THE IMMINENT DANGER AHEAD OF NIGERIA. Below are 3 pictures of - TopicsExpress


THE IMMINENT DANGER AHEAD OF NIGERIA. Below are 3 pictures of Afghanistan. The 1st taken in the 60s when Afghanistan was under representative government and women were in the legislature. While the other 2 were taken in todays Taliban infested Afghanistan. Should our rulers in Nigeria continue on their paths of ruins, encouragement of mass illiteracy and religious extremism, given another 10 years, Nigeria shall become what Afghanistan is today. To those who think 10 years is a long time, think again! June 12, 1993, when we voted MKO was 21 years ago! Did we know of anything called bombing then? Would we had believed it, even if the Pope had predicted what we now witness in Nigeria? #WeHaveToChoose #FailureOrSuccessIsByChoice #WhichWayNigeria?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:58:55 +0000

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