THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.... For the past few weeks it had been - TopicsExpress


THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.... For the past few weeks it had been quite immaculate for everyone within the perimeters of ub that the SRC have been experiencing internal scuffles in which I as the SRC president has being harassed and recalled from my office by University management. At this point let me confirm to you that all of that is now water under the bridge and as we speak I am back in office and stronger than never before. Moving forth the SRC should never in its lifetime under my leadership hesitate to purely and genuinely serve the students on issues affecting their welfare and that of paramount importance. General Elections With the just ended elections I would like to thank all of the students who partook in the general elections and exercised their democratic right to vote. Let me again at this juncture commend and applaud all of the general elections vanquishers, including our constituency winners Hon. MP Phenyo Butale for parliament and Cllr Kagiso Calvin Thutlwe for village ward. We believe the change in leadership in our constituency will come as a big blessing to us as students. This is because for the past years we had Parliamentarians and councillors whom failed to address issues affecting us eloquently and now with the new faces from UDC we believe God has answered our prayers. Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) Saga Yes it is true DTEF is currently under transformation to a rather not so good sounding HRDC which is a Parastatal which is wholly profit making. This HRDC monster is calling for the unthinkable as they demand that our parents co-sign and tie their assets as security. Surprisingly this loan will now have to be paid six months after your graduation. What a total sanity by these lame minded characters, we all know that about less than 30% of us here get fairly paying jobs after graduation and the rest will all be held hostage as interns. Now where will such huge amounts of money come from? Will it come from the P1 300 that we get from internship? By then you and your parents will have fell in the Government’s trap of poverty as your parent’s hard earned assets which were tied to your sponsorships will now be possessed by this HRDC for possible auction. Come to think of it what kind of government ties its children’s education to a possible poverty threat, what will us learners who come from very peasantry families do? As such we have called all the tertiary institutions SRC’s meeting to be held tomorrow(Friday) to discuss this HRDC issue and other issues of supreme importance such as living and book allowance’s and other issues of common interests. Accommodation As the SRC we have always been disturbed by unending accommodation crisis, we have always witnessed very damning situations where by students were allocated accommodation very late. The criterion which they use to allocate accommodation has always been unclear to us. At times we suspect favours are being chipped in here and there. Because of this the SRC will have a consultative meeting with the office of Student Welfare and Accommodation Manager next week Thursday to discuss and review matters affecting accommodation and its allocating criterion. In this meeting we will also discuss the welfare of off campus students. Expulsion of Two SRC Members This also serves to inform you that Uyapo Masole-Vice President and Jeremy Lawrence- Min. of Justice have been expelled from the SRC. Reasons for their expulsion are as follows: 1) These two souls had in the past weeks collaborated to overthrow myself as the president in their said hallucinated coup de tar where they alleged that I was not a full-time registered student and as such I should vacate office. In his deranged mind Uyapo Masole saw himself as the president. 2) Uyapo Masole and this Lawrence character even persisted to conniving with UB management (particularly the director student welfare and DVCSA) to sabotage or halt the progress of the council. While engaged in these unholy deeds they in the process tarnished the name and goodwill of the SRC. On top of all that this are the very same characters who failed to uphold their duties as SRC officers. All the above were tantamount to a serious gross misconduct therefore the above mentioned instigators are no longer part of the SRC. The SRC shall organize bye elections for vacant posts which the date will be announced. In the meantime Cde Charles Tc Segone has been appointed the Acting Vice President and the Secretary General Cde. Motonto O Motonto shall also act as the Min. of Justice. All the political infants, armchair Facebook attention seekers and nonstarters shall be advised that the SRC is up and running and we are not going to be shaken by anything they say and do in their efforts to try and mislead the students. The SRC is nothing without the students therefore the students shall rule and as the SRC we shall lead. #LetsWalkTogether Letla ratwa ke Modimo le batho! ___________________________ Jacob Jacques Kelebeng SRC President
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:11:06 +0000

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