THE KEYS TO PEACE! What a chaotic world we live in. Every day we - TopicsExpress


THE KEYS TO PEACE! What a chaotic world we live in. Every day we wake up and join this rat race, running, hustling, bustling and striving hard for ends to meet, for needs to be met, for dreams to come through and for goals to get accomplished. We appear not to have a choice we must join the rush if we want a life of meaning, accomplishments, fulfilment and purpose. We are not created to just exist; we are a creation of purpose; destined to cater, manage and run the world. We cannot relinquish this role or jettison this responsibility; it’s our call, our fate, our essence as mankind. The whole creation looks up to mankind for administration, coordination, protection, preservation and security, we are made for this very purpose. It’s not a piece of cake to be in charge, it’s not an easy task to support, sustain and maintain life. It’s very demanding. Systems, structures and orders are in place to facilitate the possibility of a successful earth administration. These formations are not that easy; they are so complex and intertwined; requiring very high level of intelligence, innovation, creativity, dexterity; planning, organising and consistent review of dynamics to sustain balance. Incidentally, you’re a part of this system; you’re a part of the order, your dreams and ambitions find expression through your involvement and active participation in this global scheme. In this world, you can never be an observer and be comfortable, successful, happy or fulfilled. It’s in your contribution and participation that you locate your essence and purpose for living – leading to reward, relevance, honour, glory and respect. Because the world as it were is not absolutely within any man’s charge or control, we all try to manage and control what we can and adapt to those things we can’t control. This lack of total control makes inevitable developments and situations we find unpleasant in and around our lives. Social, economic, political, moral and even climatic patterns as they unfold can bring pain, frustration, hurt, destruction and even death. Hence, we are naturally anxious, worried, scared, perturbed and agitated about these uncontrollable circumstances, hence peace of mind remains far from many of us maybe even you! Peace of mind isn’t an experience made possible only when everything is under control. If this is the case then the concept remains an illusion. Peace of mind for real is a condition where in spite of the overwhelming turbulence prevailing over your preferred situation play and outcomes, you remain stress and anxiety free. Peace of mind is the absence of mental stress or anxiety no matter the situation or condition. Everyday many of us are so stressed and anxious. We daily face challenges and problems in our personal and work life, why? We are mostly under work pressure, emotional pressure, relationship pressure, domestic pressure, financial pressure, health and security pressures because we don’t have absolute control over all these aspects of life. To really enjoy our lives we all need peace of mind, peacefulness, repose, serenity, tranquillity, and heart-ease. Experiencing peace of mind is not a passive accomplishment. Many today keep talking and advocating the need for peace of mind. Medical experts, religious advocates, relationship apologists all talk about peace of mind as a key requirement for good success. To develop a great sense of peace, you have to set peace of mind as a goal or objective to be accomplished. It’s something you must work and pursue to accomplish. It’s not something you wish for, it’s a state you work towards, you have to pursue peace, not passively, but actively. Frankly speaking, it’s tough to choose peace when you’re going through tough times. It’s natural to get caught up in worries and stress; surely your circumstances can affect you but don’t let it control you. Make up your mind to remain calm and composed; taking the issues in your stride and sorting as you go. Your boss, your colleagues, your management, the company, industry and economy can be a major source of anxiety and stress. Your work type, deadlines, requirements and work load can bring stress untold. Yes they are live and real, please don’t let them take you out, resolve to withstand and repel the negatives as much as possible. In mitigating the effect of stress and anxiety, you can practice the following activities to apprehend real peace of mind in the midst of crisis and chaos. Write down the issues Many times when there are too many troubling issues, we become overwhelmed and distraught. Because we tend to become hysterical and flustered the issues begin to assume a larger than life posture. Then stress, anxiety creeps in. You can’t sleep, you can’t concentrate, you become cranky, touchy and difficult. You start visualising everything from the stand point of these issues, and because they appear to be so many you can’t effectively think up solutions. The best thing to do in this situation is to get a piece of paper and pen and list out the issues. Write them down, one after another. State them clearly and number them. What you’ll find is that these issues aren’t really as many as you assumed. You’ll also have untangled them in your mind, categorised and sorted putting each one in its place. Once you list the issues, you’ll discover how easy it is to begin to find ways around each one of them. Problems become easier to confront when properly articulated. 2. Take a meditative walk By yourself around your neighbourhood take a long walk. Choose a quiet street in the evening and just walk. As you do this, meditate on each issue, think deeply about them and start thinking of how to solve and resolve them. Listen to yourself, listen to your heart, be objective and reasonable in your analysis. You will feel better after this exercise. 3 Talk to people that have offended you If anyone has wronged you, hurt or offended you don’t keep quiet about it. Look for an opportunity and a good time to disclose how you feel to this person. Don’t express anger or disappointment, just share how you feel. Don’t even expect the person to accept the wrong or offence, just tell it and move on. This also helps with anxiety. Deal with every grudge. 4. Forgive people! Also forgive everyone who’s offended you. It doesn’t matter who or how badly they have wronged you, just let it go. Drop the baggage of un-forgiveness. I promise you it’s a lot of weight off your mind when you do this – forgive unconditionally, let it go. 5.Apologise and ask for forgiveness As humans we’re prone to error and we make mistakes; we do offend people too. If you know anyone you’ve wronged approach them and ask for forgiveness. Don’t let pride destroy your peace, go to this person and say sorry. It’s a lot of relief too i tell you. 6. Listen to exciting music that makes you happy I believe music is therapeutic. When anxious and troubled, listen to good music with exciting, inspiring and encouraging lyrics. Please don’t listen to those with lyrics of depression, exasperation and suicide. Heal your mind with a rhythm and a tune. It works. 7. Rearrange your work station Take time out to rearrange your work station, your wardrobe at home or your bedroom, even your kitchen. You can clean out and wash your car by yourself. Indulging in clearing the clutter around you frees your mind. Set your mind free 8. Be excellent and Be innocent Lastly be excellent at what is good and be innocent of evil. Be passionate at things that are of good report and don’t be involved in anything that’s evil soon enough you will find absolute peace that even you cannot comprehend the source and power. Excellence and innocence are the two main keys to peace in the midst of all your chaos. Use them! Enjoy your day!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:11:56 +0000

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