THE HOLOCAUST IN FIVE MINUTES Prior to WWII, Jews represented - TopicsExpress


THE HOLOCAUST IN FIVE MINUTES Prior to WWII, Jews represented about 0.9% of the German population yet they owned 40% of Germanys textile firms and almost 60% of the clothing businesses, amounting to 79% of department store transactions. About 50% of Germanys private banks were owned by Jews (with such names as Bleichroder, Bonn, Mendelssohn, and Warburg being notable). They controlled Germanys two largest publishing houses, as well. Consider the influence. After the Jewish boycott on German goods in 1933, the immediate threat to the German economy became too overwhelming to ignore. This is why Hitler (and most of the German people) pushed for the expulsion of all Jewish people from German territory. Expulsions were carried out until the onset of WWII at which point preventing espionage became a top priority. This is why the concentration camp system was put into place. Rather than expel Jews from Germany (where they could then give sensitive information such as secrets of German industry to the Soviets and other German adversaries), Jews were sent to concentration camps to be held for the duration of the war. No extermination plan was ever intended or established... but after the war, the Soviets, the Americans, and the most powerful Jewish networks had a common interest -- portraying Germany to be as evil as they possibly could. The Soviets produced the fraudulent Katyn report which they submitted at Nuremberg, the Americans held the laughable Buchenwald exhibit which included shrunken heads and human skin lampshades, and Jews in Hollywood produced lots of films and newspaper articles about an evil man named Hitler who couldnt possibly kill enough Jews to satisfy his sadistic motive for Aryan-led world domination. Its utterly ludicrous. In reality, the Soviets killed millions of their own people and had a need to appear as the lesser evil of WWII, the Jews had obvious reasons for retaliation and needed German reparations and global sympathy to establish the Jewish state, and the Americans as well as the British had to justify the extent to which they invaded Germany and obliterated the nation with indiscriminate bombings of major cities, leading to about 410,000 German civilian casualties. At the time of these bombings, German railroads and other services were left in ruins, leaving many concentration camps without food and medicine, leading to starvation and the spread of diseases such as typhus, followed by thousands of dead bodies found in the camps post-war. Other bodies were previously cremated to prevent the spread of lice and disease but these deaths were on-record and none support an extermination storyline. There is not a single body that showed any signs of having been gassed. Families were often permanently and internationally separated after the war leaving many Jews with nothing but rumor and an assumption that their family members were victims of mass murder. Far less than .001% of Holocaust survivors even claim to have witnessed evidence of an actual gassing procedure and all relevant claims have since been refuted by Revisionist scholars. In addition to a total lack of documentary evidence that non-partisan Jews were ever murdered en masse simply for being Jewish, no relevant mass graves have ever been shown to exist in an impartial, legitimate excavation. Mass graves perpetrated by the Soviets (at Katyn and Vinnitsa) were excavated by many international participants and produced lots of accountable photographic, physical, and forensic evidence. No similar excavation has ever taken place for any alleged German-produced Jewish mass grave site. In a recent excavation of mass graves from the 1995 Bosnian War in Srebrenica, more than 7,000 bodies were exhumed and DNA tested using nothing but bone fragments. No such analysis has ever taken place for any alleged victims of the Holocaust. The claimed location of more than 800,000 Jewish victims is precisely known at places like Treblinka but thorough excavations are forbidden by Jewish institutions who now claim it is against Jewish law to exhume Jewish bodies, even though individual exhumations regularly take place in Israel! Of the millions of documents confiscated post-war, there is not one original and verifiable German document outlining or even referring to any extermination plan or gas chambers. There is no recorded mention from any Nazi official that refers to such a horrific policy. Every document or quotation that has been presented to support the widely-accepted narrative has been easily demonstrated as misrepresentation of context, at best, or outright forgery, at worst. There are no exceptions to this which is why those defending the fraudulent storyline will often rely on the absurd notion of secret orders and code words to sustain their unsupported arguments. Revisionists have been unable to openly debate this subject and expose these illegitimacies without facing legal persecution and other forms of oppression. Holocaust Denial has been banned by 14 European countries and countless organizations throughout the Western world in response to political pressure from predominantly-Jewish institutions, making it extremely difficult for anyone -- including scientists and historians -- to challenge the dogmatic Jewish extermination narrative in a public forum. The post-war trials against Germany were held by the victors against the vanquished which, according to former US Senator Robert Taft, cannot be impartial no matter how it is hedged about with the forms of justice. The most significant of post-war trials were by far the Nuremberg trials and, incredibly, the only documents available to the defense were those which had been selected beforehand by the prosecution. A leading US prosecutor at the trials, Senator Thomas J. Dodd, later wrote a published letter to his son, reluctantly admitting his staff was predominantly Jewish. Several Nazi officials were executed following their outright denial of gas chambers. Those who were subsequently tried found the most dependable option for survival was to acknowledge extermination but deny involvement. This became the standard for SS confessions. Once the guilty verdicts were in and substantial Holocaust propaganda was put into place, the UN and gullible masses throughout the Western world cheered for the poor Jewish victims, who out of sympathy would be granted Israel as a gift despite the Arab population that already lived there. The infrastructure of Israel would be largely funded by Germany just as soon as its former leaders were executed one-by-one. Once the Jewish state became official, Jews flooded in from around the globe and have been demolishing Palestinian houses and terrorizing men, women, and children ever since. THE END. - - - - - Additional Resources: - How propaganda works in Hollywood: tinyurl/83tp9l2 - Gas chamber witnesses: - Why the number 6 million?: - A place to ask questions: forum.codoh/viewforum.php?f=2
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:23:01 +0000

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