THE HISTORY CHANNEL with ANCIENT ALIENS, ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A HI TO CREATIONISM click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization Ancient Aliens expert Giorgio Tsoukalos believes that extraterrestrials once visited Earth. In his third Pillar of Proof, Giorgio presents his case for the engineering marvel of Ollantaytambo. How was the massive stone structure constructed and cut so precisely in an era when mankind had developed only primitive technology? Hit LIKE if you believe that it was ALIENS! And dont forget to watch to Ancient Aliens, TONIGHT at 10E/11P only on H2!...https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152022040481278&set=a.128793301277.137548.47835406277&type=1&theater Ancient Aliens Your Friday night of Ancient Aliens on H2 starts now! Visit #AncientAliens online to get the inside scoop while watching tonights marathon by clicking here: The classics youtube/watch?v=MDHp5Bdqh0c youtube/watch?v=jLB071ioa9I&feature=share SD_ECBS support the campaign facebook/photo.php?v=10200726442551949&set=vb.100140296694563&type=2&theater There are ancient descriptions of extraterrestrial battles that caused wide-scale destruction, and even reports of UFOs lurking in the shadows of recent natural disasters. Watch this Ancient Aliens episode to discover other suspicious links between alleged extraterrestrial activity and historic catastrophes on Earth. Ancient Aliens Friday: Ancient Aliens Season Premiere on H2 at 10/9c More theories, more evidence, more #AncientAliens. Watch the season six premiere of Ancient Aliens on H2 this Friday at 10/9c. Catch up before during Close Encounters Week, watching Ancient Aliens marathons every night, starting at 8pm ET. Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Watch full episodes of Ancient Aliens online. This episode features various ancient abnormal underground structures throughout the globe. Some scientists and cultures believe these strange tunnels and caverns are indicators that extracurricular activity occurred beneath the surface. What do you believe? Ancient Aliens facebook/photo.php?v=10200780201455888&set=vb.100140296694563&type=2&theater How did some of HISTORYs most powerful Emperors possess abnormally heightened strength and wisdom, earning them god-like reputations? Watch all new Ancient Aliens tonight at 10/9c on H2, to find out what otherworldly theories may explain. The BEN DE BRUYCKER HYPOTHESIS 1: Everything in Evolution was developed by its needs. So why is the human brain so overextented and bored with its functions that even Mr. Einstein used only 14-17% of his brain-capacity even with the Cabala brain enlargement techniques. So to me it is the indication number 1 that we are made by ancestors written down in the bible and so we work on this research in the Internet... Imagine some generations before we only collected fruits and so simple stuff apart from protecting ourselfs in the danger of a animal attack. Today we fly helicopters or jets and drive cars with a tremendous speed, while talking with on mobile phones and switched the cd-player while driving the car. ALL SUPPORT TO THE HISTORY CHANNEL ANCIENT ALIENS CAMPAIGN paradigmsymposium The SD_ECBS supports ANCIENT ALIENS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=198&p=4&Itemid=30#p1085 Watch last nights all new Ancient Aliens episode, The Satan Conspiracy, to witness the evidence and hear the thought provoking theories raised. Get even more #AncientAliens by tuning in for marathons every night this week, starting at 8pm ET on H2. Close Encounters Week Begins on H2 facebook/photo.php?v=10200690295608298&set=vb.114306782008506&type=2&theater Close Encounters Week is coming to H2 this Friday! Giorgio A. Tsoukalos will host an entire week of extraterrestrial entertainment, leading up to the return of brand new Ancient Aliens on H2, November 1st at 10pm ET. LIKE if youll be watching the paranormal pandemonium unfold! This have to be created by ancient aliens so why really nothing happend about this? The establishment was able again to make a hoax out of it? Even without weather-ballon-stories?... supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=227&p=1&Itemid=30#p982 Série; Alienígenas do Passado (Ancient Aliens) - 6ª Temporada Completa https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=559848480757658&set=gm.610314602357954&type=1&theater Episódios: 01 - O poder dos Três / The Power of Three Reverência para o número três remonta a milhares de anos, e ainda podem ser encontrados hoje