THE HIDDEN CONSPIRACY AND EMPIRO CLASH When the writings - TopicsExpress


THE HIDDEN CONSPIRACY AND EMPIRO CLASH When the writings on a wall are clear and bold even in the dark needless to ask how, there must be a fire around the Conner. And it’ll be wise as well as very important to pay close attention to both the message of the writing and the magnitude and direction of the fire. The tumultuous fire of corruption, unemployment, Ethno-religious polarization, insecurity and terrorism, etc, ravaging our dear nation, and its gradual descent into political, economic and social anarchy only makes the massage on the great Niger walls more vivid, and must now be a matter of great concern for everyone. The calamitous message of war and eventual collapse of the Nigerian Nation now written all over its Niger walls seemed to be ignored by many. Some say it’s a false alarm, and others take it a joke. And the invisible hands creating and masterminding this inhuman calamity, write or speak of it simply in a form of casual prediction as “Nigeria will break-up by 2015” or “Nigeria may not survive 2015”. They know this is not only a mere prediction but a master plan since independence to re-subjugate the people of the Niger and overtake their natural resources, as it’s been done to Rwanda, Liberia, etc and currently to Sudan, and when it’s done in Nigeria only God knows what will happen to Africa. They so simply and casually present this horrible calamity of war and the collapse of our fatherland as Nigeria will break up by 2015, so as to make the people worry less and be carried away by false hope until this calamity hit us real hard. Also they know too well that if you want to strike a child surprisingly, you have to hide the whip behind and approach him gently so they may claim innocence of their masterminded horror. The honest question every Nigerian must now ask himself or herself is, can Nigeria really breakup that easily and peacefully without a war or will Nigeria ever be again after a second civil war? History is about to repeat itself again, a history of senseless blood spill, the pure blood of native Nigerians for that matter and everyone just ignores it. To remind us, we know that by 1965, a year with five in the 60s, the fire of regional struggle, corruption and other associated disorders had set a stage for a dangerous drama of coup d’état and bloodshed in jan-15- 66. This polarized the entire nation along ethnic and regional axis and further degenerated into some kind of an ethno-political civil war for close to three years. 2015 will be another year with five and exactly fifty years from the year 1965, no doubt the stage will be set for another horrible drama, not now in coup d’état but in form of politically sponsored assassinations and open terrorist rebellion as a result of the Niger Empiro clash. This will definitely polarize the nation once more along ethnic, regional and even religious axis far worse than ever before. A war precipitated by coup d’état due to regional struggle and clash of the elite was way easy to curb, and the regional elite suppressed. But this type of civil war that will be precipitated by unnecessary politically sponsored terrorism and assassinations due to Empiro clash will certainly stretch our Nation’s ethno-religious, regional and political bonds of resistance to its breaking point and final collapse. Such that it will now be that the same Heroes whom the people would have honored and celebrated even after death as the NIGER HEROES and IMMORTALS for saving our nation in the 60’s, are now themselves going to be responsible for its eventual collapse. They have committed a similar error as the founding father had. On the break of independence and attainment of republic sovereignty in 1960 and 63 respectively, the gentle winds and the vigorous sun of the Niger firmament ushered in fresh hope and light to the people. But the new Niger hope and light did not persist long before it strayed rapidly towards emptiness and darkness. Those who gave us independence gave it with a long term master plan and an arrangement that will eventually ruin us and our national unity with time. They arranged the power structure and politics of the nation to empower one region above the others, and this favored the northern region of our nation. Then the grand plan commenced as they used this arrangement to introduce regional struggle and political clash among the Nigerian elite. This caused the founding fathers of our independence to abandon the pre-independence original plan (i.e. to collectively build a better and stronger Nigeria nation that will be exemplary within the continent and beyond). The giants and heroes who stood in unity to liberate the Niger from its foreign scavengers and brought the new Nigeria light and hope soon abandoned the pre-independence plan of building a better, stronger Nigeria. And in other to supersede one another in power, our fathers and founding heroes embarked on complete regional politics. They unfortunately played into the trap (The Grand