THE HOUR OF YOUR TEMPTATION What if you saw it coming, knew it - TopicsExpress


THE HOUR OF YOUR TEMPTATION What if you saw it coming, knew it was coming? The greatest trial you would ever face? The temptation which would define you as a person? And what if that day was on you, mere hours away. What would you do? How would you handle something, that which could be deemed life or death? Would you summon all the leadership skills, life experience skills you had mastered in your life? Try to escape, run , hide? Would you peruse the scriptures for key words like , victory, anointing, power, strength etc? Would you shout to all your friends to help, to bail you out, stand in your stead? What would you do? How many of you would wrap a towel around you and bend down to wash the feet of those closest to you. Take the dirty feet of your friends in your hand. To once more emphasize, that above all things, you are a servant! That is what Jesus did though. The ME generation dominates this culture we live in. My rights are all important. I deserve the best and I deserve to be treated the best. I am a somebody and you better remember who I am. The ME generation would not hang their heads in silence and allow a crown of thorns to be pushed into their skull. To be ridiculed and mistreated. Do you really esteem others better than yourself? Do you truly submit yourself to others? Do you become all things to all people so that they might be saved? In other words whatever it took, others are more important. He who had everything, became poor for our sakes. He lowered himself. He suffered in order learn what it meant to obey. So let me ask you? Are you a true servant? Or do you only have a false humility to those whom you choose? My face, My space, my world!! To be like Him, Jesus Christ, you must not only have a Servant’s heart but you must in action show who you really are. Only in meekness, humility and lack of reputation can we face the storm of Armageddon which lies ahead. If we are truly in the Rapture generation and the hour is upon us, it behooves us to be more like Him, than we have ever been. Blessings
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:44:45 +0000

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