na arte, arquitetura, ciência, literatura e religião. O que é sobre esse número que continua a fascinar a humanidade? Poderia este motivo recorrente conter uma mensagem profunda? Os antigos egípcios acreditavam que o desenho das três pirâmides de Gizé, veio dos Deuses. Diversas culturas em todo o mundo adorou seres divinos que governaram como oniscientes tríades. Isaac Newton procurou os segredos do universo em um tablet antigo que falou do poder do número três. Até mesmo a linguagem do nosso DNA está escrito em um padrão de três. Será que a combinação de todos os trios e trindades embutidos em todo o mundo mítico e religioso sugerem que o poder de três podem se conectar de alguma forma a humanidade com o divino, ou, como acreditam alguns, forças extraterrestres? 02 - Os Crânios de Cristal / The Crystal Skulls Relíquias luminosas em forma de crânios humanos. Artefatos sobrenaturais. São os crânios de cristal parte de uma fraude elaborada? Ou será que eles possuem uma grande, talvez até mesmo poder sobrenatural? Os crânios de cristal são alguns dos mais controversos artefatos antigos. Embora tenha havido literalmente centenas de crânios de cristal encontrados em todo o mundo, segundo a lenda, há apenas treze anos que se acredita possuir um incrível poder místico cujos segredos serão revelados quando as caveiras se juntarem para formar uma grade global. Poderia ser este o chamado reunião dos crânios para despertar o conhecimento sagrado dos deuses? Conhecimento que foi escondido da humanidade durante milhares de anos? E se assim for, será que os crânios de cristal revelarão a verdade sobre o nosso passado extraterrestre, ou nos oferecer um vislumbre de nosso futuro? 03 - A Conexão Anunnaki / The Anunnaki Connection Os sumérios na antiga Mesopotâmia alcançado mais de cem estreias para a civilização humana. Os avanços na escrita, agricultura, ciência, matemática, medicina, astronomia, transporte, construção, militar, escolas e planejamento da cidade, tudo se originou na Suméria. Anunnaki-gigantes, deuses alados, que só são encontrados em antigos textos cuneiformes. Poderiam esses deuses ser mais do que lenda? É possível que a civilização fez repentinas, grandes avanços no desenvolvimento de 5.000 anos atrás, como resultado da presença do Anunnaki na Terra? Será que a raça humana tem sido iniciá-lo ou até mesmo geneticamente criado por seres extraterrestres no passado remoto? Seriam os textos sumérios que descrevem os Anunnaki ser a prova dessa teoria controversa? E se assim for, podemos um dia se reunir com esses visitantes celestes? 04 - Magia dos Deuses / Magic of the Gods Assistentes maravilhosas ... feiticeiros misteriosos ... e os seres celestiais ... possuidor de um poder inimaginável. Em todo o mundo antigo, a magia foi usada para tudo, desde a cura para a comunicação com os deuses. Mas a magia realmente existiu nos tempos antigos? Não como uma forma de teatro, mas como uma forma de replicar o poder dos deuses? Relatos antigos de magia sugerem evidência de conhecimento avançado, do além? O conhecimento dado os primeiros seres humanos como um meio de ajudá-los a desbloquear a sua própria, alguns podem dizer divino-em potencial? 05 - A Conspiração Satanás / The Satan Conspiracy Ele é o único mal, o Príncipe das Trevas, o governante do Inferno. Satanás evoca imagens terríveis de um monstro com chifres, cujo único objetivo é destruir a humanidade. No entanto, há evidências de que o anjo caído que conhecemos como Satanás pode ser mal interpretado. Novas interpretações de textos antigos indicam que Satanás pode ter sido um extraterrestre que era mais um aliado para a humanidade do que um inimigo por repassar o conhecimento que plantou a semente para a civilização. Poderia reputação de Satanás como a personificação do mal ser a sua punição por liderar o homem primitivo das trevas e da ignorância? Se assim for, talvez seus maus atos realmente ser expressões de vingança contra os seres humanos, que o abandonaram? Ou são os atos diabólicos associados com Satan parte de um grande plano? Uma série de desafios morais destinados a preparar-nos para o nosso próximo, e talvez o último ... próximo encontro? 