last time, that will be your end. Ebei, i go bring am. Trust me. Yoo, John sang as he closed his bag, Chale, moro. Ok, chale, replied Sam who reviewed the assignment as John made his way out of the class. School had ended and time was against him. He had to be home as early as possible so as to get to the kingdom hall early as he had an assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School. His classroom was situated on the first floor of a three storey classroom block. He walked quickly towards the stairs. Due to his haste, he nearly collided with three girls coming in the opposite direction. Sorry, he apologized quickly and went his way. The girls said nothing but stared at him briefly before giggling among themselves as they walked up the busy stairs. ....................................................................................................................... Sam and the three girls John had encountered at the stairs remai ed behind as others begrudgingly walked out. Almost all the students murmured on their way out. They had good reason to. It was the third consecutive time their elective mathematics teacher, Mr. Sackey, had failed to show up for private classes. They felt cheated. He always expects his money on time yet does not want to do what he is paid for, one girl complained as she left the classroom. I wont pay this month. Kai!, a boy told his friend as the pair walked out. Me too. I will chill with his money koraa. Soon, Sam was alone with the three girls. They sat together at the last row of the desks while Sam sat at the first row. The three girls were SHS 2 students but were not his classmates. He knew them from the private classes he took part. It was about thirty minutes to prep but Sam didnt want to walk all the way back to the boys dormitory and back so he decided to stay behind. Ei then this mid-term you chilled papa, Evelyn said to Cara who narrated to the two girls what she did during the mid-term break. So how much did you suck from Mr. Osei?, asked Cynthia, eagerly. She just could not sit on her desk. It felt small for her. Cara, the youngest of the two and the most attractive among the three paused and cleared her throat before showing her five fingers to them. 50 ghana? 500?! Correcto, Evelyn. Eiishh! No wonder., said Cynthia, amazed. No wonder what?, Cara chuckled. You play around and dont chop some of the money. Ei Sir Osei, a whole school priest...... Kai!, Cara interrupted Cynthia, You believe these so called holy holy people, err, how do we call them mpo....SU executives and those chrife students in this school. Well, i dont. I know them all. They all do some. We are all going to hell. The last time, this guy who preaches from class to class every morning.......... Charles, Evelyn recalled her as she chased away a housefly. ..........yeah him. Abi i met him and one Fijai girl at the Easter beach party, chilling like something. Ei you, these so called renowned pastors on tv and radio, they all chase small small girls. Cara, Cara........... Uh huh, Cythia? Nothing Dont trust them o. Ei ashawo girls, Sam suddenly came in as he smiled to himself. He had been listening all this while. Hey who is ashawo?!, Evelyn grunted and Cynthia chuckled loudly but Cara only smiled at Sam whose back faced them. Sorry o abeg. Next time, Evelyn warned with a frightening frown. You better get to your class. Its almost time, adviced Sam who flipped through his notes. Cara checked her expensive wrist watch her Aunt in London had bought her during her birthday. Ei, 6:47, thirteen minutes to time. Evelyn was the first to get up to leave among the three but Sam stopped them before they could. He faced them as he sat on his desk. I heard all you said but there is something you said that i disagree, Cara. And whats that? , she asked, looking at Sam with disgust. Sam paused for a while, smiled lightly and shook his head. The girls were quite puzzled. Cara, you said all the so called good boys are fake? She didnt say that , Cynthia snapped. But thats what she meant Cara giggled and urged Sam to continue. What i want you, Cara, to know is that some of these quiet boys on campus are truly holy. They dont practise asha-sorry......bad things you think everyone does. That thinking, get it out of your head. Cara couldnt stop laughing at Sam. Oh am serious But who says you are kidding?, Cynthia asked the rhetorical question, So you are part of said good boys. The question was like a bomb. Sam didnt expect that. He felt uneasy. Wwwell, as for me, i try but you know, spirit is eager, flesh is weak. Hmm, Cynthia giggled. Cara finally calmed down. You are a kid o you, said Cara, So naive. Trust me, okay. Okay, okay, tell me, who do you have in mind? Sam waited for a while, staring at the eager faces before him. John Blankson. Who is that?, Cara asked quickly. Holy Angel, Evelyn elaborated. Ahh, my husband. Whose husband? , Sam asked, a little infuriated. I have had a crush on him since this term began, Cara said to Evelyn who sat on her left, But i just havent had time to get him. Well, i have bad news for you, Sam teased, He is out of coverage area. He already has a girlfriend? Abba! Evelyn, , Cynthia tapped her, He is trying to tell Cara that she cant get him Exactly! , Sam exclaimed. And why cant i get him? Is he not a man? Evelyn and Cynthia laughed in unison. Ebei Cara, not that, Sam answered, He is different, that boy. I know him paa, he doesnt like those things. Abi he bi Yehowa Adansefo. Jehovahs Witnesses? Ahh so? Dont mind this naive science student, Cynthia, Cara chuckled, Too much biology has ruined his mind. Look, girls, i am serious. John is holy to the highest degree Jehovahs Witnesses, Cara scoffed, i had a crush on one in JHS but i still got him in the end though it was tough. I know his type very well. Trust me. Cara, Evelyn started as she stood up and grabbed her books, for this one, she shook her head, you are bound to lose You too?. Cara was surprised. Tell her for me, Sam urged with a brief laugh. I personally know John, said Evelyn, he is too much. Not even the devil can get him Cara grew more surprised at her girlfriends. He looked at Cynthia and then Evelyn. So are you coming for a bet or what? Yes!!, Sam and the other two girls said in unison. Cara gasped in shock. They were really underestimating her ability to get any boy to fall for her and it infuriated her. How much?, she asked. 10 ghana, Sam replied. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!, Evelyn and Cynthia chuckled. Sam felt embarrassed. As for you, you are so cheap, Cynthia laughed. Yes? How much?, Cara kept asking impatiently. One K, Cynthia suggested, for the three of us if you fail which you are bound to and 1 K for you if you succeed. John nearly fainted. Where would he get that money to pay Cara if the bet didnt go their way. But he was very confident Cara wont get John. That was impossible to him. Deal!, Cara agreed quickly and got up to leave as the sound of footsteps approached. GHC 1000?, Sam thought, These girls are loaded paa o. Cara halted on her out and turned to Sam. One condition, she warned, it should be between us four. No P., Sam shrugged. The girls then left the class as other students came in to study. He heard Evelyn tease Cara, Be careful you dont go bankrupt! We will see who goes bankrupt, Cara replied, I am already into the boy and that make things all too easy. He is an angel, right? Well am going to hurl this angel from heaven to earth. Ei Cara, i fear you Why shouldnt you, Cynthia? The siren sounded for Prep time moments
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 05:40:09 +0000

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