THE L-WORD: VOTERS CALL OBAMA A LIAR As Democrats ramp up a - TopicsExpress


THE L-WORD: VOTERS CALL OBAMA A LIAR As Democrats ramp up a midterm version of President Obama’s successful 2012 divide-and-conquer campaign strategy, a new poll shows the limits to that approach. The latest Fox News poll shows that voters have little trust in the president these days, with 61 percent of respondents saying Obama lies about significant issues “most of the time” or “some of the time.” That includes 38 percent of Democrats and 63 percent of independents. This survey goes beyond the conventional “honest and trustworthy” measurement common in polls and tests the loaded term “lie.” For so many to say that the president lies is a big deal in a country where trust in government continues to crater. But there’s a more pressing, practical concern for Democrats as they try to cling to a Senate majority. The Obama 2012 strategy relied on using the trust voters placed in him. Obama could vilify his rival and still claim the high ground because American voters were inclined to take him at his word. That redoubt is no longer accessible to him and his party. [Fox News: “…those most likely to say Obama ‘never’ lies to the country on important matters: blacks (37 percent), Democrats (31 percent), liberals (28 percent) and women (19 percent).”] All used up - Given the untruths that Obama has had to admit in the past two years, the numbers shouldn’t be entirely shocking. The president has admitted to lies he would no doubt call virtuous, like denying the existence of large-scale domestic surveillance operations. But he has also been forced to confess to repeatedly misleading voters about his health law (“If you like your health plan…). Even after trying to come clean, Obama was repeatedly called out for inflating ObamaCare enrollment numbers. Most recently, he and his team got busted using phony numbers to attack Republicans on gender pay. But the “lie of the year” on ObamaCare is the big one. It is unlikely that Obama would have gotten re-elected had he told the whole truth about looming insurance cancellations and doctor disruptions under his law. Safely returned to office, Obama could ‘fess up and there was little voters could do… to him at least. To the members of his party, though, there appears to be a serious price to be paid in November.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:51:44 +0000

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