THE ISSUE OF BAIL The Editor, Speak to the children of - TopicsExpress


THE ISSUE OF BAIL The Editor, Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall appoint cities to be cities of refuge for you, that the manslayer who kills any person accidentally may flee there. They shall be cities of refuge for you from the avenger, that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation in judgment. (Deuteronomy 35:10-12) But if the manslayer at any time goes outside the limits of the city of refuge where he fled, and the avenger of blood finds him outside the limits of his city of refuge, and the avenger of blood kills the manslayer, he shall not be guilty of blood. (Deuteronomy 35:26, 27) Apparently a great number of the crimes of violence that are taking place in our country are being carried out by young men already charged with similar acts, but whom the authorities have once again unleashed on the citizenry by means of bail. The scenario in our country should be as depicted in the Deuteronomy 35. The manslayer or murderer need be in fear for his life. A place of refuge or protective custody should be established for that person until such time as he receives due process, and should he be found outside of that place then he should be slain by an avenger of blood. But the smarter-than-God and nicer-than-God legal practitioners (lawyers and judges) have delivered us from God’s “foolishness and barbarism.” As a result we find ourselves in such a dung heap, that peace-loving, law-abiding people see it necessary to barricade themselves into their homes at sundown, in fear for their lives, as if vampires and werewolves were awakening. The law has emasculated the offended, for the avenger of blood today would be deemed a vigilante and as such considered a criminal, and the manslayers and murderers are let out among us. The criminal-minded are emboldened because “justice” is slow, soft, and unsure. And the impressionable younger men covet the power that the criminal-minded have over the masses. This condition that exists should never be, and need not continue. The solution is still with us – the Law of God. Certainly we cannot just drop everything and just pick up the Law of the Bible. The evil one has already so corrupted both us and the system against that, that it would take a conquest of King David to initiate that. Nevertheless, the laws of the land find their basis in the Law of God, however, corruption through amendments followed. But just as corruption followed, it is possible for correction to follow after. As affected in the early history of Israel, violent offenders, namely people accused of manslaughter, should never be granted bail. They should never intermingle with the citizenry until their time of due process, judgment and punishment or acquittal is complete. If this is the case with the man-slayer, judge that of the murderer. Recently, I was at the funeral of a decent hard working young man, a son of decent hard working people. He was not a menace to society, but died because he was apparently forced off the road by another driver. At the graveside as his parents mourned, I heard some of the other mourners give vent to anger in their hearts. At that moment they wanted to avenge the death of the young man. The apparent manslayer should have been in the protective custody of the state, not allowed to mingle with the population until his speedy due process was complete. I can only imagine the numbers of enraged families and loved ones of manslayer and murder victims, emasculated by the law, seeing the criminal-minded perpetrators back out on the streets because of the government, through the slackness in the Bail Act. For it is within the portfolio of the government, “kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (1 Timothy 2:2) Having taken the power of the avenger of blood away from us, it is now solely resting upon the government to be “God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” (Romans 13:4) Evidenced by the ever escalating murder rate, the” powers that be” are doing a woeful job in the execution of justice and ensuring that our society is a quiet and peaceful one. What if there was not a good emergency/trauma system in place? What if there were no Dr. Sands in the emergency rooms to save the lives of the assaulted? What would our murder rate be? Prevention is still better than cure. I commend to the government - the Law of God. Don’t bring a case to trial unless there is sufficient evidence, “two or three witnesses” (Deuteronomy 19:15). Let justice be proportional with the crime, “life shall be for life, eye for an eye…” Exodus 21:24, let it be done in the sight of all the people, “that all may hear and fear” (Deuteronomy 17:13), and let it be done swiftly, for, “because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil,” Ecclesiastes 8:11 “Put away the evil (murderer) from among us, i.e. by applying the death penalty, (Deuteronomy 21:21). And in the meantime, keep the manslayers and murders away from the citizenry – NO BRACELETS, NO BAIL. May God be merciful to us. Gerard Symonette April 10, 2011
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:41:48 +0000

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