THE JOY OF TRUSTING GOD:Can we really know God? That is probably - TopicsExpress


THE JOY OF TRUSTING GOD:Can we really know God? That is probably the most important question anyone could ask. Is it possible for a mere human being , a speck on this planet speeding through infinite space, to know the great God personally who created our Galaxies and the 100billion plus Galaxies? The answer is yes !!!.We can come to know Him well enough to trust Him with the most sensitive areas of our life. The question I just asked was really quite a question , but the next question is even more difficult than the first. Here it is!!!!. Do we know him well enough to love Him and obey Him and to do whatever He says to do? Thats one you will have to personally dig down deep into your soul to answer . Ok, now that I have got you thinking, Christians are supposed to share Christ with those who do not know him and that is commonly called witnessing. If we are going to try to win a person to Christ and make a faithful disciple ( follower ) out of them, then what should we talk about. Sharing how you came to know Christ and what he has done for you in your life is a good way to start. Even as we show the person what has transpired in our life, if they are genuinely interested in what you have to say, what is the next step..?It is to teach them about God. As you sit there with a blank stare and what do I do next on your lips, I can tell you that you teach them the attributes of God. There is nothing more important to teach them than who God is , what He is like and why or how He does the things He does . These attributes can be referred to as (1) His character (2) His nature (3) His qualities and (4) His personality. Knowing Gods attributes is the key to everything else in life. A most important thing about knowing them is the key to knowing God Himself. As you love God and serve Him , you will undoubtedly experience the greatest adventure life has to offer . (Romans 1 vs17) says that it is through faith that a righteous person has life. Salvation is a free gift and God would do anything for us because we are created in His image. Today the principal of forgiveness by faith is embraced by millions of people. Christianity is still a minority worldwide but there are still a lot of us and it only takes one to change the world. Knowing God can change your life so what is standing in your way that would prevent you from knowing Him better and knowing Him intimately . The greatest truth that I can see that all mankind should see is this...As we look around at natures beauty and at night when we gaze into the heavens. In awe we marvel at the vastness of Gods creativity . He has brought all this into being by his power and we are amazed at the fact that He not only wants us to know things about Him, he also desires fellowship with us. Developing this kind of relationship with Him requires desire, communication and commitment . MY PRAYER for you today: Father God in Heaven , May your holy name be praised and your children be humbled as they pray to you. Help us to draw closer to you and to learn more about you and your ways that we may teach others your Holy ways. In the mighty name if Jesus .....amen.....BJ
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 09:28:48 +0000

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