THE HIGH COST OF THE CROSS!! From that cross... Undoubtedly Jesus - TopicsExpress


THE HIGH COST OF THE CROSS!! From that cross... Undoubtedly Jesus looked at each person as a candidate for eternal life. How else can we explain His association with Simon, Zacchaeus, and Mary Magdalene? He saw in every soul the glorious potential of reflecting His own holy character for both time and eternity. He saw there the reason for His incarnation. Each soul was the one He had come to redeem. Those were the faces which came into His mind as He hung on the cross, strengthening Him to drain the cup of His suffering. One of the most astounding statements in the Bible about the atonement is found in He- brews 12:2, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." We probably asking ourselves...How could that terrible experience on the cross have any joy connected with it? We are assured that some joyful motive girded Jesus for the shame and humiliation of the crucifixion. What was "the joy that was set before him"? Here lies the secret of His self-abnegation. Jesus did it in the strength of the anticipated joy of opening wide the gates of Paradise to welcome us into His never-ending kingdom. It was love for us, and the desire to be with us for eternity which led Jesus to endure the unendurable. Here is a positive assurance that Jesus was thinking of you and me as He bore the wrenching cruelties of the cross. Question to us all What have you done for Jesus?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:33:28 +0000

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