THE INVERSE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTELLECTUAL KNOWLEDGE AND WORLD CHAOS!!! IF WORLD KNOWLEDGE IS REPUTEDLY DOUBLING ALMOST EVERY YEAR, WHY IS THE WORLD BECOMING MORE CHAOTIC—FROM A COLLAPSING WORLDWIDE ECONOMY, TO A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN SUICIDE RATES, INCREASING SENSELESS KILLINGS BY CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS, INCREASED LAWLESSNESS ALL OVER THE WORLD, THE WIDESPREAD WAR AND TERRORISM ALL OVER THE WORLD, THE INCREASING LIES AND DECEPTION LED BY WORLD LEADERS AND MAINSTREAM MEDIA, UPSURGE IN NEW STRAINS OF SICKNESS AND PLAGUES, THE INCREASE IN NEW AND MORE SEVERE AND FREQUENT NATURAL CALAMITIES TO NAME BUT A FEW? There seems to be a directly inverse relationship between the increase in world knowledge and the increase in chaos and calamities in the world!!! It is apparent that this substantial increase in knowledge has not only miserably failed to help reduce world problems, but has actually directly multiplied the chaos, problems, and calamities in the world. If this is so, then a mere increase in knowledge is not the solution to the problems existing in the world. In fact, mere knowledge, has proven to considerably deteriorate the world situation!!! But why? Do our august intellectual leaders and scholars have an enlightened response to this? PROVERBS 9:10-11 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through Me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.” The Hebrew word for wisdom is “chokhmah” and may refer to “skill,” “good sense,” “general wisdom,” or “Godly wisdom.” To act wisely means to carry out right principles. A wise and skilled workman works according to the right principles of his craft, producing a quality product. To properly manage this world for the benefit of man and the entire creation, man must seek the Creator of this world, God, Who alone knows what things man should produce that will be beneficial to all. God is more than willing to reveal such knowledge to him because it is His Divine will that man should enjoy the abundant Life in this world. In fact, John 10:10 says, Jesus, Himself, declared that one of the main reasons He came was to restore to us the abundant Life that Satan stole from us in the Garden of Eden when man disobeyed God and chose to obey Satan. Chaos, dysfunction, and destruction began to characterize the world when Satan ruled it because his objective was to steal, kill, and destroy every good thing God gave us to enjoy. 1 JOHN 3:4b says, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” which is causing us all this suffering. LUKE 19:10 says, “For the Son of Man came to save what was lost” through sin in the Garden of Eden. He has empowered us to not only pray, but to begin to establish the Kingdom of God in this world in preparation for His second coming to rule this world with us. We, however, will have no idea how to rule this world with Him until we renew our worldly minds and begin to allow Him to conform it to the mind of Christ (ROMANS 12:2; 1 CORINTHIANS 2:16). While most people are so focused on going to heaven, Jesus is teaching us to pray that His Kingdom come and His will be on earth as it is in heaven. He has even empowered us and is more than willing to give us wisdom to begin to establish His Kingdom in this world if we would only ask, believe and obey Him (JAMES 1:5). He is coming back with His angels and saints to establish His Millennial rule on earth. After that, He will create a new heaven and a new earth where He will bring down from heaven His Bride, the New Jerusalem, to live and rule with Him here for all eternity (REVELATION 21:1-4). In fact, the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the Holy City where God’s servants will serve Him for all eternity (REVELATION 22:5). Knowing this, we should, therefore, understand why we were sent here as Ambassadors Plenipotentiary to establish God’s Kingdom in this world by reconciling all things to God in Christ, and by bringing all things in heaven and on earth together under One Head, even Christ (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17-18; EPHESIANS 1:10). His instructions to us in the Great Commission is very clear. MATTHEW 28:18-20 say, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” God has not abandoned His creation but is in the process of restoring it together with us. JOHN 3:16, the most popular verse in the entire Bible explicitly states this. “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life.” The Greek word for world is “cosmos” and refers to the orderly and abundant world that He created and described as “good” in GENESIS 1. He loves the world He created that He gave His One and only Son to seek and save what was lost through sin (LUKE 19:10). He also promises to be with us and work through us in this restoration work by being with us until the end of the age exercising with and through us all the power that was given Him in heaven and earth. The restoration work includes not only people but nations that are to be baptized to serve the Triune God and taught to obey all the commands that were also given us to obey. Our preparation to rule with Him when He comes back is right now, when He will rule in the midst of His enemies through us (PSALM 110:1-3). We need to enforce the victory Jesus has given us when He died on the cross and resurrected from the dead, instead of “playing religion” while waiting for Jesus to come back for us and rescue us from all trials and tribulations as we continue to live without having any idea of being discipled now in preparation for our rule with Him in the Millennium. We need to be discipled to effectively unseat Satan from continuing to illegally rule this world. Jesus has already won the victory, and has given us the task of enforcing that victory by taking back the rule of this world from him by unseating him from his illegal domain. REVELATION 12:11 describes how we can do this. “They (the believers) overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their Testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” We can only do this if we have allowed ourselves to be strictly discipled. Now is the time for us to be disciple and trained to rule with Jesus when He comes back. We need to know what is this discipleship process we have to undergo now that will prepare us to unseat Satan, take back the rightful rule over this world given us by Jesus, and prepare us to rule with Him in the Millennium when He come back. Jesus describes this discipleship process in several passages of the Gospel. MATTHEW 16:24-25 say, “ Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it. The Greek word for life is “psuche” and refers to that part of man which comprises his character and personality. It has the ability to think, feel, and choose. It is that part of man which reflects his “self” nature and has the capacity to choose to obey God Who rules in His spirit, or choose to disobey God and choose his self-will which may be contrary to God’s will, or even the desires and lusts of the flesh, the body. Discipleship would require the individual to deny his own desires and those of his body in favor of God’s will which reside in his spirit through the Holy Spirit. This will effectively dethrone self from ruling one’s total life and install God as the Lord of his entire life. This is what it means to walk in the Spirit so one does not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. It