Plan) of the masters. So the nation experienced an embarrassing drama of power tussle between the heroes and fathers of our land, notably, Late Father, Chief, Dr Nnamdi Azikwe and late chief, father Obafemi Awolowo and others. With the help of the master scavengers, a regional Eastern-Northern Grand Alliance was formed and the western regional politics and campaign was suppressed effectively, such that father Awo never reach the corridor of power of the head of state or presidency till his divine call. With the western region suppressed, a government that served ultimately the interest of the scavenger masters was established. This created selfish interest of regional dominance among the elite. With real political power in the North, the Northern region ruled over other regions and subdued them in politics. This arrangement was to be changed latter on and will real political power to the East by the military coup of Jan, 1966. For this unexpected diagonal bishop move across the Niger board of chess by some Eastern military officers, the north retaliated with a bloody queen move in the July, 66 coup d’état, and a combination of the queen and rook move in the subsequent war. And the big game was later announced to be a stale-mate. But this has placed the Eastern region in a very difficult position today in national politics. By the queen and rook combination in the war, the Northern region was able to draw the Western region into a strong, North- Western alliance. And this alliance still exists till present day. When the northern region took over the country by the military government of Gen Yakubu Gowon through his coup d’état, the Eastern region knew very well that things will never be the same anymore, so they wanted out of the Niger Game. The west that has been suppressed over time saw this as an opportunity to re-instate their regional autonomy in national politics. So they quickly entered an alliance with the North in other to stop the Nation from descending into disintegration by preventing the Eastern region from breaking away. This super North-western alliance (i.e. the queen-rook move) formed had the genuine agenda and intention of saving the country from disintegration. The national heroes and fathers did not want their pre independence labor in vain and also to avoid the big blame in the future in national and world history for destroying the nation. But beside the sincere intention of saving the country from destruction, there was a hidden conspiracy. So after the country had been graciously saved, the new plan and hidden conspiracy commenced. The plan was to eliminate the regional friction and power struggle that threatened national unity and progress. But this could not be done except that the regional elite are effectively suppressed, by neutralizing their regional powers through elimination of regional governments and creation of states governments. Also part of the plan was to raise a new breed of leaders, who would now in the new frontier direct the affairs of the nation. No doubt, this could only be from among the military heroes of the civil war. And this led to the emergence and birth of the second generation leaders. Such that brilliant military officers and now heroes and fathers of our Nation (the likes of Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Gen. Murtala-RM, Gen OBJ, Gen. M. Buhari, Gen. IBB, Gen Abacha, Gen. Abdul Salami,etc) were favored to power and leadership over the years due to the unfortunate political inferno that consumed the first generation leaders (like Sir Amedu Bello, Sir Tafawa Balewa, Chief Akintola and others). However the plan to save the country and raise new breed of leaders especially from the military at that fragile moment of our national history was inevitably right. But the hidden conspiracy behind the plan was completely wrong and uncalled for. The deliberate conspiracy to excommunicate the Eastern elite and people of our dear nation from the corridor of presidential power, and only to revolve this power between allies of the new regional alliance, and the Empiro clash born from it is now the greatest threat to our Nation even far worse than the regional friction and struggle of the past. Though regional government eliminated and the elite suppressed, but the regional alliance and conspiracy of power still exist. No doubt there has never been any Eastern head of state or president to emerge since after the civil war. Through the conspiracy of power has been sustained the alliance for a long time, but our eastern brothers and the MASSOB are only waiting patiently for the right time when greed and divergence of interest overwhelms the elite of this alliance. At which time there will not be a choice but to disintegrate the nation into its component regional entities. And the stage is getting set for this bloody show, because it’s not going to be that easy and peaceful as many are naively thinking. Just before the dawn of democracy and another new beginning of our nation’s democratic journey, the nation witnessed the