THE IDSC has issued a statement on their current position on - TopicsExpress


THE IDSC has issued a statement on their current position on prenatal testing and termination. We believe that the issue of prenatal discrimination is a critical one for the Down syndrome community and that an open and free conversation is the ethical way to address the issue. In November 2013 the IDSC joined with Saving Downs and the Jerome Lejeune Foundation (US) in submitting a legal brief to the US Supreme Court urging the court to address inequalities that discriminate against those parentally diagnosed with Down syndrome. Saving Downs is proud to have lead that important social justice initiative. We are concerned to now learn that the IDSC no longer chooses to engage in such political debates. We believe that this change is detrimental to advancing social justice for the Down syndrome community. Saving Downs position on prenatal discrimination is clear: To ensure that antenatal screening exists only to provide unborn children with Down Syndrome and their parents with life-affirming, unbiased care through education, support and understanding. We have always acknowledged that mothers entering a screening pathway have wanted pregnancies and are seeking trusted health care for the safe birth of their child. When faced with an unexpected diagnosis, the dignity of the child has not changed, and neither should the focus on the safe birth of the child. Selecting the type of child to be born based on genetic difference is discrimination and a form of eugenics. This is a simple matter of disability rights and equal treatment under the law. Saving Downs opposes Down syndrome selective terminations and will advocate unequivocally from that position. We will continue to do that with volunteer staff and a pro-bono team of expert advisers. We will continue to lead the conversation with the rights of those with Down syndrome to be born free from discrimination as the fundamental principle of our mission. We are happy to discuss our position further in this thread.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 20:29:07 +0000

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