THE JESUS TRIP: WHAT’S UP WITH THAT ANYWAY? Yeah. Predictably, I got a few personal responses inquiring, as usual, as to why I am so gullible as to believe any of that to begin with and why on earth do I insist on making a fool of myself by posting such obviously ridiculous statements and claims about it? Why talk about it to begin with, if I’m not on a mission to recruit, per se? Valid questions, all. And these just scratch the surface of the sum total of questions I have received over the past year. First off, I talk about my experiences in that regard because its part of my life and also because its pretty interesting to me in the context of scientific and rational thought. I’m often tickled at the fact that those who are most adamant about the obvious impossibility of my claims are the very same persons who regularly refer to communicating with loved ones now deceased. Furthermore, while very few will openly acknowledge a realistic interpretation of spirit indwelling, almost everyone enthusiastically endorses the validity of interacting with the spirit of loved ones, living and deceased. Why the apparent discrepancy? One word: EMBARRASSMENT People will do more to avoid embarrassment than they will to avoid physical harm, it seems to me. Its as if being embarrassed or laughed at is a fate worse than death itself! And I understand. You think I don’t get some tongue and cheek prodding for talk about first hand communion with Christ? I mean, that’s church stuff, private stuff, personal stuff, not meant to be shared and not appropriate for Facebook and the like. Right? Maybe for some, but for me, it’s the same as talking about any other friend I associate with. As real on every level and having equal or greater impact. I can’t put it any simpler than that. Its just part of who I am now, and that’s why it comes up now and again. As for ‘recruiting’ others to ‘believe’, or ‘saving’ other people’s souls…I’m not connected to that kind of thinking in any way. That’s judgment based thinking and I have yet to experience thought or comment one from the Spirit involving the judgment of others, friend or foe, and subsequent ‘preaching’ or ‘correcting’ or ‘ministering’ or what have you. To me, at least at this point in my life, that’s all religious shizze and let us not forget that Christ was killed by the religious for religious reasons. He was deemed a deceitful, inconsistent, blasphemous entity dealing with matters he was unfit to comment on and was subsequently killed just like so many others before and after. And who am I to go around saying Christ was more ‘legitimate’ or whatever than say, Bhudda? Nobody. I’m nobody to make such assertions, nor do I attempt to. As far as I know they may well be one and the same entity manifesting in differing context so as to more effectively communicate with minds and souls of varying natures. I am nobody to comment further about that aspect, nor to render any form of judgment as to the legitimacy of another’s convictions. Having said that, for all of you who ask “Bro, how can you actually believe this shit? Can’t you see how stupid you look?” I answer, of course I see how it looks. Take that into consideration. If you’re gonna comment on my intelligence as a factor, you gotta look at it both ways. If I have not rejected things based on intellectual grounds, and moreover, I promote the concepts intelligence notwithstanding, mayhap said intellect has served me in precisely that regard? I mean, come on friends, it aint like I’m telling you to stand outside and wait for the Joy Bus or suffer the afterlife! It aint like that peeps. Its more like, a cool guy who knows how to connect outside of the biological constraints we associate with necessary for life. Remember, the body didn’t create life. Life created the body. I can still think, fatal head wound notwithstanding.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:32:21 +0000

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