THE LAW OF MOSES STILL VALID IN THE BUILDING OF TODAY´S CHURCH The desperation of councils and pastors today, to build better and sumptuous temples, than the one built by their rivals from other council, have made all of them violate the Law of Moses, as far as the resources and the way of to get them to edify the house of YEVEH. Moses, servant of the God Most High received the law on the Sinai Mount. A law which was consider complete, so much so, that it was established under curse, for those who did not obey them or profane it by adding or deleting from it. Concerning the tabernacle of the Lord, about the resources and how to acquire them, it was established in the law that: by no mean they would build house for the Lord unless it was by freewill offerings, See (Exodus 35:4-5 and 21). The system to acquire the resources for the house of YEVEH, raw in Israel until today, because, like tithing was established very clear by the law, that God gave them to the Levites for an heritance, the tithes of the eleven tribes and, it would counted as their salary (Numbers 18.24), it could not be used for other matters, because from that tithing the Levites had to put away the tithes of the tithing for the family of the high priests (Nehemiah 10.37-38) to be presented as deserved offering to the high priest perpetually (Numbers 18.26-28). For any other thing, that the tithe is used different to this one, the law of tithing would be profaned. It is therefore abundantly clear that God repudiate any violation to his word, even if the purpose is to favorite him. * However, the strongest reason for the voluntary offering, is the only system that HE approves, in order to acquire the resources needed to build the house of the LORD is: "that by this mean God would keep his prerogative, of putting into each one whatever he wanted, so everyone would give an offering in Israel" (Deuteronomy 16:17). The same applies today in the church, since is the same system. Compare (1 Corinthians 16:1-3 and 2 Corinthians 9:7). The result of the voluntary offerings and the prerogative of God, to put what he has determined in the heart of each one, gives its immediate fruit and in an amazing way Compare (Exodus 36:4-7 with 2 Corinthians 9:12). The term of this order, we can see it, when in the times of David and on the eve of the destruction of the temple the king call on the people to first present their voluntary offering (1 Chronicles 29:1-5). Then, challenges the people to meet each with their voluntary offering (1 Chronicles 29:5-9). * JOAS king of Judah, continues with this order, and repairs the house of the LORD (2 Chronicles 24:1-10). Notice, not violating the law, since, he does not use the tithe, or other resources, to repair the house of the LORD. * Payment of the daily offerings and collection of tithe, God states that the priests are free of these two obligations, is therefore established that the priests would violate the law by submitting, whether you do it by pressure or voluntarily. This maxim applies in the priesthood of the church. Both charges were subject to the eleven tribes of Israel and any other common people that God would choose, but it never applies to any priesthood, that God has established. So, because of the general appeal that the church received, that we are all equally priests (1 Peter 2:5,9, Revelation 1:6). Both charges are not applied to the Church, and neither: the daily offerings, envelopes with specific rates, or the money to come from the hands of the unbelievers. Churches today under this order would go through many problems to survive. Then the question arises, how would the house of the LORD be built in every city, the electricity payment, water, as well as the repairing and maintenance of the structures, and the payment to the ministers, and the help to the people, if there is no tithe or offering? Can you imagine how horrible it would, that to the church for the lack of FAITH, be imposed the tithes and offering that Moses established to the common people. Another question arises: what collection system imposed the Holy Spirit, so that the church meets its needs and does not violate our priestly calling? There is an offering in the Law of Moses voluntary, which applied equally to all Israel, including the priests. Read: (Deuteronomio16.16-17). In these three feasts, the voluntary offering, it was mandatory for all 12 tribes, including the tribe of Levi. These three parties do not apply to the church, but as the Lord established the Passover of the church (Matthew 26:26-30). Considerations Passover came into force in the Passover of the church. Among these considerations is, the gift that requirement THE PEOPLE AND priests had to wear that day. For this reason, as we see, which is the day that the church should celebrate the Passover (Acts 20:7), we also see that in the church that day, you must take the only offering to which was bound by law (1 Corinthians 16:1-3) And, as in the church the luxuries were not established, much less the wage Minister (Hebrews 13:10); Any other rule that the church establish regarding fund raising, it is against the holy doctrine (2 Thessalonians 2:15) and goes against the EMPIRE OF FAITH (Romans 14:23).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:35:22 +0000

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