THE HOUR: KNOWETH NO MAN! On a sunny afternoon, she stood up - TopicsExpress


THE HOUR: KNOWETH NO MAN! On a sunny afternoon, she stood up from her study chair, and went straight to the window. As she looked through, the popular third mainland bridge caught her attention! She gazed at the various cars on both lanes, going in different directions on top speed! Then she paused as a thought flashed through her mind: Not all that leaves home, gets back home; not all that sees the breaking of a day, stays to experience the night. Weird thought you say, but it is the fact! Then she said: What if all man can be pre-informed about his/her last minute on earth or given the privilege to know the last hour before rapture; probably, many will be prepared and make things right! But she arrived at the conclusion that: The Hour: Knoweth no man! Everyone set out for different missions at different times, on each day; but not everyone reach their destinations! Weve heard stories like: -The woman went out to make her hair in preparation for the week; but had an accident on her way back... -The man said he was going to the supermarket, but slumped and died... -The young man only complained of slight headache, and now hes no more... -The young lady just got back from church, slept, and that was the end... But my question is: WERE THEY PREPARED FOR DEATH; probably NO! Whether we like it or not, either by death or rapture; ONE DAY, well all leave this world! Irrespective of our position, wealth, fame, title; ONE thing is inevitable if Jesus tarry; and that is DEATH! My dear brothers/sisters, do you have an idea of that last hour? Matthew 24:36: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Beloved, wont it be wise to yield your life totally to God, put on the robe of righteousness, and live each day with eternity in view? Scared of being called names; isnt it better to be ridiculed here just for the sake of Christ and be celebrated in Heaven by Christ? Is anything too big to sacrifice for the great glory above? When a man crosses to the other side, he/she can NEVER return here to make whatever amendments; whoever is gone, is gone forever to receive either CONDEMNATION or COMMENDATION based on his/her work/actions here on earth! I put this question to us all: Where will you spend eternity? When death comes knocking, what state will it find you? When rapture takes place, will you be prepared? Remember, only the pure in heart shall see God(Matthew 5:8). Still playing with sin? Jesus is crying out to you now to COME; wont you heed His call? Would you rather wait till the word COME changes to DEPART on that judgement day? Return to Jesus now, for tomorrow may be too late! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:48:01 +0000

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