is only to those who obey God and walk in His ways that God will reveal His knowledge and wisdom so as to enable them to increase the knowledge that will benefit the whole world, and implement it in a manner that would be beneficial to all. Another passage that describes the process of discipleship which the believer must undergo to attain God’s purpose in his life now is given in LUKE 14:26-27. “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be My disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.” This passage is so radical in today’s world that hardly anyone is able to obey this. Jesus was not asking His disciples to hate those close to them. He was merely emphasizing the importance of the First Commandment which is what will empower us to become intimate with Him and begin to want to allow Him to live His Life in us and through us after tasting the Blessedness of God’s very Life. How can we even do this when we cannot even utilize our rights to legally challenge the illegally legislated laws which deprived us of properly exercising our faith as originally guaranteed under the original Constitution and of exercising our duty as parents to rear up our children in the training and instruction of the Lord. Instead, we have been emasculated into completely submitting to raising our children in schools where not only is our faith not taught, but where other faiths and values contrary to our faith are being taught to brainwash our children. We have not only reneged our duty as parents entrusted by God with children to be reared up in a Godly environment, but we have consigned them to a chaotic and destructive future, both in this temporal world and in the eternal, afterwards, because instead of developing a fear of the Lord that will provide our children with true knowledge and wisdom of our God, we have developed a fear of men who have usurped the right that only belongs to the Almighty. A third passage which describes this process of discipleship which is really what will prepare us to overcome in these end-times, take back the authority from Satan which was given us by Jesus through His death and resurrection, and prepare us to rule with Him in the Millennium is given in LUKE 18:29-30. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said to them, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the Kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the age, to come eternal Life. In order for us and others to experience the Kingdom Life in this world now, and eternal Life in the afterlife, we are commanded to seek first the Kingdom of God and all these (other) things will be added unto us (MATTHEW 6:33). We are citizens of the Kingdom of heaven and sent into this world as Ambassadors to establish His Kingdom on earth by making disciples of all nations and reconciling all things to God by bringing everything in heaven and on earth under the Headship of Christ. Therefore, we have an obligation to live by the Spirit and fulfill the Great Commission commanded us. God gave His only Begotten Son to redeem this world and enable us to restore it back to Him. This will require our having to surrender our daily self-indulgent routine of watching reality shows on T.V. while eating pizza and drinking beer, as we sprawl ourselves on the couch every night. Recreation is not bad as long as we realize and fulfill the true reason for why we have been created and redeemed by the Son of God. Whereas the knowledge of God is given to man to enable him to know what to produce to improve the quality of life in this world, the wisdom of God was given to enable man to properly produce the knowledge given him, and how to properly utilize it for the benefit of the entire world. An example of the wisdom or skill God gave man to produce something is seen in the skill given to men and women who built the Tabernacle and the Temple (EXODUS 31:1-11). The wisdom of God provided the men and women with the God-given skill and ability needed to produce the product that was revealed to them through God’s knowledge. They were also given the wisdom on how to use and care for the product they produced. All these abilities come from God and are made available to the people as they become more intimate with God through obedience. God needs to mold them into vessels He can effectively use through discipleship. They become His functioning Body on earth through whom He can begin to rule while still seated at the right Hand of God interceding for us to fulfill our purpose on earth. One critical thing needed to effectively become a functioning member of the Body of God is availability. Unless the First Commandment is completely obeyed where He comes first in our lives, we will never become effective disciples. We will always be squeezing Him between our man-made schedules. ROMANS 1:21, 25 describe this kind of living so accurately. “For although they knew God, they neither Glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—Who is forever praised. Amen. This merely means that the believer placed other things and persons ahead of God. He continues to remain his own god as he designs his own priorities and schedules. He merely squeezes God during his free time in-between his man-made schedule. But when man makes God, not only his Savior, but also his Lord, then God is able to use him to substantially improve the world as heaven begins to manifest in this world. Joseph, David, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Mordecai, Esther, and Ruth are examples of this in the Old Testament. Paul and the other Apostles are the New Testament examples of this. God-given knowledge and wisdom are essential to effectively lead God’s people. God is the Source of all true wisdom. God used wisdom in creating all things. Therefore, wisdom is the foundation of all creation. When one lives according to God’s wisdom, he will be blessed with long and productive Life, riches, honor, and peace (PROVERBS 3:13-20; 4:7). This Wisdom can only be found in God and not in anything in this world (ECCLESIASTES 8:16-17). The wisdom of man is flawed and destructive because of sin (1 CORINTHIANS 1:19-21, 26-31; 2:1-16). “The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.” It is the obedience to commit one’s life to walk in accordance with the precepts of the Lord that will enable us to receive both, true knowledge and wisdom from God. “Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” When God gives man knowledge, He may not give him understanding of that knowledge. People have experienced many times that they know something to be true but do not understand why it is so. The Lord says that knowledge of the Holy One, God, is an experiential knowledge which can be acquired as one continues to allow God to live His Life in and through the believer. When this happens, the believer is transformed from Glory to Glory to conform more and more to the image of the Almighty. This is what will enable the believer to receive God’s understanding of the Divine knowledge that was revealed to him. Since it is the Life of God that has taken over the life of the believer, the eternal Life of God will add productive years to the life of the believer as God continues to use Him to accomplish His purposes in this world. ALL GLORY, HONOR, PRAISE, AND THANKSGIVING TO EL ELYON, THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:23:59 +0000

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