THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. * THE FACT REMAINS THAT GOD HAS NEVER REPEATED HIS OWN THING. IF SOMEBODY COMES TO TELL YOU THAT HE IS CHRIST, LEAVE HIM ALONE, AND PASS ON. CHRIST IS NOT COMING TO WALK FROM PLACE TO PLACE. HE IS COMING AS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. WHERE DOES HE HAVE TO MOVE TO? HE IS EVERYWHERE AND IT IS EITHER YOU SEE HIM OR YOU DO NOT SEE HIM. ANY KING WHO CARRIES HIS OWN CHAIR IS NOT A KING. A KING HAS HIS CHAIR AND THRONE AND EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR HIM. In the Book of Revelation 12:5 it is written that a woman brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. When hunting a strong or large animal one needs an exceptionally matching powerful bullet. Man is not a single creature and so He has to rule all nations with a rod of iron. You wonder why I always laugh when I say these things, but why should I not laugh? I have to laugh. On that fateful day, He told His disciples that they would all deny Him and forsake Him. But Peter said that even if all forsook Him, “I will never forsake you.” But when the time came he was the first person to deny Him. THIS WILL SHOW YOU THAT THIS ELECTION IS EXTENDED TO US FREE OF CHARGE. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF YOUR GOODNESS OR YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS; IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITH OR YOUR DESIRE. BUT HE IS LOVE, HE IS FAITH, HE IS TRUTH, AND EVERYTHING. HE CALLED US OUT OF GRACE AND YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HE CALLED YOU. HE HAS CHOSEN TO GIVE THIS KINGDOM TO THOSE HE LOVES. What man loves, God does not love; and what God loves man does not love. IT IS NOT THE PERSON WHO COMMENDS HIMSELF THAT IS APPROVED BUT IT IS THE PERSON WHO GOD COMMENDS THAT IS APPROVED. The world does not receive Christ neither do they know Him; they disgrace Him and despise Him; BUT GOD HAS GIVEN HIM A NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY OTHER NAME, AS THE RULER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. AND THE VERY PERSON THE WORLD HAS DISCLAIMED IS APPOINTED BY GOD TO BE THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS WHO IS TO JUDGE EVERY CREATURE IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. SINCE GOD HAS DECLARED HIM AS HIS BELOVED SON, YOU CAN WEEP IF YOU WANT TO WEEP. IF YOU LIKE YOU CAN REJOICE. YOU CLAIM THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM BUT THE FACT REMAINS THAT HE IS THE RULER IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. When Christ was killed, did Peter not go back to his fishing? Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He would resurrect on the third day; but since they did not have the Spirit of God they did not hear Him. When you do not have the Spirit of God, everything here is like cinema. After you have heard and seen, everything then passes away, and you cannot remember them again. HE SAYS I HAVE COME IN MY FATHER’S NAME AND YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ME BUT WHEN ANOTHER SHALL COME IN HIS OWN NAME YOU WILL RECEIVE HIM AND PROCLAIM HIM AS A WONDERFUL MAN. Can you not see the coming of another person and how you have rejoiced in Him? Do you think that at this time He will again go about calling people to follow Him? The time He came and called people to follow Him who obeyed? This time he is NOT asking you to come, He is using a rod of iron to rule. HE DOES NOT TELL YOU THAT HE IS JESUS OR GOD, THAT IS CHILD’S PLAY. THE ROD OF IRON SIGNIFIES HIS GLORY. THIS TIME HE IS COMING AS A KING AND YOU KNOW THAT A KING DOES NOT MOVE AROUND BECAUSE HIS WORKERS ARE THERE. YOU ARGUE THAT WHEN HE CAME, HE WENT FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE PRAYING FOR PEOPLE AND WASHING THEIR FEET, BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE IS COMING AGAIN TO PERFORM. HIS CHILDREN ARE THERE TO DO THESE THINGS. IT IS AN INSULT FOR HIM TO DO THAT KIND OF WORK AGAIN. YOU SAY THERE WAS POWER IN THOSE DAYS, -IN JERUSALEM AND IN JERICHO, HE WENT ABOUT DOING MIGHTY WORKS; AND THAT WAS CHILD PLAY. RIGHT NOW HE IS IN AMERICA, IN INDIA, AND EVERYWHERE. HE IS INSIDE YOU, IN THE AIR, IN THE WATER, IN THE SKY, AND EVERYWHERE MAN HAS SET HIS FEET. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SUCH A PERSON. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SUCH A RULER? IT IS THE SAME PERSON YOU ARE DENYING. YOU CLAIM THAT HE IS DEAD AND THAT HE CANNOT RULE OVER YOU. BUT IT IS TOO LATE BECAUSE HE HAS COME TO RULE HEAVEN AND EARTH. ALL ANGELS, BLACKS AND WHITES AND COLORED PEOPLE ARE ALL UNDER HIS RULERSHIP. WHETHER YOU KNOW HIM OR NOT IS IRRELEVANT BECAUSE HIS REIGN IS FOREVER AND EVER. HE HAS NOT COME TO CLEANSE THE LEPERS AND RAISE THE DEAD BUT HE HAS A LONG LEG. HE PASSES THROUGH A THIEF AND RAISES THE DEAD AND YOU WILL RUSH AND PROCLAIM THE THIEF AS THE TRUE GOD; AND SO YOU FAIL. He can use a murderer to raise the dead AND DIVIDE THE SUN INTO TWO AND YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED, IT IS THE SAME ONE. But you will rush to see wonders, you will accept the murderer as the real Jesus. He passes on and you cannot see Him and so you fail by calling the murderer Jesus. WHEN YOU WANT TO IDENTIFY HIM BY POWER AND MIRACLES YOU FAIL. WHEN YOU BEGIN TO COMMEND A PERSON BEING VERY POWERFUL, DO YOU KNOW THE SOURCE OF THAT POWER? He has come to take dominion and rulership. ALL ANGELS HAVE TO SERVE HIM. BRETHREN, CAN YOU SEE THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED? The church denomination says they are waiting for Him but none keeps His injunction of love ye one another which He left us. The Church leader will tell you that he founded the church and that he raised the dead and he is even greater than Jesus. Such works are elementary. THIS TIME HE HAS COME TO CHANGE MAN SO THAT WE CAN LIVE IN PEACE AND LOVE AND JOY WITH ONE ANOTHER. RIGHT NOW RAISING THE DEAD IS A CARNAL JOB. IF YOU PRESS ON LOOKING FOR THIS TYPE OF SIGN YOU PERISH. He says He will wipe off all tears from your eyes; there will be no more death, nor sorrows, nor mourning again. There will be no sickness nor pain again. When there are no more sicknesses what are you going to cure? That is what he has come to do, but instead of you waiting for Him to do His work you run to native doctors to have your problems solved. Do you think God does not see you? You have failed. HE IS TRUTH, HE IS PEACE, HE IS PATIENCE, MERCY, HUMILITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, SELF-CONTROL, GLORY, JOY, AND ALL GOOD VIRTUES. It does not involve only raising the dead and going about from house to house. Go to any part of the world if there is anywhere you can find these virtues apart from in Him. Healing, miracles, are the old style and they are still operating on their own scale. It is the same old thing which is regarded as new when they arrive in Africa. And so all the signs and wonders are meant to deceive the unbelievers. I do not want to say more than this. I want everybody to get back home and ponder over this statement. It is mental arithmetic and you can either have the answer right or wrong. THE FACT REMAINS THAT GOD HAS NEVER REPEATED HIS OWN THING. IF SOMEBODY COMES TO TELL YOU THAT HE IS CHRIST, LEAVE HIM ALONE, AND PASS ON. CHRIST IS NOT COMING TO WALK FROM PLACE TO PLACE. HE IS COMING AS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. WHERE DOES HE HAVE TO MOVE TO? HE IS EVERYWHERE AND IT IS EITHER YOU SEE HIM OR YOU DO NOT SEE HIM. ANY KING WHO CARRIES HIS OWN CHAIR IS NOT A KING. A KING HAS HIS CHAIR AND THRONE AND EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR HIM. Brethren I do not intend to take you further than this. A stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. He who has ears let him hear. May the Lord bless His Holy words, Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: THE REJECTED MESSIAH
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:20:52 +0000

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