THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONLY GUIDE INTO SUCCESSFUL LIFE ON EARTH No matter how old you are, where you’re from or what you do for a living, we all share something in common—a desire to be successful. Each person’s definition of success is different, however, as some may define success as being a loving and faithful spouse or a caring and responsible parent, while most people would equate success with wealth, fame, and power. We all want to achieve success so we could live a comfortable life—have financial freedom, drive a nice car, and live in a beautiful house. However, although success can be achieved, yet man do not live long to enjoy their success The most successful person ever lived on earth, that all His prayers were answered, and all of His words will forever live in all eternity, is Jesus Christ. My maker and your maker. His successful life can be credited to only one person, called THE HOLY SPIRIT There are a lot of tips and strategies out there on how to be successful in life, but I am still a firm believer that there is no better way to succeed than to follow that footsteps of a Person who have already done so. Because success is not having it all in this life, but to find your name in the book of life. In which we will be Honored , Glorified ,become and remain immortality all eternity. In the 1Cor.2: 7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1.The Holy Spirit Takes over our thinking and gives us the mind of Christ to think big. we gain Access to God--Eph. 2:18. Guides in truth--John 16:13 2.The Holy Spirit reveals the will and the heart of God to us. He helps us to Find what we love to do and do it for God. He Calls and Commissions us in our purpose--Acts 13:24; 20:28 3.He keeps our lives in check, teaches us how to live wisely. By then we learn how to balance our lives. He Convicts us of sin--John 16:9, 14 and Molds our Character--Gal. 5:22-23 4.He leads with love, truth and faith. Therefore we are not afraid of failure. He leads us in Victory over flesh--Rom. 8:2-4; Gal. 4:6 5. We receive an unwavering resolution to succeed. Therefore we receive the power to say no to sin. He Liberates--Rom. 8:2 and Empowers Believers--Luke 24:49 6. The Holy Spirit empowers a child of God. Always ready to be a man of action. Helps us in our weakness--Rom. 8:26 He creates a new person in us.--Gen. 1:2; Job 33:4 7.Knowing the outcome of things we Avoid conflicts. We receive his strength of Sanctification--Rom. 15:16 8. We are never afraid of introducing new ideas. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of revelation and doer of what God required in our lives. He gives us gifts to function in areas of our callings--I Cor. 12:8-11 9.With the Holy Spirit Success is not our driver, but fulfillment in His hands. What is the profit, when all is said and done but no eternity ? 10. The Holy Spirit helps us maintain a positive mental attitude .He is our seal --Eph. 1:13-14; 4:30 from Born again -John 3:3-6 Till we all become perfect like Him. 11. We do not let discouragement stop us from pressing on. Because Jesus is our hope and our lives brings Him praise through The Holy Spirit leadings. --John 16:14 12. Believer is willing to work hard, for the crown set before him, because he receives inner Strengthens--Eph. 3:16; Acts 1:8; 2:4;1 Cor. 2:4 13. We are brave enough to follow our intuition ,because we know and have inner witness that we are the Children of God. Powerful Things Successful People did and do daily They don’t have any big decisions left to make. When it comes to their salvation. Successful people know that if they wake up in the morning, their biggest decisions that should be made before the end of the afternoon is, where will I be if i die now? Holiness,Righteousness and truth is mandatory for the successful people. They cross every last item off their to-do lists when it comes to wining souls for Christ.In living their last breath for eternal purposes.The most noble work on earth Are you leading successful life ?Do you want one ?give your life to Jesus,ask him to forgive you of your sinful ways.Invite the Holy Spirit to grant you the above life in Jesus name. Please listen to this teachings and you will never be the same again.In Jesus name.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:52:52 +0000

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