THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BIBLE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH AND EVERY CHRISTIAN By Most Rev Dr Julius Babatunde Adelakun, Bishop Emeritus of Oyo Diocese CONTINUATION The Bible as a Constitution and Code of Conduct for the People of God The Bible is not just a record of God’s instructions and dealings with His people in the past; it is equally a record of principles laid down by God for them. Right from the book of Genesis we begin to see God giving instruction to human beings either by direct instruction or by deduction from the stories of his relationship with them. These instructions form basis for the laws that guide the people later years in their relationship with God. For example, the book of Genesis established that God created the world and handed it over to human to continue with the care and further works of creation in the world. Humans are held responsible for the use of creation and they are accountable for it too. As the Lord of creation, the Lord also gave instruction to human on what they could and could not do. He let them know that disobedience is displeasing to him and that it would attract punishment. In the story of Cain and Abel he let humans know that He as God must be worshipped and that man must give his best to worship God. The laying down of these principles continues throughout the Old Testament as well as the new. It is on these principles that the Church based all her teachings and laws. There is no law in the Church that is not biblically based. The Church as True Interpreter of the Bible In our own time, Bible is in the hands of individuals and rightly so. It has also been interpreted into many local languages so that reading and understanding the Bible becomes a lot easier. The fact that the Bible is in local languages has not in any way removed the difficulties of interpretation of the Bible. It was these difficulties in the first place that made the church to forbid the reading of the Bible by persons that are not trained in it, so that such persons might avoid the danger of misinterpreting the message of the Bible. The Bible is a family book that has lived so many generations and has passed through many epochs and era. There are many words and statements in it that has changed meanings severally even if the words remain the same. Such words or statements should not be interpreted at face value, or else one would risk the error of fundamentalism. We know too that even the Devil could quote the Bible to suit himself. At the temptations the Devil said to Jesus: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, He will command his angels concerning you, and On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.(Matt. 4:6) It is not proper for individuals to unilaterally interpret the Bible and hold his or her interpretation as the Gospel truth. God can inspire and does inspire interpretation of the Bible in individuals, but the result of such inspiration must be submitted to the feet of the Apostles; the church. It is the church that will ascertain the correctness or otherwise of such interpretation. Every Christian has the obligation to protect the integrity and sanctity of the Bible. It should never be taken as a personal treasure; no it is the treasure of the entire Christian family. It is given to individuals for use but such individuals are not at liberty to introduce an uncensored meaning or interpretation into it. TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 02:47:05 +0000

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