THE INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRATIC UNION (IDU) PARTY LEADERS MEETING IN SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA MUST ADDRESS YOUTH MENTORSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT The Africa Young Conservatives Dialogue, Ghana (TAYCD-Ghana) extends its propitious felicitations to the International Democratic Union (IDU) and all its members, centre-right partners as the IDU member nations converge in South Korea ostensibly to take-stock, reflect and deliberate on specific ideological concerns within emerging socio-political and economic dynamics scheduled to take place from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st November, 2014. The TAYCD Ghana, is instructively a non-profit ideological youth think tank headquartered here in Accra with sub-region as well as continent prospects. TAYCD,GH is dedicated to building all necessary synergies towards advancing the course of conservative multi-party constitutional democracy anchored on an active political ideological and philosophically African youth vanguard, youth training and development, conscientization and socialization in the best governance models towards a stable paradigm swing while, becoming an integral part of the leadership within the socio-economic and political governance systems of Africa. It is indeed not oblivious to the tremendous strides the IDU and the Democratic Union of Africa(DUA) have made in this direction. Necessarily, it is the conviction and belief of the TAYCD Ghana that any effort at advancing, consolidating into perpetuity of centre-rightism must not waiver and lose sight of the fact that,that object can only be achieved with the reliance on the youth as the fulcrum and much more so given the fact that, the youth formed about two-thirds of the world’s population. With changing global trends and sophistication, the need to mentor the youth and to develop their potential is non-negotiable and crucial. Perforce, access to quality education, creation of job opening opportunities amongst others must pre-occupy and engage all leadership across the world and particularly Africa. Our call is a deliberate one to reiterate the point vividly made by Ex-President J A Kufour at a symposium at the Academy Hall in Berlin, Germany to mark the 70th birthday ceremony of former German President Horst Kohler. ‘’ African leaders must give more space for the youth in the political and social discourse to enable them to fully exploit their potentials for the good of society;’’ He continued: ‘’… the youth in Africa share the aspirations of their counterparts across the world. They want the good life: good education, good jobs, good homes, upward mobility in society and prosperity. And they want to enjoy all these in a regime of freedom, where they are able to fully exploit their God-given talents without intimidation or harassment.’’ He said further thus: ‘’the difference between the Africa youth and those in the developed countries is that while numerous avenues exist for those in the developed world to realize their dreams, in many African countries, the opportunities are very limited and therefore many a good idea goes unrealized. Africa needs to change this in order to gain the full benefit of its vibrant and very capable youth.’’ It is against this backdrop that the TAYCD Ghana whilst applauding and pleased with the initiative in the spirit of collaboration and partnership, we entreat the IDU and its allies to as a matter of urgency consider the agenda of a holistic youth development strategy as the youth remained the bedrock of our societies towards not only centre-right ideals as a veritable governance model but the creation of better opportunities towards their general development. Indeed in Ghana, it is evident the refreshing efforts towards championing the ideals of conservative multi-party democracy by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) popularly christened as the ‘’Danquah-Busia-Dombo’’ tradition. That notwithstanding, we urge the party to show greater resolve towards building a formidable youth front, well mentored and tutored in the thematic ideals of the NPP in order for them to lead the development renaissance when the party recaptures power in 2016. In conclusion, we salute the leader of the delegation, the newly elected flagbearer, one of Ghana’s enviable and astute politician and statesman, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, the honorable chair of the party, Mr. Paul Afoko, the General Secretary of the party, . Kwabena Agyei Adjapong et al.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:40:49 +0000

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