THE HIGHEST PRIORITY As Jesus and the disciples continued on - TopicsExpress


THE HIGHEST PRIORITY As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lords feet, listening to what he taught. Luke 10:38-39 NLT Most of us know the story about Mary and Martha and the time when Jesus came to town. Mary sits at Jesus feet listening to his teaching while Martha is busy in the kitchen preparing a big meal for everyone. Martha complains that Mary is not helping but Jesus explains that Mary has chosen the most important thing and He will not take that away from her. There are many ways we might apply this story. It is pretty interesting how people react to it. For me, two things have always stood out about this story. First is that Mary was determined to sit down and listen to what Jesus said. That probably was not what was expected of her by most of the people there. Certainly Martha expected her help. The men there would certainly expect her to take care of the womens work. Culture and society both had certain demands on women like Mary, but Mary wanted to hear what Jesus said so much that she did not care what people thought. She was willing to set aside all of the demands on her time and energy just to listen to Jesus. That is pretty impressive. The other thing is that the Lord was pleased to accept Marys choice of priorities as the best one. Martha was concerned about hospitality but Jesus told her, There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it. Luke 10:42 NLT We are all affected every moment of every day by the many family, work, cultural, and social demands that govern our lives. However, rather than accuse us of failing to be responsible, God is always pleased when we set everything else aside, sit down, and listen carefully to what He is saying. Father, forgive us for our constant busy-ness. Make us very sensitive to the times when You want to communicate with us. Enable us to put everything else aside whenever the opportunity is available to really hear what You are saying. Help us to listen carefully when You speak, in Jesus Name, amen.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:20:40 +0000

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