THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT 🔚 It was the night of - TopicsExpress


THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT 🔚 It was the night of Halloween🎃. Two friends Hannah & Kiaya. They were walking down the street to get some candy! But one house every year no one goes to , but this time Kiaya & Hannah wanted to change that. So this year they went to it it was the last house on the left! It was a blue house with paint chipping off of the sides. The raven woods lived there for generation after generation. Nobody ever knew why that old raven wood family never moved. After one raven wood family died the next generation of raven woods moved in. Hannah and Kiaya walked up the crackling stairs. Hannah knocked on the door softly as Kiaya watches frightened. The door opens by its self while the screeching sounds hurt their ears. They hear a soft boy voice saying why are you here. Um its halloween we want cant candy! All of a sudden a boy with dark brown curly hair tall and kind of skinny walks up and pulls the girls out of the door way and pushes them down the stairs in to the dark dusty cellar. The girls scream for help but no body can hear them. The boy comes down stairs asking what there names are . They girls says there name quietly as they ask the boy what his name is. Oh so you want to know what my name is huh... Well my name is Gabe raven wood . Can we please leave said Kiaya. NO the boy yells. Hannah asks Gabe why do u want us ? Because Im lonely here, Im only 12 living here all by my self in this old raven wood house thats run along in my family for generations. As the girls try to scream for help Gabe ties ropes around their hands and feet then put duck tape over there mouth. Kiaya and Hannah struggle to get free but the ropes are to tight. Two days past as Kiaya and Hannah feel like dying. There stomaches are aching with hunger as the girls are still tied to each other. They feel like they havent seen the day light in for ever. Hannah and Kiaya hear a nose. Gabe comes down the stairs stomping with anger, your mothers have the police on very street corner in the neighborhood. Gabe turns around slowly as someone is knocking on the front door. The boy runs up the stairs and opens the door. Hello little boy where are your parents. Gabe looks around slowly trying to make up a lie. My parents are out getting food for dinner Gabe says. Okay well have you seen these two girls the officer says. The picture had shown Kiaya and Hannah. Um no sir I havent why what happened to them. Well they went missing two days ago on halloween night. Her mother said that the two girls were talking about knocking on your door for candy the officer said. Oh well sorry sir I havent had any girls come up to my door on halloween. Okay well call me if you ever see them. Gabe says okay and slams the door then goes into the kitchen and get two bowls filled with dog food. He runs down stairs rips off the duck tape on the girls mouth and feeds it to Hannah first, Hannah asks what is it and Gabe doesnt reply. He shoves it into her mouth an makes her eat it all. He goes over to Kiaya an trys to put It in her mouth but she doesnt eat it , Kiaya spit it at him. He looks at her at her and throws the dog food on her. He picks some up from off the ground and shoves into her mouth. As he shoved it in her mouth Kiaya bites him. He looks at both of them and slaps them. Hannah starts crying and Kiaya starts screaming for help. Gabe tells then shut up. 2 weeks past and Gabe goes crazy. The boy takes Hannah and Kiaya to the back yard where a big white fence covers the perimeter Kiaya asks him why are we back here and he throws them into a deep dug out whole and buries them alive. Gabe ends up killing him self 2 months later and nobody knows why. 5 years later the Williams move into the raven wood house. The William family has two sons named Joey and mike. The mothers name is Suzan an the fathers name is Micheal. The daughters name is Elizabeth and the dog name is fluffy. 1 week after the Williams move in the dog goes in the back yard and starts digging the little girl Elizabeth goes on the back yard and says , what are you doing fluffy. The dog bark and starts pulling on something. The little girl Elizabeth screams.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:08:23 +0000

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