death of its head of state, Gen sani Abacha. This was as a result of a great silent empiro clash (i.e clash of the Niger empires). Since after the civil war, the various military and civilian leaders who have been privileged to rule our nation succeeded in creating vast individual empires that stretch across various regions of the country. Such that each of these leaders now command vast population and section of a loyal people, the nation’s natural resources and wealth, state infrastructures etc, and thus possess colossal influence and real political and economic power, for example The OBJ, IBB, SANI Empires etc. The creation of these empires resulted mainly due to the hidden conspiracy, and caused these great heroes to commit a similar error has did our first generation leaders, our fathers, and the Elite of the regional governments. Such that instead of pursuing the original plan of building a stronger and better united one Nigeria for all, they embarked on building individual empires. The perfect reason why state infrastructures and machineries have always and are continually been privatized. The leaders only privatize public infrastructures in order to buy them as well, eventually taking personal control of these infrastructures as their private properties to enlarge their empires. By the time the late head of state, Gen. sani Abacha took over government, he too was to create his own empire just like others have. He was not only determined to create just an empire, but also more determined to build a supreme Sani empire so strong, powerful and wealthy that no other empire in the country could challenge its rule and autonomy. In other to do so, he will have to eliminate all other existing empires or practically shrink them into mushroom sizes, plus suck the nation dry of its wealth. Also he had to abandon the conspiracy, and embark on a campaign of economic, political and military monopoly. And this would mean a Nigeria nation of only one super empire and supreme leader. But unfortunately for the general, he couldn’t wake up from his dream of the supreme Sani-empire, because of the great and silent empiro clash. And the collapse of the supreme Sani-empire made other empires and the conspiracy survived till date. So the nation has only experienced a change in military leadership to democratic leadership, while the conspiracy remained. And as a result we have only seen the heads of state and presidents to emerge from confines of the regional alliance until now since after the civil war (i.e from Gen. yakubu Gowon, through Gen. Obasanjo to Gen. Abacha, Gen Abdul salami to Gen obasanjo and to late president Yar adua, peace be on him before President Jonathan). However it’s only natural that in a land of more than one empire and king, there is bound to be a conflagration. The kings will battle themselves for supremacy of power and only the strongest can and will eventually emerge either by eliminating others or subjugating them. If not the land then burns until every king and his people resolve to go their separate ways. Usually the battle of kings causes the people to bleed profusely and profoundly. This is the dangerous drama that is about to ensure. The empiro clash and the battle of the Niger kings, and the nation and the people will not be speared, they will bleed profoundly. When the days of the general and president Obasanjo’s democratic government drew closer to an end, he was unconsciously caught up in the mistake that consumed the late Gen Abacha, he wanted third term in office, and not only that, his empire, the OBJ empire became so vast and powerful over night that it threatened other empires. So he had serious problems with various elite of diverse originality, notably, Gen IBB, former vice president Atiku Abubakar and others. His unexpected and surprising move for third term was against the agreement under the alliance and conspiracy. Wise enough, in order to save himself and his empire which he has labored hard for, the general had to quit his third term dreams and renounce his re-election ambitions. But cleverly he set bait and his northern friends of the alliance took it. Our dear brother and late president Umar Musa Yaradua was only a pawn on the Niger board of chess to enthrone President Good luck Jonathan. There was a grand plan from the OBJ Empire to use his political son in building his empire to such a state where it will effectively dominate other empires, then enthrone him as the political Godfather of the nation, king of all other kings and supreme Ruler of all, and this would also mean politics, economy, and democracy of monopoly. Also, the rise of such a supreme OBJ empire would definitely drown other empires or shrink them to a powerless and cocoanut sized empires. But unfortunately this move is not paying off, because every son has a desire to become a father too, and in other to do so, the president will have to create his own GEJ Empire. In order that this empire now under rapid creation might be complete, the president needs 2015 election or at least