THE HOPE OF AMERICA IS IN OUR HANDS: WHAT WILL WE DO WITH IT? If the Church (Gods people/children, called by His name) will turn back to God by seeking His face, praying, and turning from our wicked ways, God will hear our cries, will forgive our sins, and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14). But this promise is conditioned upon us fulfilling our part. God is more than ready, willing, and able to do His part. He is standing by, waiting on us to do what He told us needed to be done. His solution is simple, yet we fail to do it, as a united Church, as the Body of Christ. If you have forgotten already, I will say it again... If the Church (Gods people/children, called by His name) will turn back to God by seeking His face, praying, and turning from our wicked ways, God will hear our cries, will forgive our sins, and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14). Notice that God did not call the sinners and heathen to repent and seek Him; rather His very own people to repent and seek Him in order to enact reformation in the nation. God did not put the hope of Sodom and Gomorrah in the hands of the sinful Sodomites and Gomorrites. The hope of the cities rested in the hands of the finding of 10 righteous people in the city. For the sake of 10 righteous people, the cities could have been saved. The hope of America is not in the hands of those who know not God. Why? First, because they do not belong to Him, they have no relationship with Him, they are not called by His name. Second, He does not hear the prayers of sinners, except the cry of repentance. (Jn. 9:32). Whose prayer then does God hear? Those who reverently fear (honor) Him and do His will. Being a hearer of the Word only, but not a doer of His Word, will not get your prayers answered. (James 1:22). If you think you can be a casual Christian, and get your prayers answered, James says, you are deceived. He hears those who are fully and faithfully devoted to Him with their whole lives. Those who live for Him alone, who are fearfully obedient to Him. These are His people, and gladly carry His Name. The hope of America rests in the hands of the people of God, His Body of Born Again believers. In order for America to be saved, God must find a righteous Church, without wrinkle, spot or blemish. (Eph. 5:27) Spiritual transformation does not come from without. We are not changed from the outside inward. We are transformed from the inside out, from our innermost being, the spirit. God changes our spiritual hearts, resulting in a transformation of our actions and our lives. Likewise, the Church is the heart of this nation. We are the heartbeat of God toward America! We are the source of His love for this nation. If we are to see reformation in America, it will have to begin with a change of heart, the hearts of His people which are called by His name. The Lord also says that we need to cease the finger pointing, and blame-shifting. This is part of our repentance, my friend. The church has become the greatest finger pointer and blame-shifter in America. Yet God is not putting the demise of the nation on the sinners and heathen. He putting the blame squarely upon His own people, the Church. Remember that when you point your finger at another, there are yet three fingers pointed back at you. Therefore, we need to look within ourselves, not outwardly at others. The problem with America is with Gods own people. He says that judgment is not going to start with the sinners and heathens of this nation; rather with the house of God, His own children. (1 Pt. 4:17) We have lost of first love. (Rev. 2:4). We have stood by while evil men prosper. (Jer. 5:28; 12:1). We have compromised the Gospel. (Ps. 119:1-4, 128; 2 Tim. 4:3-4) In essence, 2 Chronicles 7:14, is Gods clarion call to His people to get right with Him. We are admonished to cease speaking wickedness, cursing others, especially those in authority; rather, give thanks for them and pray for them, resulting in quiet, peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. (1 Tim. 2:1-2) And live your life for others out loud by your actions. (Isa. 58:8-9). You say you have faith, but do not show it. You might say, well, my faith is very private. God never intended for your faith, and your relationship with Him to be private. He says show me your your works. (James 2:28) Faith takes action. It is not a private matter, it is for the benefit of others. What does God expect of you? To love one another. (Jn. 13:34-35; 15:12, 17; Rom. 12:10; Gal. 5:13) To do justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. (Mic. 6:8) Walking means action. Walking is a continuous movement, a lifestyle. Your life should be lived out for others, not selfishly (privately). Therefore,If we do our part to seek His face, turning toward God, with all our hearts, all our souls, all of our minds, and all of our strength (i.e., with everything we are), loving one another, we can change the course of our nation. As a result, this is the future of America...a righteous Church with the ability to transform this nation, bringing salvation, deliverance, and healing to all. We will be repairers of the breach that has broken and severed this nation, and restorers of the streets. (Isa. 58:12) They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God. (Ezek. 37:23) The hope of America is in our hands, my brothers and sisters, and Gods solution is simple. But it will take a corporate act of His people, to be a community of a broken and contrite spirit; first over our own sins, then over the sins of this nation. (Ps. 34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 66:2) When fulfill our portion, we will see a mighty move of God on our behalf to heal this nation. It will be a massive revival within the Church of a magnitude never seen before, and reformation of a deformed nation. Every God-given breath within me wants to see America saved, starting with the House of God. Before we can ever see this nation come to the Lord Jesus Christ, His own people need to return to the Cross with their wholehearted devotion to Him. God has clearly spelled out in detail what we need to do. What are we waiting for? Do we want to see America saved, or not? If so, how much do you want it.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:38:01 +0000

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