THE JOURNEY BEGINS: PDP needs to sit up...... By Prince - TopicsExpress


THE JOURNEY BEGINS: PDP needs to sit up...... By Prince Tonye Princewill First of all I am pleased to confirm to you all that in the early hours of Friday the 24th of October, 2014; Prince Tonye Princewill received his PDP Nomination and Expression of Interest forms, to contest the Governorship primaries in Rivers State. To clear all doubt; his PDP forms were delivered to him at his Abuja residence, not by old men, or a paid crowd; but by responsible youths. Hungry for the type of change and leadership we really need in Rivers State. With the commitment and help of those who truly love Rivers state, this change will come. This is a new beginning. The opportunity to retrace the path of our dear state is here. The journey ahead will be tough, but I assure you, it will be worth it. Tonye urges his supporters to focus on the uncertainties ahead and not the certainties behind. Others can enjoy being Goliaths, but we should just remain like Davids. We can’t overemphasize the fact that politics is too important to be left to politicians. This is gradually sinking into the minds of many, making our Nigerian politics more a one man, one vote scenario. People matter; we in Team Princewill have always known that and now the politicians all over will know it too. The just concluded APC rally was attended by many thousands of people. Speculations have it that the well attended rally, would intimidate Prince Tonye and his fellow PDP members. Prince Tonye Princewill is clearly stating that, We are not. Instead we are actually encouraged and happy to see how the peoples interest in politics is increasing. “Some of us know how to fill up a stadium; but the question on the ground is how we impact the lives of the citizens. How can we fill up their empty stomachs? How many real jobs could the Millions of Naira spent to hold that rally have created? No wonder some jobless politicians prefer war. This is their political equivalent of a security vote.” “Paying thousands to gather, flying in political leaders from all over, throwing around political insults and attacks will not change the fortune of your Rivers people. Commitment to the people is primary and cannot be clouded with fanfare and bad language. We are here to improve the future of Rivers State politics! We are here to give the people a voice! Politics here has to start to work for the people and we are here to make sure that happens. For me though, the rally is a message to PDP that politics is no longer business as usual.” On the state of the party in the state, the Prince wants to make it clear that the attempt to disregard our cultural diversity in Rivers state will not end well and will only spell doom for PDPs prospects. All attempts to drive this point home have yielded no result, so as a Kalabari Prince and a major stakeholder in the state, the Prince wishes to sound this final call. Respect our peoples wishes and level the playing field or else, the stakeholders of the state will be forced to do it for you. We have faced a similar situation in the past. The record books are there to show how it was reversed. The history of Rivers state is clear. Goliath never wins David. A word is enough for the wise. Let the number of aspirants and their cultural distribution, be a marker. Real leaders make tough decisions. It is time to see who the real leaders are.”
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:55:09 +0000

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