THE LAUGH IS ON DARWIN. 👹Darwinism is the foundation of - TopicsExpress


THE LAUGH IS ON DARWIN. 👹Darwinism is the foundation of materialism, racism, colonialism, fascism, communism, atheism & evolution. Evolutionists capitalized on the primitive level of technology in the past to deceive the World for decades; recent scientific advances have striped Darwin’s mask away.All relevant branches of science reveal evidences refuting the theory of evolution & confirming creationism for doubters. Evolution is nothing but a deception imposed on us by the dominators of the world system.Darwin has gone down in history to be the founder of the greatest scientific fraud. And say: Truth has come & falsehood has vanished. Surely! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish.17:81 Muslims do not require scientific proof to believe in creationism; the Qur’an & common sense overwhelmingly prove it. The Big Bang theory states:physical time, space, matter & energy were created at once from infinidensity (something from nothing).(Jay Richard et al).(SUPERNATURAL CAUSE).🌠Astrophysical, Philosophical, fossils evidences & critical analysis conclude that the nature of this cause must be (1)One not many (2)Uncaused(uncreated), (3)Immaterial(eternal) (4)Personal(choice &will). Allahu Akbar!!! This is gravitation towards Islamic creationism ( The doubters agree with the concept of intelligent design i.e. every design must have a designer but refuse to accept that the universe & its content has a creator?They object to creationism being taught in schools but teach the lies of evolution. 💭How can one look at the complex universe & not believe that someone created or thought of it?It’s amazing! Sun rise,Sun set?. 🌐If God did not create everything, how did the first single cell or organism originate? By chance? How do you explain metamorphosis ? Why have we found only one “lucy”(fake) when we have found more than one of every other thing? If we came from monkeys,why are there still monkeys? Where did the exploding stars of the Big Bang come from? I accept the Big Bang theory.Allah said it & Bang! It happened.Where do you derive objective meaning & purpose of life, if you do not believe in Allah: the uncreated creator who is not part of His creation. ✅The sword of Islam has always been rationality & truth. Darwin lied, there was no Evolution, Allah created the world.The Laugh is indeed on Darwin. This is a Clarion call to all Muslims (individuals & organisations) all over the world to use all legitimate tools to STOP the teaching of this LIES to innocent pupils & students at all levels of education;following the examples of the Polish & Serbia’s Ministers. 🔺For assistance to achieve this contact: [email protected] act & share.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 07:10:19 +0000

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