THE KALININGRAD REPORT Sambian Peninsula: Site for a Theme - TopicsExpress


THE KALININGRAD REPORT Sambian Peninsula: Site for a Theme Park? Monday, November 4, 2013 The Sambian Peninsula is that large, westernmost area of land in the Kaliningrad Oblast that juts out into the Baltic Sea. Since this area of Kaliningrad is mostly a sandy beach area with relatively shallow sea water surrounding it, it is not the best possible place to build a city, much less an international port. That is why the citizens of Kaliningrad must rely on their neighbors to north in Lithuania for imported goods or rely on their southern neighbor: Poland. Yet there are some who are thinking of building a tourist attraction on the Sambian Peninsula in the form of a theme park with water slides and dolphin acts. That is the leading story today at In order to generate your interest, I would download a map or satellite photo of the Sambian Peninsula: I have a real nice photo of the peninsula taken from outer space that I found on the Internet. But I seem to have problems downloading photos on Facebook at the present time. This problem intrigues me more than pipe dreams about a theme park. Could my efforts be blocked by Facebook? I dont know. Perhaps I have violated some copyright laws without realizing it and this is my punishment. Or perhaps this is all connected to the Western plan to keep us in the dark as much as possible about parts of the world that dont fit into capitalist propaganda. I dont know. We should all know by now that photos generate interest in a story. Thats why our readers in the first grade had pictures. Our childish minds were too shallow to grasp anything abstract. They must remain that way to be clay in the dirty masters hands. One thing cannot be denied: western capitalists have tried for decades to portray anything socialist as inherently unpopular despite any overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In their view, the entire world is enslaved to personal greed and every nasty form of shallow lust. You are supposed to care more about Brittany Spears personal problems than find out about Kaliningrad with its strong socialist leanings or anything similar. Dirty lies are to be expected from the criminal class as their three most distinctive features are always 1) greed; 2) deception; and 3) violence. These barbaric sociopaths and degenerates cant win their battle for world dominance any other way. As a Christian, I am convinced this dominance is Satans plan to nurture our lower nature while making us ignore our higher needs of the mind and soul. We must resist this menace or lose our souls or even our minds. But getting back to my efforts to give a daily news report on the Kaliningrad Oblast...on its northern edge, the Sambian Peninsula is bordered by the Curonian Lagoon. (These proper nouns involving the Kaliningrad region arent even listed in my Spell Check!) On the south of the Sambian Peninsula is the Vistula Lagoon. Both freshwater lagoons average around twelve feet in depth. There is a track of land that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. It is called the Curonian Spit. It hosts a large natural supply of amber, a rock highly prized by Russians. It is also a site highly prized by professional bird watchers. Russia Today has posted an interesting series of videos about this special area of Kaliningrad that is far more interesting than a theme park enslaving frustrated dolphins and whales.The first installment can be found at: rtd.rt/films/kaliningrad-curonian-spit-amber/#part-1
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:06:57 +0000

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