THE KNOWLEDGE(Greek: epignosis) OF TRUTH meta to labein ten - TopicsExpress


THE KNOWLEDGE(Greek: epignosis) OF TRUTH meta to labein ten epignosin tes aletheias after receiving the knowledge of the truth heb 10:26 The phrase THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH also appeared in the book Timothy and Titus: who desires ALL(greek: pas - without exceptional, every) men to be saved(greek: sozo) and to come to THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. 1 Tim 2:4 Here we saw the good desire of God who is our Saviour. God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. To come to the knowledge of the truth is to COME TO KNOW ALL CHRIST HAS DONE. The word KNOWLEDGE here was translated from the greek word epignosis, and it was gotten from the greek verb epiginosko. The greek epiginosko is made up of epi which means upon or full while ginosko means to know. Literally, what it means is a more full, larger and thorough knowledge. There the folks in Heb 10:26, had a full, exact, accurate, experiential and complete knowledge of what Christ has done, yet they KEPT ON REJECTING THE SON OF GOD, THE BLOOD OF THE NEW COVENANT AND THE SPIRIT OF GRACE. They do not have just the gnosis kind of knowledge, but they had the EPIGNOSIS. It was not an imperfect knowledge, but a perfect knowledge of the Son of God. They had a precise knowledge of the NEW COVENANT, yet they purposely choose to follow the OLD COVENANT WAY. They forsake the gathering of the believers(those rest on the finished work of Jesus) and returned to Judiasim. Heb. 10:25 Heb 10:25 is not talking about not going to church or missing fellowship. The writer was referring to some Jewish brethren who were FORSAKING the assembling of the faith. He said, AS THE MANNER OF SOME IS. It was what the continuously do: ALWAYS RETURNING TO THE LAW OF MOSES. But for us we will exhort one another as we see THE DAY approaching. Halleluyah!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 07:20:48 +0000

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