another term in office. And this is against the plan and the conspiracy as well, as power must now return to the north based on the plan. Since the president abandoned his political father for his own dreams, his father has found favor in another loyal son, Governor Sule Lamido and his now playing the game from underground once more. Now the nation have once again arrived a very dicey stage, like it found itself in 1965 before the years of the bloody coups and war; a stage of power struggle and regional clash, a tragic event that led to the elimination of the first generation leaders and regional governments. Apart from power and regional struggle, we are now faced with ethnic, religious, empiro clashes, plus the hidden conspiracy, which makes this situation far more complex and consequential. It’s thus clear that the stage is once more set with far worse and such terrible events that will lead to the collapse of our democracy, and the elimination of the second generation leaders, as well as the complete collapse of our dear Nation, if what is right is not done and done swiftly, and this is the perfect plan of the masters. They have waited patiently for it to materialize, even well over 50years. They have played on our leaders and we all for too long, they fooled us before, we must not allow them fool us again. What happened to Libya, Iraq, Liberia, Rwanda, and now happening to Syria, Sudan and other countries which had happened to us before, is a lesson we must learn from, and never allowed to be thought to us a second time. By the vivid circumstances surrounding the nation now, it will not be a surprise if the president runs for 2015 elections subsequently. And if this is done as in now being expected by every one, it will mean a clear defiance to the grand plan or agreement and conspiracy. This will also clearly mean a threat to other empires of the second generation leaders who are about to fade away, and further intensify the empiro conflict. By all standards, even if the second generation leaders decide to mobilize against this government and president in next elections in form of the APC alliance still under the hidden conspiracy, it will fail. And this will inevitably just invite in the horrible inferno of ethno-religious war that has been knocking on the Niger doors, and complete collapse of our Nation will be inevitable. However, if the second generation leaders are coarse or cajoled to give in and support the president for 2015, they may be speared, but definitely not their empires. And very soon the nation will descend into a state of anarchy, under a powerful democratic or civilian dictator worse than ever seen before in our country. This is because vile and critical circumstances will make the president so, even if he had no such original intentions. He wouldn’t have a choice but to adopt the dictator’s measures plus tyranny in order to suppress his opponents and the uprising that will come after even if he were to win in 2015. Yet again if the president quits his 2015 election ambition and dream without doing what is necessary and now inevitable, then the conspiracy will linger on. And the better and stronger Nigeria nation of our dream for all will never be achieved. This is because, as long as the conspiracy exists, the leaders and its proponents will always under it empower a president that will serve their interest as well as help to expand their empires. Thereby leaving the nation dry and lean and the people hungry and suffering. However, whether the second generation leaders are caught up in this empiro clash or not, nature will soon begin to call them one by one, so whether or not one admits it, the leaders are about to take a bow out of the Niger Game very soon. And a new breed of leaders, the third generation leaders (the family of leaders to which our dear brother and now president belong) will rise. So the generals, the second generation leaders have the choice to put this nation back on its right track of progress and greatness now especially, so they may be remembered as the heroes and immortals which they truly are. The question is, how will the people remember these leaders when they would have been gone if this country were to fall or collapse in their own hands, or if this nation never reached it Promised Land for the injuries inflicted on her by their own hands? Is it not important when a man sees his own end, that he should ask himself if there was some purpose to his life? Or is the only purpose of our leaders in life to live and die creating empires of vanity and sucking the nation lean, instead of serving Nigeria and Nigerians, and the entire humanity and God? If Nigeria were to fall, the labor of our heroes past will surely be in vain, and there will be nothing really heroestic about these generals and they will have no place or chance of immortality in history. For there can not be a history and its heroes when there is no country. Therefore, as heroes of these country the generals and the second generation leaders must do what ever it takes