THE JOURNEY SO FAR; COMING ATTRACTIONS; DAY 14: LIE NO 6 PART 7 Repeated: WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS ABOUT BRIBES The situation of Nigeria is a disgrace to the gospel. A nation with such a mushrooming of churches and Christians should not be experiencing the kind of corruption, moral decadence, poverty and suffering prevalent in Nigeria. By God’s Help, we have identified several lies accepted by the church in Nigeria. If the church forsakes these lies and accepts the truth, not only will the church be restored, Nigeria will experience transformation and speedily achieve its destiny as the point of reference for the African race, demonstrating that the Negro is not inferior to any other. Prov 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. NIV. (“TheseLiesMustStop Translation”: Nigeria is in a disgraceful situation of distressing unemployment and pervasive poverty because the people have accepted bribery and corruption, immorality and other evils as a way of life. More sadly, rather than be God’s change agents as salt and light, the church is completely conformed to the Nigerian way of life”). We have treated the first set of lies, 6 lies under the theme “Responsibility for the State of Nigeria.”, and have posted 20 write-ups addressing these 6 lies. The next set of 5 lies relate to “Faith, Money and Prosperity.” For 20 consecutive days starting 6th November, we are repeating each of the last 20 posts, one per day to provide the platform for the next set of lies. Today, we repeat Lie No 6. Part 7 The set of ten posts which commenced 15 November on Lie No 6 relate to bribery and corruption. Restoring truth by precept and practice on this subject is pivotal to the restoration of the Nigerian church and the achievement of our destiny as a nation. The church must take its place as the leader in the war against corruption and money laundering, which most sadly is not the case presently. This war must be fought and won if God is to be pleased with Nigeria, if the risk of missing heaven is to be minimized for many Nigerian Christians, and if Nigeria is to fulfill its destiny as the point of reference for the African race, demonstrating that the Negro is not inferior to any other. LIE NO 6: In Nigeria, Christians cannot avoid paying and taking bribes, God understands. THE TRUTH: God’s standards are clear and unambiguous. He hates bribes and expects us to shun it. God does not expect us to conform; He wants us to stand out. He does not want us to be overcome by the prevalent evil culture of bribery and corruption, but wants us to overcome it. Ex 23:8 Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you unaware of what you clearly see! A bribe hurts the cause of the person who is right. Living Bible Deut 10:16-17 Therefore, cleanse your sinful hearts and stop your stubbornness. 17 Jehovah your God is God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great and mighty God, the God of terror who shows no partiality and takes no bribes .Living Bible Deut 16:19 Never twist justice to benefit a rich man, and never accept bribes. For bribes blind the eyes of the wisest and corrupt their decisions. Living Bible Deut 27:25 Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person. And all the people shall reply, Amen.‘ Living Bible Ps 26:8-11 Lord, I love your home, this shrine where the brilliant, dazzling splendor of your presence lives. 9-10 Dont treat me as a common sinner or murderer who plots against the innocent and demands bribes. 11 No, I am not like that, O Lord; I try to walk a straight and narrow path of doing what is right; therefore in mercy save me. Living Bible Prov 17:23 It is wrong to accept a bribe to twist justice. Living Bible Prov 21:27 God loathes the gifts of evil men, especially if they are trying to bribe him! Living Bible Eccl 7:7 The wise man is turned into a fool by a bribe; it destroys his understanding. Living Bible Isa 33:14-16 The sinners among my people shake with fear. Which one of us, they cry, can live here in the presence of this all-consuming, Everlasting Fire? 15 I will tell you who can live here: All who are honest and fair, who reject making profit by fraud, who hold back their hands from taking bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong. 16 Such as these shall dwell on high. The rocks of the mountains will be their fortress of safety; food will be supplied to them, and they will have all the water they need. Living Bible Ps 58:1-6 Justice? You high and mighty politicians dont even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: you give justice in exchange for bribes. 3 These men are born sinners, lying from their earliest words! 4-5 They are poisonous as deadly snakes, cobras that close their ears to the most expert of charmers. 6 O God, break off their fangs. Living Bible Prov 15:27 Dishonest money brings grief to all the family, but hating bribes brings happiness. Living Bible Prov 29:4 A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it. Living Bible Mic 3:9-12 Listen to me, you leaders of Israel who hate justice and love unfairness 10 and fill Jerusalem with murder and sin of every kind- 11 you leaders who take bribes; you priests and prophets who wont preach and prophesy until youre paid. (And yet you fawn upon the Lord and say, All is well-the Lord is here among us. No harm can come to us.) 12 It is because of you that Jerusalem will be plowed like a field and become a heap of rubble; the mountaintop where the Temple stands will be overgrown with brush. Living Bible We thank God, there are some worthy ambassadors of integrity. Sadly they are so few they are yet to form God’s required critical mass. But there are a number of them in Nigeria; and we know of some. Our collective challenge is to raise the number and form that critical mass. And the time will come when we will take testimonies of some from varying walks of life, in academia, government, business, industry and commerce. This is to encourage and challenge others that all things are possible with God, that impact and integrity is possible with God, even in Nigeria. Luke 1:37 for with God nothing shall be impossible. By the grace of God, next year 2014, every 3rd Sunday of the month, These Lies Must Stop will host an Ambassador of Integrity at an INTEGRITY NETWORK program to demonstrate that it is possible to live ethically, responsibly and prosperously in Nigeria. We will strive to also stream the programs live. Watch out for details. Feel free to send any suggestions for this program to chuxdotcom@yahoo. Will you enlist in God’s army to push for the realization of Nigeria’s destiny? POSER: If habitual giving and taking of bribes will disqualify from making heaven, will you make it? PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to please you. Help me to overcome this plague of bribery and corruption in Jesus name. God make me a part of your army of integrity to fulfill Nigeria’s destiny in Jesus name, Amen. Please continue to follow us on Facebook TheseLiesMustStop and Twitter @LiesMustStop; share our Posts and invite your friends to Like the Facebook page.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:37:31 +0000

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