THE LAST DAYS > The 7 Churches > The Church of Ephesus (Loveless - TopicsExpress


THE LAST DAYS > The 7 Churches > The Church of Ephesus (Loveless Church) > b) Jesus Christ Accuses Them - 1) Heart Trouble - This church suffers from Heart Trouble; as Jesus Christ tells them in this letter to their church; 2) Read Scripture - Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 3) Wrong Motives - Even though they displayed works .... labor ... and patience, and they do not tolerate false apostles or evil, these are not enough because their motivations are not for their Love of Jesus Christ, but their motives for all of their labor, patience and such are based on a religious works instead of their love for Jesus Christ. And if they can not love Jesus Christ, have zeal for him, then how can they love anyone else and spread Jesus words without Love for others? 4) Read Scripture - 1 Thessalonians 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, .......... 5) They Forgot the Laws of Love - They seen to have forgotten the 2 greatest commandments - To which are the Laws of Love, LOVE GOD (Matthew 22:37-38) and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR (Matthew 22:39) to which all of the Old Testament laws and Prophets teaches us to observe and obey with our hearts and minds (Matthew 22:40)Its all about love my friends! 6) The Marriage - The kind of Love that our Lord Jesus Christ is talking about is the honeymoon type of Love when we first accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and repented of our sins. Kind of like when a man and woman first gets married with all of the joys, the love and the excitement of the new found relationship. 7) Neglecting the Marriage - But when either spouse, the husband or the wife starts to take the marriage for granted, by their intimacy and excitement becoming less & Less, then relationship is in danger of leading to a complete breakup, and later a divorce. A neglect of a relationship happens slowly and surely, a little neglect here, and a little there and before you know it, DIVORCE! So is it the same with our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We had better not take our relationship with Jesus Christ for granted either. If we do he would divorce us as well, that is to remove us from his saving grace. 8) The Divorce - The Ephesian church was so busy working doing ministry work in Jesus name that they neglected their intimate and personal relationship with him. So in that Jesus Christ eventually becomes a stranger to them, that they no longer even know who he even is. So Jesus Christ that is among the churches sees that their hearts are far from him and if they are a complete stranger to him. 9) Jesus Christ doesnt Know them - Will Jesus Christ say to them on judgment day; Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, Inever knew you; depart from Me, .........teachingthewaytojesuschrist/christian_teachings/thelastdays/lastd_sevenchurches/lastd_ephesus.htm#.VAHgIth0y00...
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:59:08 +0000

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