06 - Operações de Estrangeiro / Alien Operations Cirurgias misteriosas realizadas pelos primeiros humanos ... seres estranhos com poderes milagrosos ... e uma tampa de séculos de conhecimento científico up-destruindo. São avanços recentes na medicina o resultado de anos de pesquisa? Ou será que o conhecimento da cura realmente vem de uma fonte sobrenatural? Evidências de procedimentos médicos avançados praticados no mundo antigo foi encontrado em todos os lugares a partir de entalhes nas paredes dos templos para restos de esqueletos reais. Mas quem eram os praticantes desta ciência extraordinária? E onde é que o seu conhecimento do corpo humano vem? Contas de várias culturas descrever divinas figuras semelhantes, como aves que trouxeram o conhecimento médico avançado para a humanidade há milhares de anos. -Quem ou o que eram esses cirurgiões antigos? É possível que esses deuses podem ter sido seres extraterrestres que vieram à Terra para ensinar os seres humanos como se curar? 07 - Imperadores, Reis e Faraós / Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs Poderosos monarcas governam por direito divino. Secular dinastias de acumular uma enorme riqueza. E os líderes lendários empunhando armas poderosas de destruição em massa. É possível que os governantes antigos eram, de fato, conectado com o divino ou, diriam alguns, forças extraterrestres? E, em caso afirmativo, qual era o seu propósito? Antigos imperadores, reis e faraós eram freqüentemente atribuído com força sobrenatural, habilidade e sabedoria, muitos foram mesmo considerados deuses pelos povos que eles governavam. Quem eram esses líderes excepcionais, e como alguns realizaram tanto em seu tempo? Os teóricos dos antigos astronautas acreditam que esses grandes governantes ao longo da história foram escolhidos e guiado por extraterrestres. É possível que os líderes lendários do mundo poderia ter compartilhado um traço genético comum? A chamada gene liderança? E talvez esse gene tem sido, não um produto da evolução genética, mas herdado pela humanidade de alguma fonte sobrenatural? 08 - Relíquias Misteriosas / Mysterious Relics Ossos sagrados ... Golden chapéus ... e fragmentos de objetos sagrados pensado para possuir propriedades curativas. Em todo o mundo, os arqueólogos descobriram relíquias misteriosas reverenciado por culturas antigas há milhares de anos. Agora em exibição em museus, templos e igrejas, milhões de pessoas viajam grandes distâncias apenas para estar em sua presença. O que é sobre estes antigos objetos que atrai as pessoas para eles? Será que a verdade sobre as origens da humanidade ser encontrados no tecido, metal, pedra e ossos de nosso passado distante? E poderia estas misteriosas relíquias realmente nos dão a capacidade de acessar o poder divino ou sobrenatural? GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SD_ECBS NEWSFEED 2. We are the United Artists for Earthoptimization organized in the KICK ASS AGENCY SD_ECBS!!! We bring the research news to the frontline of the infowars to inform you worldwide citizens. We are nonprofit and free artists and we work on this since 1983. facebook/groups/181913338529827 I’m a member of the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! The US-American military researcher Robert Bob Lazar is a member of the first generation disclosure-fighters like Carol Rosin, William Cooper or Phil Schneider all got killed under suspicious incidents. They all fought for the truth and were the insiders of NASA, CIA and the US-Military-Research. The fun is that this interview is from the early 1980th for the official US-television sold in many other countries. So enjoy the film. “The Greys say we are tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status? youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 ........Minute 36:30. The Phoenix-Lights Ufo-Type ON TAPE IN 2008!!! youtube/watch?v=I0GWT0LsNxc facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theater NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q Sometimes higher ranks seems to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES........... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121475222778&set=a.266575520044041.71774.237775506257376&type=3&theater SD_ECBS support the peace between the United Federation of Planets and all work of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT presented their work at the NY press club in 2001. The SD_ECBS created the NEWSFEED for VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT on facebook including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full information service... facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater MISSION PERFORMED!