THE HOLY SPIRIT REFORMATION PARADIGM SHIFT. What began under the direct headship of Christ through the Holy Spirit fades and dies under the headship of a religious system. That is what happened with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that began in Bario (please read the book “The Bario Revival”) where the Kelabit tribe were resqued by the Holy Spirit and received Jesus with great manifestations and signs and wonders. And this all happen in the remote highland of Sarawak just over in 1972-1973 almost 40 years ago. This Holy Spirit outpouring will not be within or sustained within an institutional religious framework. God is doing a new thing and building a relationship oriented body of believers. He is leaving institutional organizations and beginning a true return to New Testament Christianity with believers who are not just warm bodies sitting on a pew or chair, but filled with the life, love and spirit of God to take the gospel of the kingdom to their world. Isa.43:18-19 “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Perhaps the most exciting news of this new season is the return of the fresh potential of small groups which I saw in Lawas, Miri, Kuching (and all over in Papua) of believers filled with the Holy Spirit similar to the first century church. Directly connected to their Head through the Holy Spirit without the limitations of the non biblical framework of institutional religious systems, the multitude of small groups have the potential of spreading and indefinitely sustaining a powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual outpourings that begin in small groups under the headship of Christ sustained by the Holy Spirit flowing through the hearts of purified humble believers will continue and will spread as I saw in Baitani prayer hill and several small places including in Ba’kelalan. Possibly, this move will eventually be expressed in large open air gatherings in fields, stadiums, arenas or any gathering place available. But the move will only be sustained by multitudes of relationally based groups where Christ is truly head and the Holy Spirit has free reign to move through all the people of God. Perhaps the greatest and surely the largest and most intense continuing move of God in the world is flowing through multitudes of small groups forced underground by persecution in China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan. That is the fastest growing body of believers in the world. In outpourings of revival in small groups, many gifted servants will come forth among the people to enrich one another with the ministry of Christ flowing by the Holy Spirit. Many untitled apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers will be free and available to flow within and among the multitude of autonomous groups networked by relationship through the Holy Spirit. Resources will be available to support this move instead of making a few high profile ministers or ministries rich and famous, while doing nothing for the kingdom of God. The prophets are speaking in this season and one of the things spoken to us for the coming years is a supernatural move of God through the laity (non-scholars) and not limited to those with a title. Some local fellowships are being touched and facing deep internal shifting by the Holy Spirit. Some leaders are being pulled back into some level of isolation for transformation alone with God and seem to have little or no strength to make anything happen. Yet God is moving among His people touching and breaking hearts, reducing mental and emotional strength to mush and filling their souls with endless measures of love – a love that with change many lives. The desperate cries of the spiritually starving souls for JESUS will now be answered? Weve cried out for more, more of Him. Is the cry now shifting to Jesus have more, more of us? Rev 5:9-10: ....You have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth. May the Lord bestow you with spiritual wisdom and that you may say I Am what it Say I Am, and can do what it say I Can do, and that you boldly confess with an alert mind, and a receptive heart that you will never be the same in Jesus name. Shavua Tov.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:59:17 +0000

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