to save this country once more. They must give the country back its peace, stability, greatness and the true image of her. They must save Nigeria and Nigerians now before it’s truly too late, it cannot be rumors for too long that it’s going to rain when it’s windy and the sky is dark with heavy lightening and thunder storm. Hence, the signs of the Niger wind and its sky pregnant with a rain of calamity with its political thunder and lightening sending down sounds of war are a clear reason every true Nigerian must be concerned and act now. And we must all act now without prejudiced or bogus emotions, but with deep logic, great wisdom and true feelings for our dear nation. We must save our father land. Now the heavens favor us again, naturally at every dangerous moment of our national history, God delays His calamity. God must love our people and our dear nation greatly. In the 60’s God averted it, but here it is again threatening because of the sins of the people, and yet God delays it that we might repent and act right. Nigeria is no doubt a nation of God. The people (Muslims and Christians) pray heavily and worship Him. This has saved us for so long, so God will not allow this nation fall (Amen). However, God is always very prepared to save His people, and no doubt that He will surely be able to save us and our father land from this calamity, but every Nigerian must now act rightly and quickly. For He Most Mighty will not fail to look aside and let this calamity hit our land if we fail to do what is right, especially at this fragile moment. For He let Israel suffer deeply many times for their sins, even though Israel was His chosen Nation and people. We must remember God is forever Just and Most Wise, Most Mighty, He recon not with hypocrisy. We can’t claim to be a people of God and pray when we do obvious and avoidable evils to ourselves and our nation, yet expect God to help or save us. We citizens must stop helping corruption, electoral malpractices to enthrone ignoble politicians for a few Naira notes, tribalism etc, to our own detriment. We may keep calling God for help or keep blaming Him for nothing for not helping us, but we know we are our own problems. For God has heard us even before we prayed and the solutions God have given us. If Nigeria falls, it’s our own fault and blame, not God’s. We must repent from our corruptions and hypocrisies! God helps a sinner by showing him the way to repentance, but will never give him salvation until he repents. So heavens help those who help themselves, for there is no salvation without repentance. So we have no choice now, if we must survive beyond 2015, we must repent and do what is right. Looking at the broad picture of vision, and the mirror of the nation, we see that nature as pointed out away and is reflecting a direction for us if we must escape this calamity. That direction is the national conference and the part way is an A P C Party uninfluenced by the hidden conspiracy. As well, if we look at the mirror of the nation, we see that it reflects the true characters of the messiahs of our time, for every mission has its own born and chosen missionaries. When the issue of the institution of a national sovereign conference was raised by some national patriots, many rejected the idea, but unknowingly that this is a part of the only solution and one of the strongest antidote to the current national poison, weakening and striking down our dear nation. And when it was constituted some callous and greedy elements seized the conference as means of promoting their selfish agenda and politicized it. And now the conference and it resolutions is an obvious empty tirade, and all efforts to remedy part of our problems through the national conference have been sabotaged. At this fragile moment nothing could have helped like a reputable, un-regional, un-ethnical, un-politicized, unbiased and directional national conference. However, apart from the NC and now that it’s failed categorically, our Father and dear president have a National sacrifice he must offer to appease the evil spirits of this calamity and silent them for eternity. If only our dear and beloved brother, father and president will and can selflessly and graciously put this sacrifice forth, and once again demonstrate his great wisdom of gentility to calm this raging fire, by generously dissolving his 2015 election ambition, he would really more than half way prevent this calamity. And He would truly be one of the greatest south-southern Nigerian ever, one of the ultimate saviors of our fatherland, like the immortal Mandela of the south of Africa. No doubt he will be remembered as a true son and Nigerian leader to help raise our Nation to her pinnacle of destiny. For it doesn’t take two to three or more tenures to make history and become a hero, but it takes just an opportunity and the sacrifice made for humanity. And Nigeria will never forget to scribe it glorious history in the magnificent names of the heroes who sacrificed their sweat and desires to save her. Nevertheless, if we