/petition/formally-acknowledge-extraterrestrial-presence-engaging-human-race-disclosure/wfYDlmlG facebook/photo.php?fbid=186307808118032&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=3&theater a4.l3-images.myspacecdn/images02/150/5fb74c2e4f6a441eadf7cb36ec698e36/l.jpg There have been found more amino acids on the meteorite than we even know on earth. So life seems to came from the outside! myspace/video/earthoptimization/ecbs-information-film-desk-stock/107968856 Visit our newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research. .. facebook/groups/18191333852982 SD_ECBS support the peace between the United Federation of Planets and all work of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT presented their work at the NY press club in 2001. Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact So join the result of 7 years research and may change your life and your standing concerning these facts. The SD_ECBS created the NEWSFEED for VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT on facebook including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full information service... facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE grounded in 1984 in the lead of the Gods. We are the DESK THE SUPPORTERS DESK of the ECBS. facebook/photo.php?fbid=275643755803884&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A HI TO CREATIONISM click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization Come on over and CHECK the INFORMATION-DESK and all PICS inside like myspace/earthoptimization We like to work on a wide open internet. this site is presented by the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE THE BEST OF-LINKS ABOUT GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE ARE NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q Visit our newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research... facebook/groups/181913338529827 MISSION PERFORMED!/petition/formally-acknowledge-extraterrestrial-presence-engaging-human-race-disclosure/wfYDlmlG Sometimes higher ranks seem to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES........... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121475222778&set=a.266575520044041.71774.237775506257376&type=3&theater Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SD_ECBS support the peace between the United Federation of Planets and all work of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT presented their work at the NY press club in 2001. So join the result of 7 years research and may change your life and your standing concerning these facts. The SD_ECBS created the NEWSFEED for VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT on facebook including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full information service... facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. The EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE grounded in 1984 in the lead of the Gods. We are the DESK THE SUPPORTERS DESK of the ECBS. facebook/photo.php?fbid=275643755803884&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105435157716&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater ]ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A HI TO CREATIONISM click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SD_ECBS NEWSFEED 2. facebook/groups/181913338529827 youtube/watch?v=i5wuvpL4YPs&feature=related youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=I0GWT0LsNxc facebook/groups/181913338529827 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater youtube/user/csetiweb/videos?view=0&flow=grid youtube/playlist?list=PLF145F457E1952CFC youtube/watch?v=ApTtoqrDblg&ytsession=tHWAgS94podj7Kg1oItcf9YZEIelvbXp57UY-31cqGO2nlZXLiVjMpp7BO3IWw_lv6ybHrl2KOKZKV-bbGhSIv8_apfHS06PeTVZBlbsOVfWWHZGuLgqCNesrrDbaDrDKAE2oboTyjOztnJFNB2V1taJbwmtan1scVq-WMkeMh89BtNXwV-Y9HGPKwKwmwEkd6xXuIpzYRROhMHufTwRqm9kHc69pjqcxisdEd7w82efp6jhZizWpP59QzPTNHNzcRWJzpwPK-oXlzogC8rrt_n8614fk1P8V9BEXax2_ULZ8BWIfMqgfMLzHsxpQU-nYSEFvkRRFs0X93rvjbH5fZgYUsfXOxUdwrvUBUAdXKrL1I8IAz8tsOUpoL1vCwYNdH46uJGfIZIRGIGCix02_Pm35CLFpZg0CjD-a78JrwYXn8xw1eHeClhDE2uF-TnwSIos2zkClnX3WA5MWUbZ4lyYyhEbesHqqzdptXGTT1wY-ky0eNCcfwZp3_0bw2GNrBqQ5ZGIpdM huffingtonpost/2013/07/20/physicist-eric-davis-mufon-symposium_n_3620126.html youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zy1Vu551SN0 collective-evolution/2012/11/02/national-security-agency-nsa-releases-ufo-files https://youtube/watch?v=2Uo1ck6fnOk OPEN THE GATE, open the comment-feed of this pic for full information service.....Click on the photo for more information in the comment-feed!....WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION. Post this all around: https://youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc WELCOME TO OUR NEWSGROUPS. Enjoy our work and go back into the timeline. WILLKOMMEN AUF UNSERER Newsgroups. Genießen Sie unsere Arbeit und gehen zurück in die Timeline BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRO grupos de noticias. Disfrutamos nuestro trabajo yvolver a la línea de tiempo. BEM VINDO AO NOSSO NEWSGROUPS. Desfrute do nosso trabalho e voltar para a linha do tempo. BIENVENUE SUR NOTRE newsgroups. Profitez de notre travail et de revenirdans la chronologie. Καλώς ήρθατε σε ομάδες συζητήσεων ΜΑΣ. Απολαύστε τη δουλειά μας και να πάει πίσω στο timeline. ברוכים הבאים לקבוצות דיון שלנו. תהנה העבודה שלנו ולחזור לתוך ציר זמן. BENVENUTI NEL NOSTRO i newsgroup. Godetevi il nostro lavoro e tornarenella timeline. 