THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR ACTIVE AND ALIGN Chakras : SEVENTH CHAKRA ... The seventh chakra is also called Crown Chakra . It is located on the highest point of the head. Here we open ourselves to the spiritual world and we become aware of cosmic unity . Through this chakra we are connected with the right of all Being , the Divine and feel fully welcomed into it. The 7 chakras represent us seven rights that are ours by birth rights that sometimes make life circumstances that restrict us , so we must keep our Chakras , open and balanced. 7th Crown Chakra : Right to Know The right to truth , information , education and knowledge. Impose a spiritual belief to another person violates the right to know , every person has the right to know your needs . 7th Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ): A chakra vibrates at high speed, when activated find our own potential. ASSOCIATED : Cosmic Consciousness ENCOURAGED BY COLOR: Fuccia , white and gold STONES: Diamond, amethyst , rock crystal PERFUME : Rose and frankincense Mantra: Aum MINERAL : Transparent Quartz KEY TOPICS : Interior Sabudiria PHYSICAL LOCATION : Top of the head ENDOCRIBA Gland : Pineal ACTION INSIDE: Liberation past ties PHYSICAL ACTION : Meditation EMOTIONAL ACTION : Identity assumed or chosen INTERNAL ACTION : Transcendental Consciousness MENTAL ACTION : Consciousness Sahasrara or Crown or Crown Chakra It is the chakra of consciousness , the master chakra that controls all the others . Its role would be similar to that of the pituitary gland that secretes hormones to control the rest of the endocrine system , and that also connects with the central nervous system through hypothalamus. Symbolized by a lotus with a thousand petals, white or violet, is located in the head , outside the body. It is related to the connection of the person with their spirituality and the integration of his whole being , physical, emotional , mental and spiritual . The seventh center or chakra integrates the previous six with all its qualities and aspects. It is located at the highest point , above our head and in the center. Opens up. It represents the latest step in the evolution of human consciousness . Humanity as a whole is facing the possibility of awakening this chakra. The crown chakra gives us direct perception of reality, achieved through the spontaneous awakening of the Kundalini . Connected to the pineal gland , cerebral cortex and our upper chakras , this chakra governs many intra and extracorporeally functions . Gerber says, The body gets energy flows through a stream that enters through the crown chakra . Represents the pure cosmic energy , and undifferentiated . The dominant direction of the seventh chakra, is the desire to experience the Divine guidance , any definition we have of this superior knowledge psychic center , receives the energies and spiritual guidance necessary to activate our purpose. Since this connected to higher planes , the seventh chakra is seen as the center of our divinity , the place through which we know our oneness with the Divine Source and all other spiritual beings . All subtle instrument is integrated into the crown chakra , each chakra has its seat here . When attention and care up to this chakra , you will enter a new dimension of consciousness. It goes beyond respect towards all. It rises above the three channels of the subtle system beyond the present , past and future, one enters a timeless state and experience the inner joy and peace of the Spirit. By losing the ego and the conditioning is enjoying the bliss of the Divine . This is a heavenly place , far beyond any imagination fantastic . Similar to light as colorless gathers all colors of the spectrum, in the supreme chakra gather all the energies of the lower centers . The crown chakra is the source and starting point for the manifestation of all other energies of the chakras. Here we are united with the Divine , without attributes and amorphous , which contains in itself all shapes and attributes are not manifested. The opening and harmonization of the chakras described so far can transmit a fullness of knowledge, experience and capabilities. But without opening the crown chakra always have the sense of separation from the fullness of being , and therefore will not be totally free from distress . Through this anguish , in the chakras continue to maintain a residual blocks remaining . The chakras can not display the full breadth of its capabilities, and no individual energies vibrate in perfect harmony with the intent of the creator, and therefore there will be perfect harmony between them. The Seven Chakras be worked assiduously to arouse our faculties of our soul represented throughout by the Sun, is why the chakras are called Sun-Earth , Sun-Moon , so it is the soul in the various levels at which is wrapped until it reaches higher levels when God is deified in the causal plane and is the ultimate goal of all souls.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:01:16 +0000

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