look carefully through the picture of vision of our future great, better and stronger One-Nigeria for all, we will see that nature has fast pulled the missionaries and messiahs for the mission to save Nigeria together. And a great, irresistible force from under the Natal-Niger core of forces is rising across the Nation within the powerful palms of the APC party. And this force will never come to a halt until it’s swept away all forms of corruption, political, social and economic disorders, terrorism, etc. At this very dangerous moment of our National history, the APC party has reached a very sensitive stage of development and mobilization for emancipation of Nigeria and Nigerians from corruption, insecurity, unemployment etc. And if this next step is not carefully and wisely taken, then the tumultuous effort of our great, commendable, national and international award deserving brothers, fathers, proponent and propellers of the formidable APC- Niger force of emancipation will be all useless. Again the journey of our Nation and its people through the dry and hot dessert of corruption, unemployment, insecurity, etc will be further elongated. Therefore, the next step must be carefully taken without prejudice and selfish interest by the members of this great party now naturally favored. For just one wrong step in anyway, whether by wrong selection of their candidates or by adhering to the conspiracy, or by trying to unduly pressurize the president from running in 2015 as he has a constitutional right to partake in 2015 elections irrespective of any backyard agreement, will mean calamity. God save Nigeria! As the great party as now begin the sensitive process of selecting its representatives or flag bearers at various political positions and moving on to elections, they must look carefully into the Niger picture of vision in order to appoint the messiahs and patriotic missionaries as flag bearers for this mission of emancipation. And when we look closely we see that there is a northern president and an Eastern vice president on this picture, including a western Bot chairperson for this great party to be truly healthy in its spirit, body and mind for this mission. This arrangement naturally will provide a political equation that will produce an Eastern president very shortly and peacefully. In the emancipation formulae and equation, there are three variable political figures and one constant military figure. These include former head of state and General Muhamadu Buhari, Chief, Honorable Bola Hammed Tinubu, Honorable Rochas Okorocha and General Al- Mustapha still serving the Nigeria Army. For now, as the nation currently is challenged with all kinds of Corruption, political, Social and Economic disorders, regional, ethno-religious polarization, due to the numerous Nigerian political Commodus abusing state power and resources, the party must unavoidably pave a way for the General (Muhammmadu Buhari) as its presidential flag bearer. He is the only political Maximus that can put an end to this tremendous corruption that has crippled our Nation for so long. The truth is we all know that this man was born to end corruption, and he is the only antidote for the Nigerian corruption poison. And we know that there can’t be any one else good or better enough and best for this job for the now. The General is an anticorruption Maximus, and if Nigeria and Nigerians truly desire a change and an end to corruption, the General Muhammadu Buhari (Nigeria Maximus) must be helped to power. It might just be that he’s only still alive now because we pray for a messiah. God has given us one for long, yet we look elsewhere and turn away from him. We can’t continue to behave like the people of ancient to whom God will send a prophet and messiah they ask and yearn for, yet they turn away from him only because he is of a tribe or status they don’t approve. God will never come down to rule Nigeria in person and help us, but He can use the General to deliver us. We must now accept him before God takes him away from us, and before it’s too late. God did save him from the last attack for the sake of this country, and we pray him long life and no death until his duty and divine assignment to deliver Nigeria is complete. The General has an uncommon quality that exceptionally qualifies him for this job. It is his readiness to lay down his life in order to do what is right and for justice, more so for Nigeria his father land. This is the most important characteristic of every divinely chosen man or messiah, plus sincerity which is his first name. More importantly, the General also is the only one known alive now who can break and eliminate the hidden conspiracy that has bedeviled our nation for so long, and can unite all the regions and tribes. As he is very, very, unsentimental religiously, ethnically, regionally, and truthfully committed to the Nigerian vision of one-united, better and stronger Nigeria for all. And this also means that he is one of the only few alive now who can eliminate the religious friction polarizing