当社のニュースグループへようこそ。私たちの仕事を楽しみ、タイムラインに戻ります。 ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ НА НАШ группы новостей. Наслаждайтесь нашей работы и вернуться в сроки. Bizim Haber Grupları HOŞGELDİNİZ. Bizim çalışma keyfini çıkarın ve zaman çizelgesi geri dönün. facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1&theater SD_ECBS supports the disclosure-project First REAL UFO-FLIGHTS RECORDED BY NASA INFRARED SPACE SUTTLE PROTOCOL CAM!!!!! No L-Formation flying satellites at the beginning. youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=5OLnT4WkbgY The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project started by Greer in 1992 that alleges the existence of a US government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The Disclosure Project has been well-received by UFO enthusiasts, with speeches from Greer and various other witnesses being presented at various UFO-themed conferences. Greer has held press conferences and embarked on a continuing series of lectures and television appearances trying to raise popular support.[2] Mainstream media coverage of the group mostly centered around a 2001 conference at the National Press Club[3] which was described by an attending BBC reporter as the strangest he had ever seen.[4] Greer convened the conference with more than 100 other contactees offering testimony. Among the contactees were ...about 20 former government workers, many of them military and security officials, who stepped forward...and called for congressional hearings about such sightings.[5] Such arguments were met with by derision by skeptics and spokespeople for the U. S. Air Force who maintain that there is no convincing evidence for the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecraft. The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 4 nonprofit environmental support ancestors research facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073 facebook/photo.php?fbid=186307808118032&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theater THE DISCLOSURE-PROJECT SPOKESMAN SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for visitorsenlightenment the existence of Spacegods daeniken returnofthespacegods.wordpress misnic facebook/home.php?sk=group_181913338529827&ap=1 supporters-desk returnofthespacegods.wordpress/2008/03/18/it-all-started-with-erich-von-daniken%E2%80%A6 TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!!!!! LOL …and after 7 years of research in the www it would be great to give us some support! Help to share our information-services, newsfeeds and databanks for free. This is nonprofit environmental support and needed to be shared to all people worldwide.(Post to all) from here Hi there and this nonprofit environmental support service is new installed. Please share our data and tell everyone. Hope you LIKE IT! Open the photo (pic)-bank and enjoy the links and videos weve found during the past 6 years of research. Im Ben and the SD_ECBS CEO and online since 6 years of research. My age is 48 was 25 years at the TV-postpro. All the data Ive found I put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. They are open source and for non-facebook-user available. I’m a member of the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater All our last 4000 postings LOL2 you will find on TWITTER twitter/MISNICvisit so you cant miss anything all the best for the weekend your TEAM SD_ECBS Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for fill information service facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater Sometimes higher ranks seems to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES...... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121571889435&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the picture for full information in the facebook-comment-feed. The United Artists for Earthoptimization! Time by time the gods did have kick ass departments like us! The SD_ECBS. So interested in our work for earthoptimizing reasons? Open the comment-feed on facebook of this picture and enjoy the research we did for all... Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for full information service. We are no religion-legion we are just artist for a better understanding based on research and data. facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater We are still LA Nr1 facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=likes This is the NEWSFEED for EARTHOPTIMIZATION so to speak making things better or even or mother earth LIKES IT! including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full service. youtube/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw&feature=player_embedded facebook/photo.php?fbid=10150323092440817&set=a.394072360816.168012.300478260816&type=1&theater We are the United Artists for EARTHOPTIMIZATION organized in the MISNIC.COM - network for earthoptimization and visitorsenlightenment of the SD_ECBS. supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=66&Itemid=30 and this is it what its all about. myspace/earthoptimization/photos/2007030#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A1973490%7D facebook/photo.php?fbid=161153970649134&set=a.109716732459525.13714.100002635975442&type=1&theater NETWORK OF THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about FREE ENERGY, FREE RUNNING MACHINES AND ALL THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. yours TEAM SD_ECBS this site is presented by the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Overbeckstreet 10 29640 Schneverdingen GERMANY phone 0049 5193 966 40 72 fax 0049 5193 966 40 73 mail [email protected] northern germany LUNEBURGER HEATH COUNTRYSIDE SD_ECBS CEO Allda Ben Marius de Bruycker Give me a HUGG and a LIKE IT –button just here! facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=info facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall facebook/pages/I-AM-LIVING-FOR-LOVE/123823584385072 Network for World Wide Earthoptimization of the SD_ECBS SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM EARTHOPTIMIZATION.ORG EARTHPOTIMIZATION.NET EARTHOPTIMIZING.COM EARTHOPTIMIZORS.COM myspace/earthoptimization blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 MISNIC.COM MISNIC.NET https://facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/117911794962463 https://facebook/misnic.earthoptimizorzz https://facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/137892332954413 facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/117911794962463?sk=app_131686150237656 facebook/groups/181913338529827 facebook/groups/209226609114914 EARTHCOLONIESBROADCASTINGSERVICE.NET nonprofit information-server of the SD_ECBS supporters-desk supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 The SD_ECBS summary of postings of the whole network from the beginning twitter/MISNICvisit P L E A S E O P E N A L L C O M M E N T S F O R C O M P L E T E I N F O R M A T I O N S E R V I C E O F T H I S N E W S F E E D SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for visitorsenlightenment the existence of Spacegods daeniken paradigmsymposium/ returnofthespacegods.wordpress misnic facebook/home.php?sk=group_181913338529827&ap=1 supporters-desk returnofthespacegods.wordpress/2008/03/18/it-all-started-with-erich-von-daniken%E2%80%A6 moonrising-themovie/home.html,_astrology_and_ufology#Serpo thebigwobble/2010_01_01_archive.html spacestationmoon.blogspot/2011/02/lunar-lights-on-hollow-moon.html starchildproject/dna2010.htm?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d80b6c6d83de45a%2C0 librarising/space/darkstar.html skepticreport/sr/?p=232 secretsun.blogspot/2009/02/spacegods-pyramid-of-apollo.html abovetopsecret/forum/thread433024/pg1 aufosg/index.php secretsun.blogspot/2009/02/spacegods-pyramid-of-apollo.html abovetopsecret/forum/thread433024/pg1 quakes.globalincidentmap globalincidentmap SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for FREE ENERGY discovered in 1269 thrivemovement greenoptimistic/2008/05/01/ebm-720-free-magnetic-energy-power-plant-for-sale peswiki/index.php/Congress:Top_100_Technologies_--_RD perendev hojomotor/?hop=tredi77 peswiki/index.php/Directory:Magnet_Motors peswiki/index.php/Directory:Perendev_Power_Developments_Pty_(Ltd) pesn/2010/07/31/9501681_Revealing_What_I_Know_About_Building_the_Perendev_Magnet_Motor/witnesses.htm peswiki/index.php/Main_Page rexresearch/johnson/1johnson.htm rexresearch/depalma/depalma.htm