THE IMPENDING MIRACLES OF 2014 ELECTIONS (Lanre Oyenuga) Those - TopicsExpress


THE IMPENDING MIRACLES OF 2014 ELECTIONS (Lanre Oyenuga) Those who are hopeless and unprepared are quite disposed at seeking miracles. The hopeless because as their qualification says, have exhausted possibilities (at least so they claim) and have failed, thus have resigned themselves to seeking miracles. While the unprepared have largely refused to imbibe the discipline, that preparation requires, thus are more disposed at reaping where they have not sowed: miracles! Nigerians are largely divided between these two broad classifications. The majority of her population have been reduced to the hopeless and the unprepared. And even those who have made certain preparations are equally uncertain of tomorrow!! Why? Nigeria is both a shifting and a sinking sand: you can be displaced laterally or sucked virtually economically and socially overnight. Ask many retired CEOs of big companies, who thought they were financially secured against the future, what became of all their investments? What goes round comes around Ill say. It is a sinking hole here!! The problem with Nigeria isnt in elections, but the deliberate determination of certain groups of individuals to make ALL elections held in Nigeria of no effect! These cabals, who sadly have compelled many Nigerians to be willing or conscripted accomplices (just as the Lord Resistance Army, LRA, does against the helpless people of central/east Africa), have amassed tremendous resources and international contacts, such that it may take a struggle as concerted as the apartheid struggle in South Africa to dislodge them from the continued destruction of this country. However, that is a very torturous and uncertain way to go about changing this country. Like I maintained before the 2010 elections, which I refused to partake in, I have absolutely no confidence in the 2014 elections, and neither do I intend to participate!! Why? Can anyone please tell me the program of any of the parties vying for our votes, and how these can realistically change our fortune? Can you show me their plans to effectively stop corruption and ensure the rule of law? Can you also show me their antecedents at any level of government or offices they previously held sway? Absolutely nothing to place ones hopes on! Then why must I why follow through what we all know shall fail? Because some scoundrels pretend that I have no other choice does not mean I must agree with them! Even if I dont have my way, I SHALL NEVER buy their lies! THERE IS NO HOPE IN THE 2014 ELECTIONS! ABSOLUTELY NON!! Personally, I recommend a complete boycott of these elections by Nigerian. I recommend we should from now, go all out to let our imbecilic and crooked rulers and their collaborators, know that our IRREDUCIBLE minimum is a COMPLETE CHANGE of this horrendous system of enslavement. The least we must insist upon, is an independent conference to redraw our rules of engagement in this country!! I expect many to ask me how this independent constitutional conference will be executed? My answer is, when we are truly convinced as to WHY this recommendation is the ONLY lasting solution to our myriad of self-inflicted problems, the HOW will emerge. If slavery can be stopped, if the Apartheid South Africa can bring an end to that evil social regime, if Nigeria could win independence from Britain, if BIAFRA could summon the courage to take on the behemoth Federal government, etc, then where there is a will, there shall be a way!! What stops us from converting INEC infrastructure and votes into the use of this noble mission of finding a lasting solution to our problem and plan to achieve that in the next one year? The same process of electioneering and general election that are integral processes in our elections can similarly be converted to use in our desired and advocated constitutional renegotiation. The difference what I am advocating and the 2014 elections is that, while our votes in a sovereign conference will birth a healthy Nigeria-child, the 2014 elections shall merely reproduce another mutated monster: one whose genotype (fathers) we are too familiar with. With apologies to ALL who may feel slighted by my remark, I refuse to join ranks in this hopelessness and our refusal to prepare for our future. In Nigeria riches is an illusion, nobody is truly rich here, we are all poor!! Therefore, I REFUSE PARTICIPATE IN NOTHING SHORT OF A RENEGOTIATION OF THIS COUNTRY. And until then, I remain on electoral sabbatical!! Lanre Paul Oyenuga
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:47:58 +0000

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