our bond of national unity. He demonstrated this when he showed to all Nigerians his immeasurable enthusiasm and readiness to work as a Nigerian Muslim, with an exemplary character and formidable Christian leader and pastor, Tunde Bakare in past elections in other to build a peaceful, Godly Nigerian society of perfect standards and moral values for all Muslims, Christians and other Nigerians. And we will soon see the true nature and excellent qualities of this man that makes him compatible with any people of any religion, tribe or region, social class, age, etc, if he is given just one chance and helped for once. However, the General will always require an Idiagbon to be able to accomplish his mission on earth for Nigeria. This is where General Al- Mustapha keys into the equation; he is another Idiagbon alive, a man with a mammoth lion heart, brave and strong enough to shake the very roots upon which this nation is earthed. We need him, and the General will need his bravery and strength to stop this calamity and corruption. Once the General is empowered and becomes president, in no time he will end corruption, break the hidden conspiracy and eliminate insecurity and terrorism, plus the politically sponsored religious crisis. Then he will restore peace and security, industrialization and employment, good roads, power, standard education etc, and inject tremendous dose of justice into the system with the massive help of General AL- Mustapha, under the strict guidance of the A.P.C and support of other comrades. And I trust, just as we will all see, in one term of office, in three or four years, this master killer of corruption would have savaged our country completely, and exile the corruption rascal if empowered. Once this is done, the General will readily relinquish power to the ultimate philanthropist and DESTINY MAN of our time, Hon. Rochas Okorocha to pilot our people and dear nation to its promise land, and only then can we hope to have a proper and matured democracy. We can not have a true democracy now until all or most anti-democratic politicians are wrestled to a stand still and the giant corruption is slain. As a civilian president without military training and orientation, it will be practically impossible for Hon. Rochas to wage a war against this mammoth corruption and his apostles. But can and will definitely be able to manage the country democratically to success once this rebelling corruption rascal is conquered and slain and terrorism ended by the General. This is why he (Hon. Rochas) is in the best position to run as vice presidential candidate for the A.P.C party. More so, as power must now shift to the East afterwards. Once this is done Hon. Rochas will sustain the justice, security, peace and unity and ensure the maturity of our democracy, so that the system of justice on its own can bring about natural democratic selectivity by elections. And the natural democratic selectivity will create a perfect electoral system and structure and process that will ensure the uninterrupted selection and election of only credible candidates to public offices. Running and serving the nation as a vice president in the General Mohammed Buhari’s regime will also provide the Destiny Man an opportunity to learn from the General through experiences, the secret of command and effective control of the military. This is because the military is an indispensable tool for creating, developing and sustaining a giant, just and stable nation. And will need to learn this secrete and chain of command in order to earn the loyalty of the military then lead Nigeria and Nigerians to our Destiny. Another indispensable figure in this equation, is the grand political Genius of our generation, chief, Hon. Bola Hammed Tinubu, Preferably, and mission ally, unavoidably must key in as the party’s BOT chairperson. For he alone possess such Colossal and radical political will power and unequalled modern ideas to unite the people and regions and to drive the party in the right direction for this mission. Once this is achieved, once this three variable and one constant man formula is applied, with the support of every other Nigerian, and especially the league of the generals (our great national heroes and the second generation leaders, the likes of Gen. OBJ, Gen.IBB, Gen. TYD, Gen. Salami etc) corruption will be history and so will be our suffering. However, I must especially now appeal to The Grand Master and Marcus Arelius of our history, the Bridger of the gates of the Niger Military Domes of powers, our great father and General OBJ, The Grand military genius, keeper of the Niger Karamies and General IBB, Our noble father, military Grand Bearer, Sower, maintainer of the Niger forces and General T. Y Danjumah, and the league of the generals that the maximums and General Mohammadu Buhari must now be empowered to one end alone. This would undoubtedly be the last mission of the SGGs (Second Generation Generals). These Generals though retired must not expire until Nigeria is rewired with