THE HORSE BEFORE THE CART Matawallen maradun vision is to launch- - TopicsExpress


THE HORSE BEFORE THE CART Matawallen maradun vision is to launch- pad in this race. And it is a winning vision. A winning vision births a winning campaign message and forms the essential ingredients for producing a detailed blueprint - the manifesto. Strategy is concerned about how to prosecute and win the election. Vision is the Horse, while STRATEGY the Cart. Its always the Horse before the Cart. Not the reverse. Matawallen maradun Horse is his VISION which is captured by the slogan: ITS TIME TO MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. Next and deriving or following this vision is The Cart which his manifesto which is essentially his vision driven blueprint for our prosperity and better life. Matawallen maradun vission with mission. Good governance starts with supporting and voting in the right person.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 06:49:03 +0000

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