THE IMPLICATIONS OF DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE The phrase “Democracy and Governance” has been a contentious debate wherein pro-democracy and good governance activists calls for effective and efficient delivery system on one hand and anti-democratic pundits argues that it is unfit for the 21st century. What should be taken into consideration is to have a clear understanding about the concept of good governance and democracy, and to know whether it calls for concern in modern times. Governance describes the manner in which a country is governed. Good governance according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) could be defined as “exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests exercise their legal rights, and mediate their differences”. It has various characteristics such as participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and strategic vision. Democracy in its liberal meaning is defined as a system of decision making that is relied on majority rule. It is also a system wherein ultimate power is vested on the electorate. Democratization is the process by which it happens. The power of the people is realized through civic freedoms that entitle people to govern their lives, allowing them to show case their personal preferences in governing their private lives and to make their political will adhered to in governing public life. By and large, does governance and democracy applied in the African Continent? Does the form of representative democracy necessary following elections? Are our leaders accountable to us? What mechanisms should be put in place to remedy the current circumstances we are facing in terms of leadership? I would like to debunk the statement that democracy and governance are to some extent not effective in terms of our current leadership structure within the African Continent, owing to the fact that sustainable development, environmental management and social cohesion that depends on suitable governance and democracy has been trampled upon by our leaders. Poor governance consists the lack of services and benefits to those who need them most; influencing powerful interest groups in decision making process, lack of property rights, and no effective rule of law. Giving Sierra Leone as a case study, even though the President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma is trying his level best to ensure proper management of our resources in promoting good governance, however, there are certain political stalwart that are engage in destroying the positive drive of the president’s aim in targeting Millennium Development Goals. If actions are not taken, it will result to peaceful demonstrations by certain personalities that are directly affected. For instance in Constituency 100, Ward 358 specifically Newcastle street, Kissy Mess Mess. We have a dumping ground that is affecting us seriously. On daily basis, people are encountering pandemics like malaria, cholera and other contaminated diseases. For the previous five months, the so-called Freetown Waste Management Company did nothing to remedy the situation. We have our councilor who is Hajaratu that is not accountable to us. Since she was elected, we’ve not seen any improvement. To even conduct meetings for ward 358 proves counterproductive. Alie Bai Kamara, a local news announcer of Citizen Radio 103.7, made announcement pertaining the dumping ground, in terms of positive response but to no avail. Furthermore, in his article “Why Serious Visioning and Visioners are Strangers in Africa”, Dr. William F. Kumuyi asserted that “I have advocated the infusion of the concept and elements of this leadership approach into leadership practice in Africa, and blamed the continent’s perennial woes of self-serving leadership of the people at the helm; Africa’s misery isn’t not only a function of colonial hang-ups, but also the upshot of flawed leadership”. Indeed! He is correct, when it comes to accountability; some of our leaders are not performing their duties. In addition, Dr William F. Kumuyi’s article “Wanted leaders”, he indicated that “Yes, as I told New Africa in an interview (NA, Aug/Sept) tomorrow belongs to Africa. We have the resources, brain and brawn. Add all this to the inflow of aid from the West and we might complete in a spirit, what costs others a marathon. But there is a caveat: unless we have the right leaders doing the right things, we may never emerge from the cocoon of misery. Let there be competent leaders, as many as needed, and Africa would leap from recession to recovery, from limitation to liberation, from collective doom to continuous boom. The vibrant, dynamic and servant leadership of colonial and early independence years is hardly seen these days” I would like to end by recommending that we need to look for leaders that are vision oriented, innovative, resourceful, enable to build up community spirit, raising awareness etc. Moreover, having leaders that are God fearing, Africa will be able to achieve sustainable development. Thank you very much for giving me your undivided attention. Please see below some of the difficult circumstances we are encountering at Newcastle Street, Kissy Mess Mess, Freetown Sierra Leone. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED AT 63 NEW CASTLE STREET KISSY MESS MESS. INHABITANTS ARE SUFFERING FROM POLUTION. THEY NEED HELP PLEASE! IS THIS WHAT PEOPLE CALL ACCOUNTABILITY WHEN THE MASSES ARE SUFFERING WITHOUT HAVING ANY HELP FROM GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS? WHERE IS FREETOWN CITY COUNCIL? WHERE IS THE COUNCILOR AT WARD 358? WHERE IS THE HONOURABLE AT CONSTITUENCY 100? DUYA PAPA GOVERNMENT THE PEOPLE NA THIS COMMUNITY NEED HELP, DEN DAE SUFFER TOO MUCH FROM ALL KIND SICKNESS. UNA HELP THEM DUYA. SAME PROBLEM. CAN YOU EMERGINE? THIS IS CALLED SEEING IS BELIEVING. THERE IS A PASTOR RESIDING IN THIS HOUSE, WHO IS A FOREINGER. HOW WE WANT FOREINGER DEN FOR TAKE WE? THIS PASTOR IS SUFFERING IMMENSLY. HELP! HELP! HELP! A BO NA SO? THIS IS A CLEAR MANIFESTATION OF LEADERS THAT ARE NOT ACCOUNTABLE ESPECIALL CONSTITUNCY 100, WARD 358. THESE ARE SOME OF THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING. EMERGINING PEOPLE INHAILING THE SMOKE? THIS NA DIE NA E GO PASS MACK! AR NOR ABLE BEAR, PAS WAE ARE LAUGHT. E SORRY EH? WATIN NA DOTI, LOOK AM PACK. E MONA OH! AR THINK SAY KAO DE NERO B SING DA MUSIC DAE EH? D DOTI NA STREET E DAE APPEAR SO. THIS E FIBA FILM JIN JIN, ANY WAY LAJ NOR LIE BEH.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 22:07:13 +0000

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