peswiki/index.php/Directory:Perendev_Power_Developments_Pty_(Ltd) rexresearch/reed/reed.htmpeswiki/index.php/Directory:Surge_Motor_Technology_by_Troy_Reed peswiki/index.php/ depalma.pair rexresearch/depalma/depalma.htm h2o0il lincvolt SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for WATER POWERED HHO TECHNOLOGY myspace/MrStanleyMeyer SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & EARTHOPTIMIZATION facebook/ facebook/PETITION4CETURE MISNIC.COM MISNIC.NET myspace/earthoptimization blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 supporters-desk smartplanet/blog/design-architecture/harvesting-rainwater-for-more-than-greywater/485 FreeEnergyTruth.blogspot FreeEnergyTruth FreeEnergy.TV FreeEnergyDocs YouTube/user/FreeEnergyTruth Media enquiries SUPPORTERS-DESK for PEOPLE of a free world SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for PSYCHIC RESEARCH CRYSTALS dreamhillresearch/marcelvogel/index.html SD_ECBS for Earthoptimization and Visitorsenlightenment EARTHOPTIMIZATION.ORG EARTHPOTIMIZATION.NET EARTHOPTIMIZING.COM EARTHOPTIMIZORS.COM myspace/earthoptimization blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 MISNIC.COM MISNIC.NET SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM EARTHCOLONIESBROADCASTINGSERVICE.NET facebook/groups/181913338529827 facebook/groups/209226609114914 SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM created by myspace/EARTHOPTIMIZATION facebook/pages/MISNIC-earthoptimizorzz/117911794962463?sk=app_131686150237656 myspace/alldabenmariusdebruycker facebook/home.php?sk=group_209226609114914&ap=1 yours TEAM SD_ECBS this site is presented by the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Overbeckstreet 10 29640 Schneverdingen GERMANY phone 0049 5193 966 40 72 fax 0049 5193 966 40 73 mail [email protected] northern germany LUNEBURGER HEATH COUNTRYSIDE SD_ECBS CEO Allda Ben Marius de Bruycker ありがとうございます We are lifetime supporters of your artwork and we will tell everybody. Check our information and the pics we show in our nonprofit environmental support site. The artists of the myspace-community have all power to make all things come true. So organize it!!! Disclaimer When the United States needs eyes and ears in critical places where no human can reach – be it over the most rugged terrain or through the most hostile territory – it turns to the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The NRO is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America’s intelligence satellites. Whether creating the latest innovations in satellite technology, contracting with the most cost-efficient industrial supplier, conducting rigorous launch schedules, or providing the highest-quality products to our customers, we never lose focus on who we are working to protect: our Nation and its citizens. From our inception in 1961 to our declassification to the public in 1992, we have worked tirelessly to provide the best reconnaissance support possible to the Intelligence Community (IC) and Department of Defense (DoD). We are unwavering in our dedication to fulfilling our vision: Vigilance From Above. WARNING...Anyone hear this song shall not hold me liable for what I say or display. The content on this song is my opinion, not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual, or anyone or thing. Responsibility: I am fully responsible for the content of this song, not my employer, volunteer group, membership organization, church, or any other agencies which I might be seen to represent. Personal Views: These are my own personal views, which implies that I am responsible for them, not my employee or another agency. This song is solely my opinion. Protection from Commenters: I am not responsible, nor will be held liable, for anything anyone says in the blog comments, nor the laws which they may break in any country through their comments’ content, implication, and intent. No Harm Intended: My intention is to do no harm. To not injure others, defame, or liable. This is my opinion and advice, not counsel,and what I write on this song is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. If people use my advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations, and are injured, I am not to be held responsible. 1. Inhalt des Onlineangebotes Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität, Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen. 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Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:32:23 +0000

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