THE HORIZONTAL PASSAGE TO THE QUEEN’S CHAMBER—PART 3: Before revealing whether or not Lemesurier and Rutherford have satisfactorily answered Colin Wilsons query—Why a two-foot step at that point?—lets examine the other details in the order in which they were presented. First detail: why is there a downward step of 5 inches at the beginning of the horizontal passage? Answer: this downward step is in obvious contrast to the ascending passage where there is an increase of 5 inches from the halfway point, which measures 48 inches high (Lepre 73), to the upper end with its height of 53 inches. The drop of 5 inches is clearly a negative symbol, indicating that those people who step off the upward path that leads to the celestial kingdom are in for a letdown if they end up in the terrestrial kingdom. The horizontal passage does indicate a leveling off, a failure to meet all the requirements, all the sacrifices required in order to keep growing spiritually. In short, the people who inherit the terrestrial kingdom will prove to be resistant to the fellowshipping of the saints and as a consequence the majority of them will not join the Church of Jesus Christ. So Lemesuriers assessment of the passage is partly correct; it is a spiritually static path, however, reincarnation is not a factor, nor is any specific date such as 58 AD. As for Paul, his teachings came from Christ and Christs authorized servants and that eliminates their being an offshoot or a deviation from the truth. Paul is frequently criticized for supposedly corrupting original Christianity mainly because those who do the criticizing are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and therefore do not understand his references to such doctrines as the 3 degrees of glory or baptism for the dead. Second detail: why is it that out of the 130 stones that make up the passage, eight stand out as being different? And why do the 2 floor stones that represent the area of a single block have a joint separating them which [runs] in the opposite direction of the joints of the other floorstones? Answer: the 2 floor stones that appear to make up a single block and that have a distinguishing joint running in the opposite direction represent Noah and his wife. As a couple they had become one flesh (see Genesis 2:24), joined by the sealing power of the higher priesthood (see Matthew 18:18). And because they kept the commandments of God, they were going in the opposite direction of the rest of mankind during their lifetimes, with the exception of 3 of their sons and their sons’ wives. It is those sons and their wives who are represented by the 6 stones that are much larger in size, being double the length of the average stone. The unusual size of these 6 stones tells us that the 3 sons and their wives were, like Noah and his wife, spiritual giants in comparison to everyone else. The 8 stones that stand out, then, represent the 8 special people who survived the great flood (see 1 Peter 3:20). Third detail: why are four of the six stones exactly parallel to one another with two being situated on the east wall and two on the west wall? Answer: the 2 stones on the west wall represent Noahs 2nd son Shem and his wife: the 2 on the east wall represent the 3rd son, Ham, and his wife. Keeping in mind the different symbolism of east and west, Ham is on the east side because Noah blessed him with the blessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood (“The Book of Abraham” 1:26). Shem, however, held the priesthood (Skousen, The First 2,000 Years 200), plus Christs lineage is traced through Shem (Luke 3:23-36), and that is why he is represented by the west wall. Does this symbolism mean that Ham was condemned to inherit a lower kingdom while Shem would be in the highest kingdom? Not at all. Ham simply had a different mission in life to fulfill. If he proved faithful the day would come when he would be allowed to receive all the blessings of the priesthood, as will everyone else who is worthy of those blessings. Fourth detail: what is the meaning of the 122 stones that are of the same relative size or oriented in the same direction? Answer: in Genesis 6:3 the Lord says, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, . . . yet his days [before the flood] shall be one hundred and twenty years. This verse accounts for 120 of the 122 stones; the other 2 represent the two prophets who warned about the coming of the flood: Enoch and Noah. In connection with this answer is the height of the horizontal passage. It is 45 inches (which equal 3 feet 9 inches) because Noahs ark was 45 feet high (NIV, Genesis 6:15). Fifth detail: why are there straight red-ocher lines in the horizontal passage? Answer: an explanation will be given when the top 4 compartments above the Kings Chamber are discussed in Volume 2 of Books Written in Stone. Sixth detail: why is there salt in the passage? Answer: during the Sermon on the Mount, Christ told his disciples, You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it [the earth] be seasoned? It [the salt] is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (Matthew 5:13).
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:14:37 +0000

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