peace, justice, stability, employment, security, social, economic and political order, etc, or at least safely put in the hands of those to lead us to our deserved National greatness, heights and Destiny. They must give their undiluted patriotic service and loyalty to Nigeria now more than ever before. For Nigeria is a mother to us all, she must not bleed again, especially now that these ever gallant Generals and Great sons of Nigeria are still alive. Not now, never again must we draw swords! Once enthroned, the General and anti corruption Maximus, Muhammadu Buhari must first recall for another national conference to be established with the immediate aim of calling for a sincere and true national reconciliation of all the regions and tribes, and forgiveness and amnesty for all. As well it must have a national mission to guide the government and the nation to the realization of our dream, i.e. building a stronger, better One Nigerian Nation for all. Again, if our dream of a better, stronger One Nigerian nation will ever be actualized, the national conference to be established must include in its mission the eradication of the hidden conspiracy. We must truly forgive ourselves of all past regional, political, tribal and religious misdeeds. And our Eastern brothers and Eastern region must now produce presidents for our dear nation as well. For what is good for anyone Nigerian must be good for another, if Nigeria is truly a nation for us all. However, the NC when established must refrain from debate on volatile issues that may further stretch the string of peace and unity far towards impossibility from possibility in the inception, for instance the issue of resource control and it like, for its more prudent to save a dying man first from the fire than argue over his properties. If this is done, and if it will be necessary to review the sharing formulae of the Nation’s resources, it will come naturally and peacefully afterwards when the heavy minds of most Nigerians are effectively eased off political, religious, tribal grievances through the reconciliation programs of the NC. So, it’s very wise that we must proceed carefully now and take one step at a time or use the first thing first approach in order that we may not jeopardize our chances of National redemption. It is for this reason that the national conference when established must take on board members of its formidable crew for this mission from across various regions and tribes of our nation, irrespective of religious differences. Unavoidably this crew must include such national patriots and the second generation leaders, our fathers and generals like the Generals OBJ, IBB, Yakubu Gowon, TY Danjuma, Abdul Salami, other former heads of state and presidents, notable Generals retired, reputable figures home and abroad, respectable academicians like our dear brother and father, the immortal professor Wole Soyinka, reputable Christian and Muslim clerics, like pastor and father Tunde Bakare and others. After this stage, the General must ensure that the senate must be prepared or ready with his cooperation to pass to law a five or six years-one term in office system of democracy or system of governance without further ado. This will eradicate the second term menace of pretence, embezzlement, and inactiveness of dubious and unpatriotic politicians. It will also help to prevent waste of public resources by incumbent government contesting elections, as well as prevent intimidation and impunity committed by incumbent government with state power, military and police forces etc. This will then provide at least pure atmosphere for free and fair election, and this is unavoidable if elections in this country will ever be free and fair. Also, The Genaral and President Buhari and his Government will have to put in place an INEC that is truly independent, and well-funded. Once all these are in place, with the help of the National Conference, and a repented citizen (Nigerians with sound conscience), we will be sure to have if not pure and Natural, but at least free and fair elections that will usher in true patriotic National Leaders subsequently. Though there is a lot on the picture of vision of the future Nigeria that can be told, but the pen and the ink will never be sufficient, besides there are things better left untold. My sincere apology to anyone, people or tribe who may feel offended by this message, this note is never intended to insult, ridicule or accuse anyone, region or ethnic people or the president and Grand commander of our dear country. Just only that if we must truly help Nigeria, reconcile ourselves and progress in unity, firstly, we must understand our mistakes and then find a peaceful way to resolve the problems. For what has happened to our father land since inception, is unfortunately a fault of everyone but a blame of nobody. Gen. Ikoyi Ibrahim Emai: general HYPERLINK mailto:ikoyi@gmail ikoyi@gmail Twitter: F/buk: Ikoyi ibrahim
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:56:21 +0000

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