THE JOURNEY WITHIN Sunday 21 July 7:00 pm EST It’s no secret - TopicsExpress


THE JOURNEY WITHIN Sunday 21 July 7:00 pm EST It’s no secret that the person who is one with God is merely the transparency through which God is living Its life: he does not have a life of his own, or even a body of his own. His body is the temple of God, and his mind is the instrument of God, the mind which was also can be in Christ Jesus. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth. Psalms 46:10 The Spirit that is flowing through us is now consciously flowing through all those who are attuning themselves to that One – those who may be praying in orthodox churches or those who may be praying a paganistic prayer. We are a blessing unto all of them because, regardless of their form of worship and while they may not know it, they are turning to Something beyond the human, and in turning to that Something, they are turning to the Christ, and all who reach out to the Spirit in any way is blessed. Join me Pastor Gloria Boyce on a live conference call Sunday 21 July 7:00 pm EST as we discuss THE JOURNEY WITHIN the conference call number is 712 432 0075 and the pass code 793755#. I am looking forward to meeting and talking with you on-line. Register now for a gift. https://phq90190.infusionsoft/app/form/na22
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:27:12 +0000

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