THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE: If you go to Mecca, you will find O.O.O. - TopicsExpress


THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE: If you go to Mecca, you will find O.O.O. inscribed on all the stones and places of worship. The Muslim themselves are surprised and they cannot explain how the inscription came about. I too do not know who is responsible for these inscriptions. NOW TELL THE WORLD THAT SHE SHOULD CEASE TO SEEK FOR OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH. HE WAS KNOWN IN THE FLESH IN THE PREVIOUS ADVENT AND NOT NOW. HE ABIDES IN SPIRIT. IF ANY MAN DOES NOT WALK IN THE SPIRIT HE CANNOT KNOW HIM. ANYTIME YOU KNEEL DOWN AND THANK HIM, HE WILL FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. PREACH HIS NAME IN THE MARKET PLACE, OFFICES, FARMS, TO THE PRESIDENT, GOVERNOR, KINGS AND QUEENS ETC. It is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Let those who have ears, hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world, may God bless His Holy words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel:THE HOLY SPIRIT IN AFRICA THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE: *When prophet Mohammed was about to die his followers asked him to tell them the one who will teach them and lead them to the accurate knowledge of truth. *He told them that the knowledge of truth and the power to save himself was not within his control. With that unfavorable reply, they asked further what they should do to be saved. *He told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, that when He comes He would lead and teach them. This reveals how lucky this generation is. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 4:24-26 GOD IS A SPIRIT AND THEY THAT WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. The woman saith unto him, I know the Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee I am he. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE: Are we not led to the accurate knowledge of the truth? Have you not realized now that God is a spirit? Do the various church denominations know this? Instead of imparting this knowledge to the adherents, they rather talk about demons. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not say that another prophet or pastor shall come, but He declared that God shall come by Himself. GOD IS RIGHT IN YOUR MIDST TODAY. THUS ONCE YOU PURIFY YOURSELF, HE WILL COME AND ABIDE WITH YOU FOREVER. AS SOON AS THIS TAKES PLACE YOU ARE LEFT WITHOUT PROBLEMS. WHETHER YOU PRAY OR NOT HE IS PRAYING ON YOUR BEHALF AND YOU WILL GAIN ETERNAL LIFE. When prophet Mohammed was about to die his followers asked him to tell them the one who will teach them and lead them to the accurate knowledge of truth. He told them that the knowledge of truth and the power to save himself was not within his control. With that unfavorable reply, they asked further what they should do to be saved. He told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, that when He comes He would lead and teach them. This reveals how lucky this generation is. It is the fulfillment of the prophecy at John 4:21-22 and it also reveals that GOD IS DWELLING IN YOU AND HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU MAY BE. You should learn from the testimony of one of our brothers (a lawyer) who said that when he was not baptised, he was behaving as he liked, but since he came into this fold, he found himself a changed man. THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO COME HERE AND DEMAND ANY OTHER TEACHING BECAUSE GOD IS ALREADY TEACHING YOU EVERYTHING. AND YOU ARE AS FREE AS THE AIR. NO ANGEL OR PROPHET IS CHARGED WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY TO GUIDE YOU. THIS IS BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THEIR TIME. THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE GODHEAD TO RULE. HE GUIDES AND DOES EVERYTHING FOR YOU. NOBODY AMONG THE PEOPLE CAN GIVE YOU THE NEEDED SALVATION. THIS EXPLAINS WHY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SAID: AND IN THAT DAY YE ASK ME NOTHING. VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU WHATSOEVER YE SHALL ASK THE FATHER IN MY NAME, HE WILL GIVE IT YOU...FOR THE FATHER HIMSELF LOVETH YOU, BECAUSE YE HAVE LOVED ME, HAVE BELIEVED THAT I CAME OUT FROM GOD. (JOHN 16:23-27). In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, whatever you ask I give it to you. YOU ARE ALL FREE AND ALWAYS WITH THE FATHER BECAUSE HE DWELLS IN YOU. You play pranks, tell lies to the Father while He provides all your heart desires. After the resurrection, Our Lord Jesus Christ told Mary, Touch me not; I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, your God. (JOHN 20:17). The same thing is applicable here. The Father is not only mine but He belongs to all of us. He is not only my God but the God of all those who practice these pieces of advice. Most of the people direct most of their material gifts to the Father. Others claim that it is only the Father who can do the works we witness in BCS. We have but one Father and we are all brethren. The activities of this fold are not those of idol worshippers. The only thing expected of you is to love one another; and once that is done, you are free. You must have heard the testimony of a certain medical doctor who said that he no more prescribes orthodox medication for the cure of peoples sickness because they are not as potent as should be the case any longer. He said that it is the name of the Father alone that he uses to cure anybody that comes to him. You can see that Our Lord Jesus Christ cured various sicknesses through the spoken word. Why do you two or more persons pray for a sick person? Like Our Lord Jesus Christ I am using the words to do all that I do. Here you are told, Go, for you now have peace, no more sickness, no accident, and the same is fulfilled as declared. You are in your Fathers house and he does everything for you free of charge. God is the only one that rules the whole world. Now you have no problem because you are so polished that even when you are moving along the street and somebody sees you, the power that emanates from you is enough to take away that persons problems. Right now when you come in here, I do not pray for you but I will tell you to go for all your problems are solved, and it happens just as I said. I want you to also do the same. If all of you should possess this love, you are with me always and you will continue to be with me forever. Beloved it is said that a stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let he who has ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the world. May God bless His holy words. Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: THE REVEALED CHRIST
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:47:45 +0000

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